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1、Law vocabulary 法律词汇1.法律名称constitutional law 宪法 canon law 教会法规 common law 习惯法 criminal law 刑法 administrative law 行政法 civil law 民法 commercial law, mercantile law 商法 law of nations 万国公法international law 国际法 natural law 自然法 labor laws 劳工法 fiscal law 财政法 Civil Suit Law, Code of civil law 民事诉讼法 Criminal L

2、aw 刑事诉讼法 Military Law 军法 Conscript Law 兵役法 Lawyer Law 律师法Copyright Law 著作权法 penal code 刑法典 code of mercantile law 商法典 draft 草案 Government bill 政府议案 decree 法令 clause 条款 bill法案report 判例汇编 codification 法律汇编 legal instruments/papers法律文书Civil Procedural Law民事诉讼法substantive law 实体法(规定基本权利及义务)just aequum 公

3、正法 Cambiale jus 交易法compurgation 宣誓采证法marriage law 婚姻法civil law 大陆法civil right act 人权法案civil procedure 民事诉讼法common law 普通法、习惯法、一致法、共同法judicial act 司法法案Cambiale jus 交易法VOCA 犯罪受害人法案 Uniform Determination of Death Act (UDDA) 统一死亡判定法案 substantive law 实体法(规定基本权利及义务) substantive criminal law 实体刑法 deductive

4、 reasoning 演绎法case law 案例法source legal provisions 查阅法条2.和法律相关的职业和机构defendant被告(用于民事、行政案件);the accused (用于刑事案件)被告appellant上诉人petition for appeal上诉状petitioner; claimant申请人claimant; plaintiff申诉人(仲裁)victim受害人accuser; complainant控告人defendant in error 被上诉人clerk 书记官codefendant 共同被告personnel handling a case

5、 办案人员person other than involved in the case案外人losing party败诉方guarantor保证人,担保人party against whom execution is filed被申请执行人person subject to enforcement被执行人party in necessary co-litigation必要共同诉讼人criminal suspect犯罪嫌疑人 assigned counsel 公设辩护人attorney at law律师assistant lawyer律师助理local counsel 本地律师defense l

6、awyer辩护律师 associate lawyer非合伙律师partner lawyer合伙律师specialized lawyer专门律师professional lawyer; full-time lawyer专职律师part-time lawyer兼职律师apprentice lawyer; lawyer in probation period实习律师legal consultant 法律顾问director of lawyer control department律管处处长secretary general of Bar (Lawyer) Association律师协会秘书长memb

7、er of Lawyer Association律师协会会员witness 专家证人foreman of jury 陪审团主席bailiff 法庭内的法警 procurator检察官 senior procurator高级检察官deputy director of Judicial Bureau司法局副局长director of Judicial Bureau司法局局长 state-run law office国办律师事务所law office in partner-ship; cooperating law office合伙制律师事务所agency for arbitration代理仲裁dr

8、afting of legal instruments代写文书expert jury 陪审团grand jury 大陪审third party第三人division; tribunal法庭LL.D (Doctor of Laws) 法学博士学位law society法学会law school法学院non-litigation practice非诉讼业务Public Security Bureau公安局detention house看守所local police station; police substation派出所arbitration committee for labor disput

9、es劳动争议仲裁委员会law office; law firm律师事务所National Bar (Lawyer) Association律师协会lawyer discipline律师惩戒Articles of Lawyer Association律师协会章程lawyers office律师业务室National Lawyer Congress全国律师代表大会Peoples Court人民法院Ministry of Justice司法部Judicial Bureau司法局district court 地方法院forum 法院court of first instance 第一审法院court

10、of second instance 第二审法院holding 法院判决house of lords 上议院house of commons 下议院hearing 听证会inferior court 美国联邦法院第一级法院统称小法院intermediate appellate court 中间上诉法院judicial committee of the privy council 枢密院司法委员会juvenile court 青少年法院kings bench division 王室法庭kings council国王的咨询会议 court of common pleas 民诉法院court of

11、kings bench 王室法院court of exchequer 财务法院court of exchequer chamber 财务上诉法院country court 乡镇法院court of common bench 民诉法院court of justice of the peace 地方治安法院court of probate 遗嘱继承法院court of divorce 婚姻法院court of assize 巡回法院court of the international trade 国际贸易法院court of appeals for the federal circuit 联邦巡回

12、上诉法院arbitration committee for labor disputes劳动争议仲裁委员会interested party; party in interest利害关系人director of lawyer control department律管处处长litigation party; litigious party诉讼当事人foreign law office 外国律师事务所 entrusted agent委托代理人arbitration agency仲裁机构second tribunal第二审判庭first tribunal第一审判庭Foreign Economic Le

13、gal Consultancy Office对外经济法律顾问处foreign trade law firm对外经济律师事务所Foreign Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission对外经济贸易仲裁委员会agency hearing 听证会public security sub-bureau公安分局 maritime court海事法院 collegial panel合议庭 Peoples Mediation Committee人民调解委员会juvenile prison少管所 Ministry of Justice司法部 judicial bureau

14、司法局basic Peoples Court基层人民法院 intermediate Peoples Court中级人民法院the Supreme Peoples Court最高人民法院3.罪刑peccadillo 轻罪 voluntary manslaughter 故意杀人 voluntary intoxication 故意醉酒 victimless crime 无受害者犯罪 vehicular homicide 车祸致人死命罪 uttering 故意提供或传递伪造文件罪 treason 叛国罪 crime of concealing the murder包庇罪narcotic drug cr

15、ime毒品罪crime of dereliction of duty渎职罪crime of having sexual intercourse with a minor奸淫幼女罪instigators教唆犯economic crimes经济犯罪crime of arson放火罪bootlegging; 贩卖违禁品:bribery; 行贿受贿:burglary; 入室盗窃child abuse; 虐待儿童:hijack; 劫持defame诽谤crime of interference with state functions妨害公务罪crime of disrupting the order of social administration妨害社会管理秩序罪crime of disrupting marriage and the fami


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