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1、牛津小学英语6AUnit6Holidays教案教学目标预设: 1)四会掌握节日的英语表达Childrens Day、New YearS Day 以及词汇 people 2)三会节日的英语表达 Spring Festival、Halloween、Mid-Autumn Festival, National Day ,May Day, Dragon Boat Festival ,Easter以及词汇relative , delicious ,dress up ,3)四会掌握句型Whens ? Its in 和What do people usually do at ? They usually 并能

2、根据实际情况正确熟练地运用句型4)了解中西方的一些节日,并能知道不同国家和地区对于节日不同的庆祝方式教学重、难点:1)掌握九个节日的英语表达2)四会掌握句型Whens ? Its in 和What do people usually do at ? They usually 并能根据实际情况正确熟练地运用句型教学用具:多媒体课件、图片教学过程:Step1 Warming-up1) Greeting.2) Free talk: T:Look, what does this sign mean?What does that sign mean?(拿出图片)Well, what does this

3、sign mean? ( Be quiet )(事先准备)What does that sign mean? ( No smoking )What day is it today? What date is it today?Whens your birthday?What would you like as a birthday present?T: Do you know any names of holidays?(引出holidays, 朗读并揭示课题)S: (学生随意回答)T: OK. Now lets play a games about holidays.Step 2 A gam

4、eT: Please look at the pictures and guess what the holiday is? (利用课件复习学过的节日)1) National Day T: Look, what festival is it?S: Its National Day.T: Well, whens National Day? (板书并解释,帮助学生回答)S: Its on the first of October.T: Yes, its on the first of October. We can also say its in October. ( 给回答出问题的小组画一个五角

5、星,并板书 in October)On National Day , people usually have a long holiday ,meet their frends and relatives,and go to Beijing.(板书,同时教学people , relatives)And people usually have a long holiday on May Day .(板书并教学May Day ).2)May Day T: Whens May Day ?S: Its on the first of May .T:Yes, May Day is in May . (

6、给回答出问题的小组画一个五角星)3) HalloweenT: Look, what are the children doing ?S: They are having a party .T: Yes , youre right .They wear masks and dress up in costumes.Its S:Its Halloween.( 给回答出问题的小组画一个五角星,板书 wear ,dress up 并教学)T:At Halloween , people usually make pumpkin lanterns . Whens Halloween ?S:Its on t

7、he thirty-first of October ,T: Yes , its in October , too . But it comes after National Day .( 给回答出问题的小组画一个五角星,板书come after 并教学)4) New Years Day T: (多媒体播放新年好的歌曲,同时出示图片让学生观察)S:Its New Years Day .T: Whens New Years Day ?S; Its on the First of January .T; Its in January . ( 给回答出问题的小组画一个五角星)What do peop

8、le usually do on New Years Day ?(板书,但不教学,让学生自己猜测意思,给学生留下悬念,让学生自己确立这节课的学习任务,为下面的新授,做铺垫,让学生真正作到“我要学”)S:(提示下回答)People usually go to parties .People usually go shopping .People usually have lunch with friends .T: Yes ,youre very clever . ( 给回答出问题的小组画一个五角星) They usually go to parties , go shopping and ha

9、ve a big lunch with their relatives and friends on New Years Day .Step3 Presentation1) Festivals:Easter , Childrens Day,Mid-Autumn Festival , Dragon Boat Festival ,Spring Festivala) Present the pictures and teach to read themb)Meanwhile, teach the new expression “ Whens ?” and its correct answer “ I

10、ts in ”c)Reread the new expressions againd)Review all the learnt festivals(1)(图片展示)复习巩固所学的所有节日,同时小组操练句型Whens ? Its in 并让学生小组汇报操练情况,说的好的小组,得到五角星。(2)(课件)Matching2) Sentences: Whens ? Its in What do people usually do at ?They a) 呈现图片,what festival is it?S: Its Spring Festival.T: Whens Spring Festival?

11、(课件呈现)S: Its in January or February.T: (指着图片)What are they doing?S: They are eating.(课件展示)eat a lot of delicious foodT: What do people usually do at Spring Festival?(帮助学生回答) They eat a lot of delicious food.( 教学delicious )(带读,生读单词和句型)此时再教学 What do people usually do onat?这个句子,帮助学生来解答疑惑,包括什么时候用on 或at

12、,发挥老师的主导作用和学生的主体作用。 b) Pair work: practice the dialogues in pairs and present them。这时让学生再来操练,学生也能明白句子的意思,也品尝到了学习的快乐。3)Consolidation: Lets guessa) It is a popular holiday in China. People eat a lot of delicious food. People spend time with their family. They also eat moon cakes and watch the moon. (

13、Mid-Autumn Festival)b) It is an interesting holiday. Children like it very much. They usually dress up in costumes and have parties. It is on the thirty-first of October. ( Halloween)Step4 Do exercise1) Easter is in _ or _.2)_ is usually in March or April.3)Whens _(圣诞节)?Its in _.What _ people usually do at _(圣诞节)?They _ _ to their _ and _ .(送礼物给朋友和家人)4) Whens _ Festival? (中秋节)Its in _ or _.What do people usually do at _ _?They _ the moon. (赏月)


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