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1、课题 7Bunit1-4词汇专项 课型 新授课 授课时间 2016.4.14 班级 姓名 学号 一、根据首字母或中文提示写单词。1. I like o_ online before I go to the restaurant.2. The c_ of China is Beijing.3. His house is very beautiful. Its like a p_.4. Keep q_, please. Its time for bed.5. There is a dog lying in the c_ of the room.6. Turn right at the zebra

2、c_, youll see the supermarket.7. She stands on the balcony and looks at the people b_.8. We have four g_ in our class and there are twelve students in each one.9. Dont w_ about your son. Ill take good care of him.10. -Are you OK? -Yes. The doctor says there is n_ wrong with me.11. My home is far awa

3、y from my school, so my mother often d_ me to school.12. When we go there in spring, we can s_ the flowers and hear the birds sing.13. Tonys uncle r_ a lot of pigs and cows on the farm.14. Plants need water, air and sunlight to g_.15. I didnt see the _ (通知) on the wall, so I dont know what they say?

4、16. I live in a town 15_(英里)from London.17. We often look for some _ (信息) on the Internet.18. If you dont finish the work, you cant go to the _ (剧院) tonight. 19. Can I take a_(口信)?20. My dream home is at the_(脚)of a hill.21. I want to help_(生病)people.22. Their long_(脖子)help them eat the_(树叶)from tre

5、es.23. My parents will_(准备) _(充分的)of food for us.24. The dog is my friend and it _ (跟着) me every day.25. I cant find my Walkman. _(也许) I left it in the classroom.26. There is a _(冰箱)in the kitchen.27. There are some big and modern _(厕所)in the building.28. There are many cars on the city _ (道路) and w

6、e must be careful.29. Jiangsu is to the _ (东北) of Hunan.30. The _ (海滩) in Qingdao are very beautiful.31. This house has two _ (阳台).32. Open your books and turn to the _ (第十二) page, then read the text together.33. There are more than two _ (千) students in our school.34. This building is about 150 _ (

7、英尺) tall.35. If I have 5 _ (百万) yuan, Ill travel around the world.36. This city covers 30 _ (平方) meters.37. There are _ (超过) ten people in the room.38. Its my fathers _ (四十) birthday today.39. Do you often watch _ (录像) on Sundays?40. Is your telephone number eight, six, five, eight, _ (双的) three, on

8、e, nine?41. Ill call you _ (回) when I get home.42. Are there any new _ (机器) in the factory?43. Are your _ (邻居) friendly to you?44. You may ask your teacher for help if you have _ (难题).45. Do you want to go to _ (学院) when you grow up?46. I am learning speaking _ (技巧).47. There are many _ (公司) in our

9、town.48. Millie always _ (检查) her homework after she finishes it.49. The _ (办公室) are on the sixth floor of the building.50. -What do you think of the artists Chinese _ (油画)?二、用所给词的适当形式填空。1. It is my grandfathers _ (ninety) birthday today. 2. The _ (nine) question is more difficult than this one. 3.

10、-Whose is that pair of _ (break) glasses? -Its Mrs. Tians.4. The students in our class go to watch _ (monkey) lifestyles in the zoo every week.5. My idea is quite different from _ (you).6. -How far is it from the hotel? -Its about 10 _ (minute) ride.7. -Look at these bicycles. They are wonderful.-I

11、know them. They must be the _ (postman).8. Theres a watch _(lie) on the ground.9. What about_ (order) some fish?10. He _ (finish) the work in five minutes. 11. How long does it take you_ (ride) to school every evening.12. Why not _ (visit) the Great Green Wall next month?13. I think our town is a go

12、od place _ (live) in.14. I have a lot of homework _ (do).15. We use a knife _ (cut) things.16. He is surprised _ (see) the three men in the police station.17. Be quiet, they _ (have) a meeting.18. -_ you _ (share) the apples with others next time, Jack? -Yes, I am.19. Mary sometimes _ (miss) the ear

13、ly bus because she gets up late.20. We are looking forward to _ (see) you at the party.21. These machines can help _ (farm) do their work easily.22. My mother makes me _ (listen) to English for half an hour every evening.23. _ (work) hard, and you will be better at English one day.24. We are happy _ (see) each other after the summer holiday.25. Do you hope _ (learn) English well, Li Ming?26. Simon likes sports very much, like


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