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1、 2022年考研英语阅读理解精读100篇(高分版)TEXT4TEXT FOURJust as Norman Mailer, John Updike and Philip Roth were at various times regarded as the greatest American novelist since the second world war, John Ashbery and Robert Lowell vied for the title of greatest American poet. Yet the two men could not be more differ

2、ent. Lowell was a public figure who engaged with politics-in 1967 he marched shoulder-to-shoulder with Mailer in protest against the Vietnam war, as described in Mailers novel “The Armies of the Night“. Lowell took on substantial themes and envisioned himself as a tragic, heroic figure, fighting aga

3、inst his own demons. Mr Ashberys verse, by contrast, is more beguilingly casual. In his hands, the making of a poem can feel like the tumbling of dice on a table top. Visible on the page is a delicately playful strewing of words, looking to engage with each other in a shyly puzzled fashion. And ther

4、e is an element of Dada-like play in his unpredictability of address with its perpetual shifting of tones.Lowell, who died in 1977 at the age of 60, addressed the world head on. By contrast, Mr Ashbery, who celebrated his 80th birthday earlier this year, glances wryly at the world and its absurditie

5、s. In this edition of his later poems, a substantial gathering of verses selected from six volumes published over the past 20 years, his poetry does not so much consist of themes to be explored as comic routines to be improvised. He mocks the very idea of the gravity of poetry itself. His tone can b

6、e alarmingly inconsequential, as if the reader is there to be perpetually wrong-footed. He shifts easily from the elevated to the work-a-day. His poems are endlessly digressive and there are often echoes of other poets in his writings, though these always come lightly at the reader, as though they w

7、ere scents on the breeze.Lowell wrote in strict formal measures; some of his last books consisted of entire sequences of sonnets. Mr Ashbery can also be partial to particular forms of verse, though these tend to be of a fairly eccentric kind-the cento (a patchwork of other poets works), for example,

8、 and the pantoum (a Malaysian form, said to have been introduced to 19th-century Europe by Victor Hugo). Often he writes in a free-flowing, conversational manner that depends for its success upon the fact that the ending of lines is untrammelled by any concern about whether or not they scan. Within

9、many of his poems, there often seems to be a gently humorous antagonism between one stanza and the next. Mr Ashbery likes using similes in his poetry. This is often the poets stock-in-trade, but he seems to single them out in order to send up the very idea of the simile in poetry, as in “Violets blo

10、ssomed loudly/ like a swear word in an empty tank“.Life, for Lowell, was a serious matter, just as he was a serious man. Mr Ashberys approach, as evinced by his poetry, is more that of a gentle shrug of amused bewilderment. Unlike Lowells, his poems are neither autobiographical nor confessional. He

11、doesnt take himself that seriously. “Is all of life a tepid housewarming?“ For a poet this is a tougher question to answer than you might think.1.The word “substantial“ (Line 4, Paragraph 1) most probably means_.A seriousB bigC importantD real2. The last words of Lowell mean that_.A the world should

12、 go forward without stopping.B the world should not mourn for him.C the world should forget him totally.D the world should go on its path for a bright future.3. Which one of the following is NOT the characteristics of Ashberys poetry?A Some lines are borrowed from the other poets works.B Stanzas are

13、 different from each other in one poem.C Words are scattered casually in his poetry.D Tones are continuously changing from the highbrow to the common.4. Mr. Ashberys similes in poetry are different from that of the other poets in that_.A he likes to single them out.B he uses them in an eccentric way

14、.C he uses simile for simile.D he uses simile to express his complex thought.5. Why the author think the question Ashbery raised is a tougher one for a poet than we might think?A Because a poet looks at things in a very complicated way.B Because a poet takes life seriously.C Because this question is

15、 a difficult one.D Because the theme of life is worth thinking for a poet.篇章剖析:这篇文章介绍了美国诗人Ashbery和其诗歌的特点,文章虽然是以两个诗人比照的形式写作的,但是却对Ashbery着墨偏多,另外一个诗人洛厄尔只是一个陪衬而已。第一段叙述了两个诗人竞争美国最宏大诗人的称号;其次段第三段都是对两位诗人作品特点的描述;第四段叙述他们对生活的不同态度。词汇解释:vie v.竞争envision vt.想象, 预想dice n.骰子strew vt.散播, 点缀, 撒满wryly adv.挖苦地, 表情冷漠地improvise v.临时预备digressive adj.离题的, 枝节的cento n. 杂烩, 摘录pantoum n.(依据隔行同韵的马来诗体改编的) 由隔行同韵的四行诗节组成的诗untrammel adj.自由拘束的, 无阻碍的tepid adj.微温的, 温热的, 不太热闹的 难句突破: (1) In this edition of his lat


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