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1、Describe Your Room 憧憬你的房间Different people like to create different atmospheres in rooms. Could you describe your room? 先让我们来看看Elizabeth是怎么介绍她的房间的。I spend more time in my sitting room than anywhere else. Its a medium-sized room with one large window that overlooks the small front garden and, unfortun

2、ately, the local bus stop! Its not a beautiful room but its very comfortable. I like a feeling of space so theres no unnecessary furniture - just a sofa, armchairs, a couple of small, low tables and a table for the telephone. I have two wicker trunks that I use for storage purposes but they also pro

3、vide extra seating when I have lots of visitors. I also have a small television but Im thinking of moving it into the bedroom because I hardly ever watch it. I had the room decorated when I moved in. I chose white paint to make it light and increase the feeling of space. The fitted carpet is greyish

4、-blue, the curtains are deep blue velvet, the sofa is dark pink and the armchairs are covered in a grey, blue and dark pink flowered material. I covered them myself and am rather proud because they look quite professional. The furniture was mostly either given to me or bought second-hand from the lo

5、cal sale rooms. I painted all the tables black because they were all quite old and shabby. They now look as good as new! The overall effect in the room is one of calm and peacefulness.My mother is always suggesting that I should have more pictures and ornaments to brighten the place up. She loves co

6、lourful rooms and thinks my sitting room is rather boring! I only have a couple of pictures on the walls. One is a Chinese landscape painting, a scroll, actually, painted by a friend. The other is an Indian scene with lots of people and an elephant, preparing for a long journey. I love it because it

7、 makes me think of travelling. Its probably my favourite possession. Ive had it since I was a student. The only other decorative items are four or five plants.Some people comment that the room looks like a church because I have two large candle holders! They were given to me years ago by a Chinese s

8、tudent-so, as well as being beautiful, they have great sentimental value. I use them sometimes in the evenings when friends visit. I think candlelight creates a warm, intimate atmosphere. I also have two low lamps. I dont really like bright, overhead lighting.The sitting room has been the same ever

9、since I moved into the house. I suppose Ill redecorate at some point in the future, and perhaps even buy some new furniture. But, for the moment, Im quite happy with it and dont see any reason to change it.Elizabeth 分了五个段落来描述她的房间:Paragraph 1: size of room, furniture, general impressionParagraph 2: d

10、ecoration of the room (what the writer has done to the room) Paragraph 3: other things in the room and favourite possessionsParagraph 4: lightingParagraph 5: summary of the writers attitude现在轮到你介绍自己的房间了。你可以分四个段落去描述:Paragraph 1: general introduction: the size of you room (small/medium/large), the mai

11、n furniture itemsParagraph 2: the decoration/what youve done to the room/what you have in the room/favourite itemParagraph 3: the lighting/the atmosphereParagraph 4: conclusion/summary of your attitude如果你在描述的过程中发现有些物品不知道该如何表达,那么希望下面的两幅图片能够对你有些帮助。41 fence 篱笆2 mailbox 信箱3 garage 车库4 garage door 车库门5 d

12、riveway 私人车道6 shutter 百叶窗7 porch light 门厅灯8 doorbell 门铃9 front door 正门10 storm door (御寒的)外门1 steps 台阶12 front walk 步行通道13 front yard 前院14 window 窗户15 roof 屋顶16 chimney 烟囱17 TV antenna 电视天线1 coffee table 茶几2 sofa/couch 沙发3 loveseat 双人椅4 armchair 扶手椅5 throw pillow 抱枕6 drapes/curtains 窗帘7 lamp 台灯8 end

13、table 小茶几9 rug 地毯10 floor 地板11 fireplace 壁炉12 painting 水彩画1 cabinet/cupboard 壁橱4 dish washer 洗碗机7 coffee maker 咖啡壶10 microwave(oven) 微波炉13 burner (火炉的)炉嘴16 frying pan 煎锅19 cutting board 菜板22 wash the dishes 洗碗2 paper towels 纸巾5 sink 水槽8 freezer 冷冻室11 pot 锅14 oven 烤箱17 (electric) mixer(电动)搅拌机20 knife 刀23 feed the cat(dog) 喂猫(狗)3 dish drainer 烘碗机 6 toaster 烤面包机9 refrigerator 冰箱12 stove 炉子15 tea kettle 茶壶18 food processor食品加工机21 rice cooker 电饭锅


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