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1、军建小学 年级 五年级 科目 英语 “三段六步”教学模式教学设计教材开心学英语课题Unit 10 Will there be a roller coaster?课型New计划课时3教学目标知识与技能掌握本课Vocabulary单词:apartment,kitchen,living room,dining room,bedroom,garden,balcony,bathroom掌握句型Will there be a living room in your new apartment? Yes, there will./No, there wont.过程与方法Read and write. dis

2、cuss and talk in pairs情感态度与价值观The students Can use“What will your bedroom be like?”、“Will there be a?to ask their partner and make dialogue freely.教学重点1、Vocabulary的单词。2、Target的句子。注意区别Will there be?的肯定回答Yes, there will.和否定回答No, there wont.教学准备Teaching tools: word cards, tape, computerpictures, little

3、 blackboard.板书设计Unit 10 Will there be a roller coaster? Will there be a Yes, there will. No, there wont教学过程The frist period一 Revision二Presentation.(一)、(教师课前用电脑绘画或手画一间包括各种不同房间的公寓平面图)出示图,教师引入新课:“I will move to the apartment.”然后教授apartment.(二)、教师:“Look, there will be many different rooms in my apartmen

4、t. Look, there will be a kitchen.”教师指向厨房处教授“kitchen”(三)、以同样的方法教授:living room,dining room,bedroom,balcony,bathroom.然后读熟单词。(四).Play a game: (五)、收起公寓平面图,让学生凭记忆回答教师的问题。教师问:“Will there be a living room in my new apartment?”学生会回答:“Yes.”教师引导学生回答:“Yes, there will.” (六)、替换单词操练句子,可让学生问学生答。肯定回答熟练后,教师出示garden图片

5、,教授garden,然后问:“Will there be a garden in my apartment?”学生回答:“No.”教师引导学生回答:“No, there wont.”板书并教授句子。(七)、Listen to the tape for Vocabulary and Target.三、ConsolidationFinish Practice1:让学生听录音独立完成,也可以试让学生把句子写下来,然后集体订正。四Conclusion五Homework1、抄写单词和句子。2、读熟Vocabulary和Target.The second periodStep one: warming-u

6、p1 Greeting.2 Look at the pictures and say the words.Look at the pictures and say the words one by one.Step two: Revision1. Ask two pairs to act the target.2. Praise the best students.3. Game: Listen and guess the places.We can wash the dishes in it.(kitchen)We can play and dance in it.(garden)We ca

7、n wash our hair in it.(bathroom)We can sleep and have a dream in it.(bedroom)We can watch TV or talk in it.(living room)We can have breakfastlunchsupper in it.(dining room)Step three: presentaionConversation1. Listen: Listen the tape about the conversation, then ask Ss tell about it in Chinese.2. Us

8、e the CAI, let Ss watch TV, listen and repeat the conversation.3. Find out the new words and learn.4. Read the conversation by Ss, practice it in groups.5. Act out the conversation before the class.Song activity1. Listen to the tape about the song.2. Guide to sing.3. Fill in the blank of the song.(L

9、isten-Guide to read-Sing the song)Step four: Sum upStep five: Do listening exercises in workbook.Step six: Homework1. Finish exercise 2 in the workbook.2. Recite the conversation. The third peirod一 Warming-up二 Revision三 Presentaion1. present: sound and words(1) listen to the sounds and words.(2) Tea

10、ch pupils to read the words.(3) Ask the pupils to read the words.(4) Ask pupils to think of other words.2. activities.(1) draw your dream room(2) introduce your room(3) talk in group about your room四 ConsolidationDo the exercises on the assessment book.五 Homework1. talk about your room with your parents.2. do the exersices on the book.本课学习将来时态there be句型。这句型对于同学们来说明新句型,也比较难,学生也接触将来时态不久,我分成两个部分,先用一般现在时态让学生介绍自己的房子,再用将来时态教学生介绍理想中的房子,正确地区分了两种不同时态的意义。学生特别喜欢发挥想象力画出自己所爱的房子,也能够用句型进行介绍。学生掌握得比较好。


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