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1、译林牛津版小学英语六年级上册Project 2 Reuse and recycleWriting lesson I. Teaching Analysis本单元教材呈现了第五至第八单元的语言知识和同学进行问答活动,了解我们周围的公共场所的标识,培养学生的环保意识。现在,全球面临着资源短缺、环境污染、生态破坏这三大危机,作为地球公民,师生有责任就“保护地球”这一话题进行探讨。教师在教学过程中要联系生活实际,引导学生热爱地球、保护地球。II. Teaching aims1. To enable students to understand the meaning of “reduce” “reuse

2、”and “recycle”.2. Make the students to use the patterns “use to ” and “be going to” to tell and write.3. Talk about the story about “Pinch”.4. To enable students to write a plan about “reduce, reuse and recycle”.III. Key and difficult points1. To enable students to understand the meaning of “reduce”

3、 “reuse”and “recycle”.2. To enable students to write a plan about “reduce, reuse and recycle” with the sentence “be going to use to make ”IV. Teaching methodsListening, speaking, reading and writing.V. Teaching toolsPPT, vedio六、教学过程Step 1 Warm up 1. Enjoy a song: Were going green2. Free talk Good mo

4、rning, class. Nice to meet you. Are you happy today? Im very happy. Because Im here with you. What are we going to do here? Were going to have an English class together. Are you ready?3. Learning aimsHere are the learning aims today? Who can read them loudly?Step 2 Talking time1. Know something abou

5、t Pinch (1)Do you want to know sth. about Pinch?Look, hes a little mouse. Pinch has some good habits. Look, Pinch always turns off the light before he goes to bed.What about this picture? He ususlly rides a bike.What does this sign mean? It means we should save water. Pinch never wastes water.So, so

6、me friends say “Pinch can reduce.”2. Know something about Pinch (2) But Pinch has some bad habits, too. Look, this is Pinchs room. What can you see in the picture? He has so many things. Lets listen to him. What do you think of Pinchs house? Do you want to visit the house like this? Why?3. Watch the

7、 video. The World Forest Day is coming. One day, Pinch got two letters from his friends. Lets read together. “Pinch, the World Forest Day is coming! We can reuse! ”“Pinch, the World Forest Day is coming! We can recycle!”Pinch wants to learn about “reuse and recycle”. Lets watch together.4. Give some

8、 advice. Pinch, we can reuse Pinch, we can recycle 5. Discuss in pairsGuess, what is Pinch going to do? Pinch is going to sell some things. He wants to get some money to buy. Hes going to buy trees. He is going to plant more trees. Hes going to use plastic to make a bench in the forest. Animals can

9、have a rest. Make the forest more beautiful.What is Pinchs house going to be?Step3 Writing time1. Read Pinchs plan2. How to write? Make a titleWhat can we do? Whats the plan? How to appeal?3. Discuss in groups Earth Day is coming. We get a letter from Pinch. He asks us to join him. Discuss: On Earth

10、 Day, what are you going to do?4. Try to write Write your plans according to the outline. Dont forget the title.Step4 Share timeRules of the game:1. Miss Ding第一个展示自己的plan design,想获得Miss Ding的设计的同学为第一个挑战者,上台展示自己的设计就行。2. 想要获得前一个同学的设计,就需要上台进行展示哦。展示后留下你的设计,留给下一个挑战者。注:竞争人数较多时,由台上的同学点名上台。Step5 EmotionLets green our commute.Lets reuse and recycle in our daily life.Lets use glass cups and paper bags.Lets plant more trees and flowers.Step 6 Homework1. Share your designs with your families and friends.2. Think and do: What are you going to do on World Forest Day and Earth Day?Blackboard Design:


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