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1、附件4 南坪中学集体备课导学案主备人: 吴泾明 二次备课教师: 吴泾明 八 年级第 二 册课 时第二单元 第四 课时完成课时1授课时间2012年 3月14 日 课 题What should I do ?课 型阅读、检测教学目标知识与技能1. 学习阅读材料中的单词。2. 完成self check 填词翻译句子。3. 预习2部分并写几条建议。4. 预习Maybe you should learn to relax.按要求完成题目方法与过程学生自学、小组探究、教师点拨 、多读多记情感态度与价值观教材内容分析重 点1.掌握本单元用could,should,shouldnt表示提建议。2.掌握运用短文中

2、的重点词汇和句子难 点notuntil ,find it + adj +to do sth 的用法突 破 口以小组合作探究教学形式讲解方式先学后教教师点拨考察形式自评、组评辅导形式个别辅导教具学具A tape recorder cards授课教师吴泾明学 生 数52附记(主要包括在学法上的求异创新、教法上的具体指导等)教学过程、内容及学生活动预习导学(一)基础知识过关预习1单词检查(根据句意和首字母提示补全句子。)1. I_(争论)with my brother yesterday morning.2. I have got two _(票)to the concert3. Tim worke

3、d hard at math, but he _(失败)the exam again.4. She is very _(心烦的)and doesnt know what she should do next.5. The trousers dont_(适合)him. They are too short. 预习2翻译下列短语1get on well with sb 与某人相处得好。 2. have a fight with sb 与某人打架3be angry with sb 生某人的气 4. give me some advice 给我一些建议5busy enough 足够忙 take. to

4、. 把.带到.6.Its time for + 名词 =its time to do sth 该做某事的时候了7.from activity to activity 一个又一个活动 8.as much as possible 尽可能多的9under too much pressure 处于重压力之中 plain about sth /doing sth 抱怨某事/抱怨做某事 11.take part in after-school clubs 参加课外活动俱乐部12. a mother of three 一个三个孩子的母亲 13.send. to . 把.送到.14compare . with

5、 把.与.相比较 15. a bit more time 一些更多的时间16On the one handon the other hand 一方面.另一方面.17by themselves 靠他们自己(二)知识大挑战根据对话内容及首字母提示完成单词。 A: Hi Gina! Why do you w_ a hat? B: I dont like my haircut. A: Whats w_ with your hair? B: Its short and ugly. A: Let me have a l_ .Wow ,you look so cool! Yu are smarter tha

6、n b_. B: But it looks l _boys hairstyle. I wear a hat so nobody can see it. A: But now its summer. Its too h_ when you wear a hat. B: What a _I do? A: I have an I _. You could wear sunglasses instead of a hat. B: Oh, no.I dont like to do that. A: Then I t_ you could wear a wig. It is very p_ now. B:

7、 Yes , thats a good idea.(三)合作学习一、阅读之前,思考下面问题。1. Do you always feel stressed up?2. What problems do you have?3. How do you think to cut down much pressure?二、阅读短文第一遍阅读:回答下面的问题。1. What does Cathy do on weekends?2. How should parents do to face their childrens pressure?第二遍阅读:检查Reading的预习情况,速读课文判断下列句子正误

8、(正确写T错误写F)1.Life for Cathy Taylors three children is very free. 2.Then she has to take her son to piano lesson. ( )3.The tired children get home after 7p.m. .( )4.Parents complain about teaching tired kinds in the classroom. ( )5.A few children take part in after-school clubs. ( )6.In some families

9、, competition starts from a very young age. ( )7.And they are never comparing them with other children . ( )8.When these kids are adults , they might find it easy to plan things for themselves. ( )第三遍阅读:1. The tired children dont get home until 7 pm. 翻译:_ not until 意为_ He didnt go to bed until his m

10、other came back. 翻译: _ 同义句_2.翻译短语。have a fight with _ fight for _fight against fight with _(四)探究交流小组之内复述课文,再写下你的观点。 【达标拓展】一、翻译句子.1. 他们的学校生活已经够忙的了。Their school days are_ _.2该做家庭作业了。Its _ _ homework3. 他们带着自己的孩子去参加一个接一个的活动,尽力在孩子们的生活中充实尽可能多的内容。They take their children _- activity _ activity, and try to

11、fit _ _ _ _ into their kids lives. 4. 医生们说许多孩子都承受着过大的压力。 Doctors say many children are _ _ _ _.5. 老师们则抱怨在教室里教的都是些累坏了的孩子。Teachers _ _ teaching tired kids in the classroom.6. 过于心切的父母并不鲜见。_ _ are nothing new.7. 她们总是拿其它的孩子和自己的孩子相比。And they are always _ them _ other children.学习过程一、 学情检测根据句意选用合适的短语填空。as m

12、uch as possible, all kind of ,pay for, in style, complain about. 1. You can read _books in the library.2. We have nothing to_.3. This kind of dress was _ last year . But few people wear it this year.4. You should practice English_.5. He is worried because he has no money to _the school year.二、学习提纲(一

13、)完成Self Check 1,2三、 学习提纲(二)完成阅读。1.按照要求完成阅读前的任务。2.学生自读课文,了解文章大意,画出不懂得地方。3.学生提出问题,学生解决,有难度的老师可适当指导。4.完成阅读后的任务。1.1)当看见某事正在进行时,常用see sb.doing sth.看见某人正在做某事e.g. I see him playing football.我看见他在踢足球。2)当看见动作的全过程时,则用see sb do sth.e.g. I see her sit there.我看见她坐在那儿。(有这么回事)e.g. I saw a man run into the house.(全过程)我看见一个人跑进宅子里去了。e.g. I saw the man running on the street.我看见那人正在街上跑步。2.1)on (the) on



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