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1、小学五年级上册Module1测试卷A 听力部份 (50分)一 、听单词,选出你听到的单词。 (5分)1. ( ) A. meet B. met C. metre D. made2. ( ) A. like B. ice C. love D.live 3. ( ) A. this B. there C. these D. those4. ( ) A. wait B. where C. window D.win5. ( ) A .run B. line C. ran D.can二、听句子,按你听到的顺序给图编上序号。 (5分) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )三、 听句子,选出你听到的句子。

2、 (10分) 1. ( )A . She liked the bus ride best. B. She liked the bus ride best. C . He liked the bus ride best 2. ( )A. No,we came back last Sunday. B. No,we came back last Saturday . C. No,they came back last Sunday. 3. ( )A. Did you come back last Sunday? B. Did you come home last week? C. Did you c

3、ome back last week? 4. ( )A. They arrived there at ten oclock. B. We arrived there at three oclock. C. They arrived here at nine oclock. 5. ( ) A. They visited the Great Wall. B. They went to the Great Wall. C. They went to the Great Wall.四、听句子,按你听到的顺序编上序号。 (10分) 1()We met Sam in the zoo. 2()And I d

4、rooped my ice cream. 3()We visited lots of animals. 4()Yesterday I went to the zoo with John. 5()Then we bought some ice creams.五、听句子,判断是否一致,一致写A,不一致写B. (10分)1()We went home by train.2()I live near Amy and Sam.3()Heres a postcard from Daming.4()They came back last Sunday.5()How many apples did you b

5、uy?六、听问句,选答语。(10分)( ) 1 A. We went there by train. B. I went to Shanghai.C. I bought an ice cream. ( )2 A. Yes, she did. B. Yes, they did. C. No,I didnt.( )3. A. I watched TV . B. I visited the Lodon Eye.C. Last Sunday .( ) 4. A. No, he did. B. No, he didnt. C. No, he did.( )5. A. Im nine. B. My nam

6、e is Lily. C. Im fine,thank you.B 笔试部分(50分)一 、给下列图片选出正确的英语,连线。(10分)( ) A. I watched TV last night.( ) B I bought some apples yesterday. ( ) C I went to the park last Saturday. ( ) D I ate an ice cream.( ) E I played football last Sunday.二、选择补全句子,将字母填在题前的括号里。(10分)( )1.Yesterday they _TV. A. watch B.

7、watched C. watches( )2.I ran _ the bus. A. in B. at C. to( )3.Hes Sam and _friend A. Amys B. Amys C. Amy( )4.I didnt _ any bananas. A. buy B. bought C. buys ( )5.I go to school _ bus. A. in B. by C.on三 、选出下列问题或用语的正确答语。(10分)( )1. Where are you from? A.Twelve eggs.( )2. Do you live in London? B.Yes,th

8、ey does.( )3. Did Lingling walk to school? C.No,I dont.( )4. How many eggs did you buy? D.Yes,she did.( )5. Does Sam and Amy live near John? E.Were from China.四、阅读短文,判断正误,正确写T,错误写F. (10分)Last weekend,I went to Beijing with my family . It was a beautiful day. I visited the Great Wall.It is very long

9、and very famous. I sent a postcard to my best friend . I bought a book about the Summer Palace for my brother Daming . We also took lots of photos .We were very happy.( )1.I went to Beijing last summer.( )2.The Great Wall is very long and very famous.( )3.I sent an email to my best friend.( )4.I bought a book about the Great Wall for my brother Daming.( )5.Were very happy.五、连词成句,并在四线格中正确书写。(10分)1. my /dropped /I / ice cream /.2. back/ China,/are/you/from /! yesterday/ I/swimming/went/.3. you/Did/this/eat/morning/rice/?5. John/ met/the park/They/in/.



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