高中英语 考点精析精练 冠词(短文改错)

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《高中英语 考点精析精练 冠词(短文改错)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高中英语 考点精析精练 冠词(短文改错)(2页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、命题点1 冠词本类考题解答锦囊; 1a,an,the在单数可数名词前的用法。如在以元音音素开头的名词前加不定冠词时用“an,即使单词拼写以辅音字母开头,但该词的读音是元音开头,加不定冠词时,也要用“an eg:an hour,反之,拼写以元音字母开头,但读音是辅音,加不定冠词时用“a” eg:a university等。2熟记用或不用冠词的一些特殊情况。如学科名称、球类、棋类前不加冠词。eg:play football;演奏乐器,乐器前常加定冠词。eg:playthepiano;某些固定词组的区别。eg:in front of与in the front of等。 高考最新热门题 1.(典型例题

2、his is my first visit to a English family命题目的与解题技巧:此题考查冠词的最基本用法。在以元音音素开头的名词前加不定冠词时应用“an”。在做此类题时,学生应充分重视对基本冠词知识的掌握与运用,要分清可数名词与不可数名词具体名词和抽象名词,泛指和特指,类指和专指这四组概念。并且结合语境,多体会才能扎实掌握冠词的用法。 【答案】 aan English以元音开头。 2.(典型例题en minutes later,the firemen came andput out fire 答案:在fire前加thefire是特指。3.(典型例题eacher advis

3、ed me to keep my diary答案:myakeepadiary,固定用法,记日记。 题点经典类型题 1.(典型例题诊断)One day Li Ping was niding in the street when the old man came across the street withsnt noticing her.【答案】 thean. 名词第一次出现,用不定冠词,表示泛指。 2.(典型例题) Bungee jumping is considered a good example of such a activity 答案:aan.activity以元音音素开头。3.(典

4、型例题拟) Last week, about 1000 parents came to school to have classes. 答案:school前加the普通名词前加定冠词表特指。4.(典型例题检测)Tom told the doctor he had got headache and bad cough0答案:headache前加a. have a head ache固定用法。 新高考命题探究 1. What a good news weve heard! 答案:去掉a. news为不可数名词,其前不用a2. why is she in such such great hurry?

5、 答案:such后加a.in a hurry为固定搭配,意为“匆忙地”。3.The policeman caught me by my arm. 答案:my改为the固定句式:hitbeatstriketakecatchsb.+inonby+the+身体的某个部位。4.The man is the only animal that can speak. 答案:The man改为Manman用单数,前在不加冠词指人类。5. This dictionary is a same as the one I lost. 答案:a改为thethe same as为固搭配。6. He found a job

6、 paid by an hour. 答案:an改为theby the hour,按小时。7.The sun gives us light during day. 答案:day前加the在白天,during the day8.It is a great fun to collect coins. 答案:去掉a,fun用作不可数名词,其前不加a.一些抽象名词如surprise,pleasure,success等可以指具体的人或事,前面可以加a,而fun不能。9. They had a party after a meal that day. 答案:第二个a改为the表示特指那一顿饭用the10.

7、Finally she chose a bigger one of the two. 答案:a改为the两者中较的那个,用the+比较级+of11. Move this chair away. They are in this way. 答案:in this way改为in the way,意为“挡道”。12. Did you have wonderful time at the party? 答案:have后加a. have atime,度过一段时光。13.He is a honest young man. He never tells lies. 答案:a改为an.honest读音以元音开

8、头。14.Alexander Graham Bell invented telephone in 1876. 答案:telephone前加the发明物前加定冠词。15. Professor Wang was elected the president of the college. 答案:去掉第一个the表示头衔的名词作表语、同位语或补足语时,前面往往不带冠词。16. what surprised us most was that the blind girl played piano so well. 答案:piano前加the乐器前加定冠词。17. China has changed so

9、 greatly since eighties of the twentieth century. 答案:since后加the某世纪的几十年代前加定冠词。18. Many people dream of walking in the space like astronaLlts one day 答案:去掉thespace表示太空时,其前不带冠词。19.Lets do the experlment the third timeMaybe well succeed this time 答案:the改为乙再一次,又一次a third time20.In spring of 1992,he paida visit to the south of china答案:spring前加the一年四季前往往不带冠词,如果特指某一年的某个季节,需加定冠词。



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