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1、日常常用英语口语(一)Ill send you the digital photos by e-mail.我将通过电子邮件给你发送这些数码照片。A: Did you take lots of photos when you were in Shanghai?A: 你在上海的时候照了很多照片吗?B: Yes, I did. I took some really good pictures of all the new buildings, especially in Pudong.B: 是的,我拍了很多。我拍了很多不错的新建筑物的照片,尤其是在浦东。A: Id love to see them.

2、A: 我很想看一看那些照片。B: Ill send you the digital photos by e-mail. Ill send you some of the best ones.B: 我将通过电子邮件给你发送这些数码照片。我会选些最好的发给你。A: That would be greatthanks. Have you got my e-mail address?A: 那太好了谢谢。你有我的电子邮件地址吗?B: Yes, no problemIve got it.B: 是的,没问题。我有。Notes 注释 1. You talk about digital photos, e.g.

3、 Ill send you the digital photos by e-mail.你可以说digital photos(数码照片)。例如:Ill send you the digital photos by e-mail. (我将通过电子邮件给你发送这些数码照片。)2. With a camera, you take pictures or take photos, e.g. I took some good pictures in Shanghai.你用照相机take picture (拍照) 或者 take photos (拍照)。例如:I took some good picture

4、s in Shanghai. (我在上海拍了一些不错的照片。) 日常常用英语口语(二)A: Do you cycyle to work every day?A: 你每天骑自行车上班吗?B: Nearly every day. If its raining or freezing cold and windy, I catch the bus.B: 几乎每天都是。如果下雨、刮风或天气寒冷、我就乘公共汽车。A: Do you enjoy cycling? Especially in all the traffic in Beijing?A: 你喜欢自行车吗?尤其是在北京这么多的车辆当中?B: I

5、dont mind it. It keeps me fit. And its OK if the weather is fine and Im not too tired.B: 我不在乎。骑自行车使我强壮。而且如果天气好、我也不太累的话,骑车挺不错的。A: I know what you mean. I love cycling. But the traffic is so heavy in Beijing. Cycling looks a bit dangerous!A: 我明白你的意思。我很喜欢骑自行车。但是北京的交通太拥挤了。骑自行车看起来有点儿危险!B: Yes. It can be.

6、 There are some pretty bad drivers. You have to cycle carefully.B: 是的。可能会有点儿。有一些司机很糟糕。骑自行车的时候要小心。日常常用口语(三)Ive twisted my ankle.我扭伤了脚踝。A: Whats up? Why are you limping?A: 怎么了?你为什么一瘸一拐的?B: I twisted my ankle. It really hurts.B: 我扭伤了脚踝。很疼。A: How did you do that?A: 怎么搞的?B: It was nothing serious. I just

7、 twisted it when I was walking.B: 没什么大事。是我走路的时候扭伤的。A: It looks swollen. You shouldnt walk on it. You should rest.A: 看起来肿了。你不应该再用伤脚走路了。你应该休息。B: I know. Im going to put some ice on it.B: 我知道。我要在上面敷些冰。Notes 注释 1. To ask someone what happened, you can say whats up? or what happened?要问某人发生了什么事,你可以说Whats

8、up? (怎么了?) 或者 What happened? (发生了什么事?)2. Usually when you hurt your ankle, you say: I twisted my ankle. or I sprained my ankle. 当你扭伤脚踝时通常可以说:I twisted my ankle. (我扭伤了脚踝。) 或者 I sprained my ankle. (我扭伤了脚踝。)日常常用英语口语(四)You must know Beijing well.你一定非常熟悉北京。A: How many times have you been to Beijing?A: 你来

9、北京多少次了?B: Lots of times. Sometimes for business, sometimes for holiday.B: 很多次了。有时来出差,有时来度假。A: You must know Beijing well now.A: 你现在对北京一定非常了解了。B: Well, I get to know it better every time I visit.B: 哦,我一次比一次更了解北京。A: Thats good. I think its better when you know a city well.A: 好。我想当你了解一个城市的时候感觉更好。B: Yes

10、. You enjoy it more. Its more interesting.B: 是的。你会更喜欢它。它会更有趣。 Notes: 1. To ask someone how often they have done something, you can say: How many times.e.g. How many times have you been to Beijing? 要问某人做某事做了多少次,你可说:How many times.(多少次.)。例如:How many times have you been to Beijing? (你去过北京几次?)2. If you

11、want to describe how welll you know a place, such as a city, you can say: I get to know it better every time I vist. 如果你想描述你对某地非常熟悉,比如一个城市,你可以说:I get to know it better every time I visit (我一次比一次更了解它)。日常常用英语口语(五)A: How are you feeling today? A: 你今天感觉怎么样?B: Not so good. I think Ive got the flu.B: 不太好。

12、我想我得流感了。A: Maybe its just a cold. Maybe youre just tired and need a good rest.A: 也许只是着凉了。可能你只是太累了,需要好好休息一下。B: Yes, you could be right. I do feel very tired.B: 是的,也许你说得对。我确实感觉非常疲劳。A: You should take some hot tea and get a good sleep. Youll feel better in the morning.A: 你应该喝些热茶,好好睡一觉。早晨的时候你就会感觉好一些的。B:

13、 I hope so. Maybe I just need a rest.B: 希望如此。也许我只是需要好好休息一下。日常常用英语口语(六)What sports do you like?你喜欢什么运动?A: David, what sports do you like?A: 大卫,你喜欢什么运动?B: Actually, I really enjoy basketball and volleyball.B: 实际上,我非常喜欢篮球和排球。A: Do you play them?A: 你打篮球和排球吗?B: Not now, but I played them when I was young

14、.B: 现在不打了,但是我年轻的时候打篮球和排球。A: So now you just watch them.A: 那么你现在只看篮球和排球了。B: Yes, on televison.B: 是的,在电视上看。 Notes: 1. Another simple way to ask someone about what they like is: What sports do you like? 另外一种问某人喜欢什么的简单方法是:What sports do you like? (你喜欢什么运动?)2. If you want to ask someone if they play cert

15、ain sports, you can say: Do you play basketball; Do you play golf? 如果你想问某人是否做某项运动,你可以说:Do you play basketball? (你打篮球吗?) ; Do you play golf? (你打高尔夫球吗?).日常常用英语口语(七)语言反映智慧。一起来看看以下搞笑经典的对白吧,你会发现我们身边的语言是多么智慧! Boy: May I hold your hand?Girl: No thanks,it isnt heavy. Boy: Can I buy you a drink?Girl: Actually Id rather have the money. Boy: Is this seat empty?Girl: Yes,and this one will be if you sit down. Boy: Havent I seen you some place before?Girl: Yes.Thats why I wont go there anymore. Boy: Id like to call you.Your nu


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