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1、Unit 15 (II) 形容词和副词形容词:表示人或事物的特征。形容词与其修饰语(如very等)以及附加成分(如介词短语、than引导的比较结构)等一起构成形容词短语,在句中可用做定语、表语、宾语补足语等。形容词有原级、比较级和最高级三种形式。副词:表示行为或性质的特征。副词与其修饰语(如very等)以及附加成分(如than引导的比较结构等)一起构成副词短语,在句中用做各种状语、修饰语等,副词有原级、比较级和最高级三种形式。形容词和副词在句子成分中对比 一、形容词在句中可作如下成分:1. 形容词做定语:说明名词的性质和特征,通常置于名词前。如:In late winter there is

2、always something exciting to happen. 下列情况下,形容词通常置于所修饰的名称后面:a.修饰复合不定代词,b. afraid, alive, alone, asleep, awake. 等带前缀a- 的形容词。如:“Is there anything wrong here?” he asked, being a man always afraid for his safely. 下列形容词通常不用前置定语(只用做表语和宾语补足语):带前缀a-的形容词;几个表示健康状况的形容词(ill,well, unwell等),如: The girl who was ver

3、y ill was found fast asleep at night. 2. 形容词作表语:形容词位于联系动词后,说明主语的性质和特征。She is getting old.3. 宾语补足语:用于复合宾语及物动词的宾语后,说明宾语的性质和特征。 We found it impossible to refuse his offer.4. 用作名词:下列三种形容词可加上定冠词用作名词:a. 指一类人:the old,the young b. 指某一民族的人:the English,the French,the Chinese c. 指抽象概念: the bad,the best,the tru

4、e,the worst如:The British always think the young shouldrespect the old.二、 副词可在句中作如下成分:1. 状语:动词状语说明行为发生的时间、地点、方式、程度等,在句中的位置比较灵活,常置于句末,也可置于动词前(时间频度副词和程度副词等常如此)或句首。如:Yesterday his youngest son went abroad.They thought very highly of his work and rather liked him. 全句状语说明说话者对所说内容或说话方式的评论,或起连接上下文的作用,通常皆置于句

5、首,后往往有逗号与全句隔开。如: Surely, nobody will believe what he said. Frankly, I dont think its of much use.2. 修饰语:修饰形容词如:almost, fairly, perfectly, pretty, quite, rather, really, so, too, very, completely, highly, nearly等,置于形容词之前(仅enough一词除外)如:The box is a little too long but just wide enough to put the dicti

6、onary in.修饰副词通常表示程度,如:almost, fairly, perfectly, pretty, quite, rather, really, so, too, very等,置于副词前(仅enough一词除外)如:He got up quite early, so arrived there early enough to see him before he left.修饰介词短语仅表示程度,如:almost, completely, nearly, just, quite, right, well等置于介词前。如:She looks just like her mother.

7、修饰名词短语仅个别表示程度的副词(如quite, rather)可做名词的前置修饰语,但不少表示时间、地点的副词可做名词的后置修饰语。如:We has rather a hard time. The hill ahead was too high.3. 其他做表语有的副词(如down, up, in, out, on, off, over等)可用于联系动词后。如;He has been down ever since he heard the bad news.做介词宾语有的表示时间、地点的副词可用在某些介词后做介词宾语。如:I had not thought seriously of tha

8、t till then. 形容词和副词比较级的构成:P551. 绝大多数单音节形容词是规则变化:如: tall-taller-tallest short-shorter-shortestfine-finer-finest nice-nicer-nicestfree-freer-freest big-bigger-biggest fat-fatter-fattestshy-shier-shiest early-earlier-earliest 注意:有的单音节形容词不用此方式候场比较等级形式,如:fond,glad,pleased,real,right,tired,wrong等。2. 许多多音节

9、形容词(多以非重读元音结尾) 如:tidy-tidier-tidiest narrow-narrower-narrowestable-abler-ablest bitter-bitterer-bitterestpolite-politer-politestquiet-quieter-quietest 注意:上面除以-y结尾的双音节词也可加more,most构成比较等级形式,且使用更广。用做形容词的ing 分词及ed分词,不可用此方式构成比较等级形式。3. 加more,most多音节形容词handsome-more handsome-most handsome双音节形容词narrow-more

10、narrow-most narrow4. 不规则形式原级 比较级 最高级good better bestbad, ill worse worstfar farther(further) farther(further)old older(elder) older(elder)much, many more mostlittle less least副词的比较级:(参照形容词的比较等级)总的规律是:通常加more/most,不多的单音节副词等加词尾-er,-est构成。单音节 fast faster fastest 个别双音节词 often oftener oftenest(更常加more,mo

11、st)不规则变化 well better best badly worse worst 形容词和副词比较等级的用法:(大致相同)1. 比较级 + than :形容词或副词前可有much, far, rather, hardly, still, even, a lot, a little, a bit, a good deal, no, any等程度修饰语,如:He is (even) older than she (is) (or than her).He runs much faster than she.2. less + 比较级 + than:形容词或副词前可有 much, far, a

12、 lot 等修饰词。He is less old than she.He runs less faster than she.3. as +原级+ as:形容词或副词前可有twice, three times, half, almost, nearly, just, exactly, quite等修饰词。He is as tall as she.He runs as fast as she.4. not so/as +原级+as:形容词或副词前可有twice, almost, nearly, just, exactly, quite等修饰语。He is not so old as she.He

13、 doesnt run so fast as she.5. 比较级+and+比较级:“越来越”He is getting older and older.He runs faster and faster.6. The +比较级+the+比较级:“越就越”The older he is, the weaker he gets.The faster he runs, the harder he breathes.7. 最高级的用法:形容词最高级前必须带定冠词the,而副词常省略不用。The前可有much, far, by far, nearly, almost等或(当最高级为加词尾-est构成时)the后可有very,second,third等修饰词。He is the oldest of the three.He runs fastest of all.8. “most+形容词” 前无定冠词(或带不定冠词a),不是最高级,most 当“非常”讲。I was most happy to go with you. It was a most joyful day.练习:P5758,P60-62



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