Unit 6 Design 设计学案北师大版必修2.docx

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1、Unit 6Design设计(北师大版)核心词汇1Some people say beauty itself is _(抽象的)2His friend is a tall,slim girl with a s_ nose.3This painting is _(有代表性的)of his early works.4This is a key _(特征,特色)of our society.5It was a m_ that the whole family survived the earthquake.6Of course nobody was trying to kill him.It was

2、 all _(幻觉)7We went to an e_ of Chinese paintings at the museum.8His _(简洁的)piece of reasoning impressed me deeply.9Our parents were very _(笃信宗教的)and very patriotic.10The debate did not come to a _(终结,结束)until midnight.11What the boss_(强调)was that we should put _(重点,强调)on quality rather than on quanti

3、ty.1.abstract2.straight3.typical4.feature5.mercy6.imagination7.exhibition8.elegant9.religious,10.conclusion11.emphasised;emphasis高频短语1_注视,凝视2_ 有几分地3_ 追溯到4_ 把与联系起来5_ 试用,试验6_ 屏住呼吸7_ 因而出名8_ 以高速9_ 陷入沉思10_ 迄今为止11_ 张贴12_ 在的另一边13_ 梦想14_ 根本不,一点也不15_ 空调1.fix ones eyes on2.sort of3.date back (to)4.relate to5.

4、try out6.hold ones breath7.be famous for,8.at high speed9.be deep in thought10.so far11.put up12.on the other side of13.dream of14.not at all15.air conditioner重点句式1Qi Baishis style of painting often _ the audience _ and makes them use their imagination.齐白石的绘画风格常常给观赏者留出运用想像力解读其内涵的余地。2_ a painting.但愿我

5、买了一幅这样的油画3_,Chen adds a lot of detail to the fan and the cloth of her dress,and chooses to paint the background behind the woman black.为了进一步突出这位女子,陈逸飞在她的扇子上和裙子的布料上加入了很多细节,并选择黑色作为女子背后的背景颜色。4Paper cuts _ are often seen on windows and gates.在窗户和大门上常常看到装饰用的剪纸。5People _ the dead person was _ would make t

6、hese offerings on special days and during festivals.死者亲属会在特殊的日子和节日里剪这些祭祀用的剪纸。6But _ is moving a lot.但是我记忆最深的是多次搬家。7_ a small garage for the car we dont own yet and a small yard that looks smaller between the two buildings on either side.出门往后院走有一间小车库,但现在我们还没有车。还有一个小院子,夹在两边的高楼中显得更小。8_ finally _ the wallboard in the school hall!最后轮到我们做学校礼堂的墙板了!1.leaves;guessing2.I wish I could have bought3.To emphasise the woman even more4.used for decoration5.to whom;related6.what I remembered most7.Out back is8.Its;our turn to do


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