Unit2 第1课时教学设计[1].doc

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1、Unit2 第1课时教学设计【内容来源】译林版(五年级)上册Unit2【主 题】A new student【课 时】第1课时:Story time, Grammar time一、教学目标1、理解,掌握对话内容,用正确的语音语调朗读对话,初步表演对话。2、正确运用日常交际用语Can you show her around? How many? Is there a ? Yes, there is. No, there isnt. Are there any? Yes, there are. No, there arent. Lets go and3、能正确的听、说、读 单词:art room,

2、classroom, computer room, library, music room, playground二、教学重难点1、能正确理解对话内容,朗读对话,初步表演对话2、流畅地朗读对话, 并能在理解对话内容的基础上表演对话三、教学准备单词卡片,人物图片,人物头饰,多媒体课件四、教学过程Step1. Warm up & Lead in1. Enjoy the pictures(PPT播放有关学校场所的图片)T: Boys and girls, what are the pictures about?Ss: School.Ss: Yes, these pictures are all ab

3、out school.2. Sing a song about school.3. Guessing gameThere are many places in the school. What are they? Lets guess.T: There are some desks and chairs in it. We can have lessons in it. Where is it?S: Classroom.T: You are right. Are there any classrooms in our school?S: Yes, there are.Step2. Learn

4、the new words and sentences1. Learn the new words以Guessing game的游戏,同法教授新词:art room, library, playground, computer room, music room2. Read the new words3. 新授句型:Is/Are there ? Yes, there is/are. No, there is/are not.教师PPT出示本校学校平面示意图,结合新授单词,对学校场所进行问答。T: Is there a library?S: Yes, there is.T: Are there

5、any table tennis rooms?S: No, there arent.Ask and answer in pairs. 4. 教授序数词:first, second, third及句型Its/Theyre on the floor.(引导学生对教师进行提问)S:Is there a computer room?T: Yes, there are two computer rooms. Theyre on the third floor.教授新词:first, second,third5. 揭示课题T: Boys and girls, today, a new student jo

6、ins us. PPT出示Nancy人物形象,She s new here. Shes a new student.Unit2 A new student揭示课题,带读。T: Can you show her around? 教师示范:There is a library. Its on the third floor. There are two computer rooms. Theyre on the second floor.小组利用学校平面示意图向Nancy介绍自己学校场所具体位置。Step3. Learn story time 1. Listen and answer T: Boy

7、s and girls, you did a good job. But can Yang Ling show around her school to Nancy? 播放Picture 1课文录音。 Ss: Yes, she can.2. T: If youre Nancy, can you ask some questions about new school? 引导学生利用新授句型,进行提问。 S: s there a ? S: Are there any ?3. Watch and circle T: Whats in Yang Lings school? Lets watch the

8、 cartoon and circle the place.4. Read and match T: Which floor? How many? Lets read and match. 学生自读课文,将学校场所楼层连线,并在文中找出场所的数量。5. Lets read6. Lets actStep 4. Consolidation1. Try to retell. 结合板书,尝试复述课文。2. Im a little designer. 小组合作为学校设计,制作平面示意图,并汇报。Step5. Grammar timeStep6. Homework1. 听课文录音,跟读并熟读课文。2. 运用本课所学,向父母或朋友介绍自己的学校。3. 继续完善自己的学校设计。板书设计:librarycomputer roomUnit2 A new studentthe third floor There is/are .Ying Lings classroomthe second floorthe first floor Its/Theyre on the floor.music roomtable tennis room教后记:


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