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1、译林版(三起)四年级英语下Unit 2 After school Story time (教案)【教学内容】Story time【教学目标】知识目标:(1)能听懂、会说,会读,会写:Wednesday,Saturday, Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, get up.(2)能听懂、会说,会读词汇:All right, after school, go, match, today.(3)能听懂、会说,会读句型: I have. He/She has.We dont have.What day is it today? Its. What a pity! 2.

2、能力目标:能在实际交际中运用本课所学对话知识。3.情感目标:培养学生的交际能力,团结同学,友好相处。【教学重点】(1)能听懂、会说,会读,会写:Wednesday,Saturday, Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, get up.(2)能听懂、会说,会读词汇:All right, after school, go, match, today.(3)能听懂、会说,会读句型: I have. He/She has.We dont have.What day is it today? Its. What a pity! 【教学难点】能听懂、理解并表演课文对话内容

3、。【教学方法】1.任务型教学法:学生在完成任务的过程中,提高了综合语言运用能力。2.多媒体辅助教学法:设计新颖,化解了教学难点,提高了学生学习积极性。【教具准备】多媒体课件、图片、卡片。【教学过程】Step1.Warm-up1.Free talk: Say hello to the students. 2.Enjoy the song: Day of the week听完歌曲回答:How many days are there in the song? There are seven days in a week.同时学习Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thur

4、sday Friday Saturday Step2 Presentation1. Lets learnWhat day is it today ? 今天星期几?Its Thursday. ( Thur.)2. Lets talk(1) What lessons do we have this morning? We have(2) What subjects do you like? I like 引出课题After school(3) Can you? Yes, I can. / No, I cant. 学习 What a pity!真遗憾!3. Task1 watch and answe

5、r:呈现Mike 头像,询问Whos this boy? What can he do?(1) what day is it today?(2) Can Liu Tao play table tennis with his friends today?(3) They can play table tennis on . 4. Task 2: read and match Mike has a football matchSu Hai has a swimming lessonSu Yang Teach: a football match一场足球比赛 a swimming lesson 一节游

6、泳课拓展:have a skating lesson5. Lets readRead after the tape. 跟读课文。Step3 Consolidation1. Watch and repeat观看课文视频动画并跟读对话内容2. Good Reader有表情地分组对话,并注意模仿语音语调!3. Fill in the blank. 小组合作完成填空。Its today. Liu Tao would like to (想要) . But Mike a football . Su Hai and Su Yang have a . They dont have lessons on . So(所以)they will(将) go and play table tennis on .4. 情景问答:Step4 Homework1.借助纳米盒,熟读课文至少三遍,尝试背诵课文。2.完成伴你学P11-12.3.预习Fun time& Sound time.【板书设计】 Unit 2 After school (Story time)What day is it today? SundayMondayTuesday Wednesday weekThursdayFridaySaturday


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