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1、三年级上册第一单元Hello剧本人物:A 、B、C、D四个学生背景:A 、B、C、D四个学生是新理解的朋友A: Hello, Im A. Whats your name?B: Hi! My name s B. (问C) Whats your name?C: My names C.D: 此时D背着书包走进教室。A: Hello, Im A.B: Hello, Im B.C: Hello, Im C.ABC: Whats your name?D: My names D.场景二:放学了,D急急忙忙首饰书包就走。D: Goodbye!ABC: Bye!D: (书包拉链没拉好,一路走一路掉)C:(大声说

2、) D, your bag!(不过D没有听到,一溜烟儿跑了。A、B、C分别捡起了D的文具)场景三: 第二天早上, D一走进教室,ABC马上围上来。A: D. Open your pencil box.B: Show me your ruler.C: Show me your eraser.ABC: Show me your book!D: (打开书包一看,发现都不见了)Oh no, my bag!A: (得意洋洋地拿出一个铅笔盒)I have a pencil box.B: I have a ruler.C: I have an eraser.ABC: I have a book!D: (认出

3、都是自己的东西)My pencil box. My ruler、My eraser、My book. Thank you!ABC: Haha.第二单元Colours剧本人物:A: Ms Green B: Mr. Red C: Miss White D: Miss Yellow背景:Miss White和Ms Green是新理解的朋友,今天没带着自己的朋友一起去郊外写生A: Good morning,Miss White,C: Good morning,Ms GreenA: This is Mr. Red C: This is Miss YellowAB: Nice to meet you.CD

4、: Nice to meet you, tooA: Lets paint.BCD: Ok D: Colour it brown.B: Ok. Colour it orange.C: Well, here, colour it black.ABCD: (手忙脚乱地收拾东西跑去避雨)Ah! Go go go!D: Look!A rainbow!A: I see red.B: I see yellow.C: I see blue.D: I see green.A: I see white.BCD: (疑惑地看着A) Ah?A: (指着C) Haha, I see Miss White.BCD: (恍

5、然大悟) We see white, too.第三单元Look at me!剧本人物:四个小朋友A,B,C和D场景:Four students are making a puppet themselves. (四个小朋友一起在做木偶。)A: Today is Sunday. Lets make a puppet.BCD: Great!A: First, make the head.B: This is the ear.C: This is the eye. This is the face.D: This is the nose. This is the mouth.A: Then, make

6、 the body. B: Look, I have arms and legs.C: I have hands.D: This is the foot.A: Lets play the puppet.B: Puppet, puppet, touch your head.C: Puppet, puppet, touch your nose.D: Puppet, puppet, touch your eye.ABCD: Oh, no! Dont run away.第四单元We love animals剧本场景:Four students are showing their animal toys

7、.A: Look, I have a rabbit.B: Cool.C:(从旁边走过来)May I have a look?A: Sure. Here you are.C: Thank you. Oh. Its nice. I like it.D:(从旁边走过来)I have a panda.(事实上,panda不是他私人所有,二十动物园里的)ABC:Oh. really?B: May I have a look?D: Sure. Lets go to the zoo.(一起来到动物园)ABC:Great.AB:Look at the tiger. It is big.CD: Look at

8、the bear. It is on the chair.AB: Look at the panda. This is my panda.(前面D说过他有一只panda)A: No. this is my panda.B: No. this is my panda.C: No. this is my panda.(这里四个人抢着当panda的主人,掀起一个小高潮)D: Ok. Ok .Its our panda.(最后达成共识:panda是大家的)ABCD:(高兴地)We love animals第五单元Lets eat剧本Lets Have a Picnic Today场景:四个好朋友在郊外

9、野餐(好朋友们在电话里联系)A: Lets have a picnic today!BCD: Great!(到了公园)B: Id like some cake.C: Id like some eggs.D: Id like some bread.A: Here you are.BCD: Thank you.A: Have some juice.B: No, thanks. Id like some milk.CD: Can I have some juice?A: Sure, Here you are.BCD; Thank you.A: You are welcome.B: Can I hav

10、e some fish and water, too?ACD: Sure, Here you are.B: Thanks.ACD: You are welcome.第六单元Happy birthday剧本Babys Brothers Birthday Party人物:John ,Johns baby brother, Sarah. Mike, Chen Jie, Shopkeeper场景一:Sarah.,Mike和Chen Jie购买礼物,参加Johns baby brother的生日派对。Mike: This monkey, please.Shopkeeper: Sure. How many

11、?Sarah & Chen Jie: Three.Shopkeeper: Here you are.Together: Thanks.Shopkeeper: Youre welcome.场景二:大家在生日派对里John: Hello, Mike. Hello, Sarah, Hello ,Chen Jie. This is my brother, Timmy.Together: Hi, Timmy .Happy birthday! This is for you.Timmy: Wow, three monkeys! Cool! Thank you. How old are you, Mike?

12、Mike: Im nine years old.Timmy: How old are you, Sarah?Sarah: Im eight years old.Timmy: How old are you, Chen Jie?Chen Jie: Im ten years old.Together: How old are you, Timmy?Timmy: Mmm?John: Count the candles.Timmy: One, two ,three, four, Yes, Im four years old.Together: Yeah. Happy birthday to you.

13、Timmy! (Sing the birthday song)三年级下册第一单元Welcome back to school!剧本Welcome to the international class!人物:A: Sarah B: Amy C: Chen Jie D: Mike场景:国际班教室A: Welcome to our class! We have two new friends today.C: Hello, Im Chen Jie. Im from China.A: Nice to meet you, Chen Jie.D: Im Mike. Im eight years old.

14、Im from Canada.A: Nice to meet you, Mike. Im Sarah. Im from the USA.B: (Amy很欢快地跑过来了) Good morning, everyone. Im Amy.A: Good morning, Amy. This is Chen Jie. This is Mike.B: Hi, Chen Jie. Im from the UK. Where are you from?C: Im from China.B: Hello, Mike , Where are you from?D: Im from Canada.B: Hello

15、, Sarah, you are from China? Oh. no. Look at your blue eyes.A: Haha, Im from the USA.B: Sorry, sorry, you are our teacher.A: Ah? Im not your teacher. Im a new student, too.B、C、D: Welcome!A: Thank you!B、C、D: Youre welcome!四个孩子一起拍手Chant.第二单元My family剧本A funny family人物:A,B,C,和D场景:周末B,C,和D三个小朋友到A家里玩,谈论墙上挂着的有趣的家庭照片。A: Hello! Welcome to my home. Come in, please!B: Wow, how wonderf



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