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1、 毕业生们,与父母生活是的省钱方式! Youve graduated college and are ready to start your life as an independent adult. But lets face it: Living on your own is expensive, and the costs can add up fast. And even if you score a job right away, your entry-level salary and lack of significant savings might make it hard to

2、 keep up. 你已经大学毕业了,也预备以独立的成年人身份开头自己的人生了。但是请留意一个事实:单独生活是特别费钱的,并且各种费用还会快速增长。即使你很快就找到了工作,但是你的起步工资那么少,又没有肯定的存款,就很难维持生计。 One solution: You could always move back in with your folks. It might not seem appealing to a newly minted adult eager for independence, but living with your parents can be one of the

3、best money decisions you make. 解决方法:你随时都可以搬回家住。虽然这并不怎么吸引一位渴求独立的年轻人,但是与父母同住可以算是一个很不错的节约金钱的方法。 Amanda Abella graduated in 2022 and lived with her parents for seven years, only recently moving out on her own. Amanda Abella在2022年毕业,已经与父母同住7年了,直到最近她才搬出去自己住。 “From a financial perspective, I wouldn”t have

4、been able to do most of what I”ve done if I hadn”t lived with them for a while,” she says. “I graduated in 2022, which was an economic nightmare. Fortunately, I could stay home.” “从经济的角度来说,假如我之前不跟父母一起住的话,我可能就办不了如今我完成了的事情。”她表示。“我是2022年毕业的,那时是我的经济最拮据的时候。幸亏当时我能搬回家住。” Abella has been able to save and in

5、vest, start a business and take risks things that she admits she would not be able to do if she was on her own and paying all her bills from Day One. While you may not plan to live with your parents for seven years, heres why spending at least some time living with your parents is one of the best mo

6、ney decisions you can make. Abella如今已经具备储蓄和投资的力量了,她还能创业和冒险她成认,假如她单独生活,从一开头就支付各种账单,这些事情都是无法办到的。虽然你可能并不会打算与父母一起生活长达7年,不过下面为你解释为什么至少花点时间与父母一起生活会是一个的省钱方法。 1. You Can Jumpstart Your Savings 1. 你可以快速开头存钱 The most obvious benefit of living with your parents is being able to save a ton of money. This is esp

7、ecially true if youre in a city with a high cost of living. 与父母共同生活的最明显好处就是你可以存起数量相当大的一局部金钱。假如你在高生活消费的城市里生活的话,这一点是特别真实的。 You can save money by not paying: 你可以存起原来花在这些方面上的金钱: Rent/mortgage 房租/房贷 Utilities gas, electricity, internet 公共设施燃气,电力,网络 Renters or mortgage insurance 承租人或房贷保险 Abella says that

8、living with her parents helped her save in the first place. “I wasn”t making nearly enough money at my last job to survive in a city like Miami,” she says. Saving is a big problem in America, with most people being unable to afford a $400 emergency. Abella表示,与父母一起生活从一开头就帮她节约了不少钱。“我的上一份工作当时并不能赚取足够的钱支

9、撑我在迈亚密的生活,”她表示。省钱是美国人面临的一个大问题,很多人都无法支付400美金的紧急救援保险。 Living at home can help you start saving money so you can build up an emergency fund and lay down a strong foundation with which to sustainably support yourself in the future. 在家居住可以帮忙你养成存钱的习惯,这样你就可以建立起紧急救援基金,然后打下坚实的根底,以便支撑你将来的生活。 2. You Can Start

10、Investing Early 2. 你可以早早开头你的投资 When it comes to investing, time is your best friend. The problem is many recent grads simply cant afford to get started with investing, especially if theyre shackled with debt. Living at home with your parents frees up rent money typically your biggest expense so you

11、can get started investing for your future. 当谈到投资这一件事情,时机是最重要的。问题在于很多应届毕业生真的无法支付初始投资的费用,特殊是假如他们有债务在身的时候。与家人同住就可以免去房租的费用了通常也是你的花费所以你就可以开头为将来投资了。 3. You Can Spend Less on Food 3. 你可以节约食物上的花费 Its not hard to blow your budget on food, especially if you dont have experience grocery shopping and cooking af

12、fordable meals. Its likely youll be sharing some meals with your folks and maybe even getting a home-cooked meal instead of greasy takeout. Plus, its a good opportunity to get a crash-course on cooking for yourself so you can eat on a budget when you move out. 节约食物方面的花费并不难,特殊适用于没有到杂货店购物并烹煮食物阅历的你。你可以

13、与家人一起共享食物,甚至还可以吃上一顿家常菜而不是油腻腻的外卖餐。再者,这是一个参加烹饪速成课程的好时机,当你搬出外面居住的时候你也可以在预算范围内吃饭。 4. You Can Afford to Take Chances and Be Picky 4. 你负担得起冒险与精挑细选的风险 Living with your parents has clear monetary advantages. But one perk you might not realize is that living with your parents affords you the privilege to tak

14、e chances and be picky. 与父母同住能让你有显而易见的经济好处。不过有一个好处你可能没有留意到,就是与父母同住可以让你有冒险和选择工作的特权。 Keeping your costs under control means you dont have to take just any job, or move into a less-than-ideal place because thats all you can afford. 掌握花费的本钱意味着你不必任凭去干某一个职业,或者搬进一个仅仅能付得起房租、但不抱负的居住空间。 You can also be more a

15、ggressive with investing and take chances on starting a business. 你还可以更加乐观进取去投资,然后抓住时机创业。 Abella recently moved out, but was grateful to do it at the right time for the right place. “Living with my parents allowed me to be more picky, because there was no rush,” she explains. Living at home means having a safety net to try new things. Abella最近已经从家里搬出去了,但是她很感恩曾经在适宜的时机做了正确的事情。“和父母一起住让我有选择工作的权利,由于我根本不需要焦急。”她解释道。在家居住意味着你有一个安爱护着你去尝试新事物。


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