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1、Topic 1. You Iook so exc i ted Sect i on A 1. You Iook so excited. 你看起来很激动。look excited : look是系动词,后面加上形容词excited作表语构成系表结构,系动词+ adj.构成系表结构说明主语的状况、性质、特征等情况。(1 )状态系动词be 一词,表示主语状态、性质、特征 He i s a teacher.他是一名教师。 They are at home.他们在家。(2)持续系动词,用来表示主语继续或保持一种状况或态度,主要有keep, stay.rema i n 等 He always keeps s

2、i lent.他总是保持沉默。We must stay happy.我们必须保持快乐。(3)表像系动词,用来表示“看起来像”这一概念,主要有seem, appear, look等。 如:He looks t i red.他看起来很累。11 seems terr ibI e,它似乎很严重。(4)感官系动词,主要有千eel, smeI I, sound, taste等It smeI Is very sweet. 它闻起来很香。It tastes del icious.它尝起来很好吃。(5)变化系动词,表示主语变成什么样,有become (变得),get (变得),turn (变得) The wea

3、ther gets warmer and warmer.天气变得越来越暖和了。The I eaves turn green i n spr i ng.春天树叶变绿了。2. They want your parents to go with them.他们想要你的父母亲和他们一起去。want sth.想要某物want to do sth.想要去做某事want sb to do sth.想要某人去做某事如:I want a pen.我想要一支钢笔。He wants to go swimmi ng with us.他想要和我们去游泳。He wants his parents to buy a com

4、puter for him.他想要他的父母亲为他买一台电脑。3. That i s one of my favor i te mov i es.那是我最喜欢的电影之一。one of.意为“之一”,后面常跟名词的复数形式He i s one of our teachers.他是我们的老师之一。另外:one of常接最高级+名词复数形式11 i s one of the Iongest r i vers i n the worId.它是世界上最长的河流之一。She i s one of the most popu I ar teachers i n our schoo I.她是我们学校最受欢迎的老

5、师之一。4. PI ease say thanks to your parents.请向你父母表示感谢。say thanks to sb.向某人表示感谢say hello to sb.向某人问好say goodbye to sb.对某人说再见5. Why a I I the smiling faces?为什么你们都满面笑容?(1 )此句为省略句,原句应为:Why do a I I of you have smiling faces?意思等Why i s everyone smiIi ng?(2) why用来提问由because引导的原因状语从句Why were / are you I ate

6、for schoo I ?你为什么上学迟到?Because I got up I ate.因为我起床晚了。6. What a shame!真可惜/真遗憾!还可以说That s too bad!英式英语说 It s a great pity! What a pity!Sect i on B1. Because he can t get a ticket to The sound of Music.因为他买不到音乐之声的票。a ticket for / to sth.的票,入场券He wants to buy a ticket for the concert.他想要买一张音乐会的票。2. I th

7、ink Mr. Lee I ikes it very much and reaI Iy wishes to watch it,我想李老师非常喜欢它而且 真的很想看。我 认为他 是一个 好学 生。(形)(1) ) think后面接的宾语从句 I think he is a good student.(2) think + 名(代词)+ adjI th i nk Engli sh very important.(3) think + 名(代词)+ n.(名词)I th i nk the boy a good student.4) think + it + adj (形)+ 动词不定式(to do

8、) +动名词(动 ing ) + that从句 如: I th i nk i t important to I earn Eng I i sh. 我认为学习英语是重要的。Do you think it necessary that I wait for him?你认为我有必要等他吗?I th i nk it use I ess learning th i s.我认为学习这个是没用的。wish的用法:(1) ) wish + that宾语从句I wish I could fly. 但愿我会飞。(wish后用过去式表示不可能实现的愿望。)(2) wish sb. + 名词I wi sh you s

9、uccess.祝你们成功。(3) wish sb/ sth to do sth.I wish you to go there.我希望你到那儿去。(4) wish to do sth.I wish to have a good time.我希望玩得开心 注意: wish/ hope wish与hope都有希望的意思两者都可接不定式作宾语。如:I wish / hope to visit Hangzhou.我希望访问杭州。两者都可接宾语从句。hope表示的是希望,从句的谓语使用正常时态,wish表示“难以实现的愿望”,从句的谓语用过去时,过去完成时或过去将来时。如:I hope they can

10、help us.我希望他们能来帮助我们。I wish they could help us.我真希望他们能来帮助我们。wish后可接形容词作宾语补足语,也可接两个宾语表示祝愿,如:I wish you well and happy.我希望你健康快乐。I wish you to come here soon,我希望你尽快来这里。I wish you a happy bi rthday.我祝你生日快乐。而hope不能这样用。3. She sa i d that M i chaeI had a temperature.她说迈克尔发烧了。have a temperature = have a feve

11、r发烧注意:这个句子是含宾语从句的复合句,在这种句中,主句用一般过去时,从句也常 用相应的过去时态。如: He told me that he came from Canada.他告诉我他来自加拿大。I m sorry I can t give you any h elp.我很抱歉我不能给你任何帮助。He sa i d he wou I d go to Be i j i ng.他说他要去北京。He says he will go to Be i j i ng.他说他要去北京。4. He was not abIe to come.他不能来了。(1 ) can和be able to表示能力时,是同

12、义词,因此可互换。如: No one can doit = No one is able to do it.没人能做这件事。(2)示能力,般用shall/wi I Ibe able to have/ hasbeen abIe tocan只用在现在时和过去时,在将来时或完成时中表女口: The boy wi I I be able to go to schooI next year.这个男孩明年就能上学了。I haven t been abIe to read that report.我还没能读上那份报告。5. I II ring up Michael later.稍后我会打电话给迈克尔。r i

13、ng up 意为打 电话给一二 telephone/ call/ r i ng sb当ring up的宾语为代词时,代词放在ring up中间;当宾语为名词时,名词可放在ring up中间或后面。如:I hope he wi I I r ing me up.我希望他给我打电话。I rang up Li ly yesterdayrang Lily up yesterday.我昨天给莉莉打了电话。(答题时间:30分钟)I.单项选择1. You had agood t ime at the party,you?2.A.C.3.A.A. hadnt B. didC. d idn t D. hadThe

14、rewith my bike,I hurtmyse I f.wrong someth i nganything wrongwant himshopping withme.goB. to goB.someth i ng wrongD.C.wrong anyth i nggoesD. went4. We must stayA. happ i nessB. happ i I yC.happyD.happen5. The Ye I low Ri ver i sriversinCh i na.A. one of the longestB.one of longerC. one of the longer

15、D. one of Iongest6. line I e Wang wi I I go to Londonnext month.A. sometimesB.somet ime C. some t imesD.sometime7. He said hellous.A. withB.toC.forD.at8. CouId you give the ticketsthe concert?A.atB. withC. toD.9.I asked her forwaterf but she d idnt have.A.any, someB. any, anyC.same, anyD.some,some10.you to go there.A.hopeB. hopesC.wi s



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