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1、2019 高考英语二轮练习题:新苏版5unit5 (解析)Unit 5 First aidI .单词拼写1 You should对待()them with more consideration.2 . Although I(侄J)it carefully, I spilt some of the oil.3 The chemical companies are施毒于()our rivers withindustrial waste.4 . The bell rang, the naughty boy 跻)his book into hisbag and went out of the clas

2、sroom.5 Her foot was very肿胀()after the accident.6 What is the typical(症状 )of the A/H1N1 flu?7 The cut on my leg(流血 )a lot when I was hurtyesterday.8 The rule(适用 )to all of you.9 I had previously(帮助 )him in building the school.10 Apart from those three very cold weeks in January, it has been a very温和

3、的()winter.答案: 1.treat 2.poured 3.poisoning 4.squeezed 5.swollen6 symptom 7.bled 8.applies 9.aided 10.mildn .完成句子1 如果一个人被蛇咬了,你知道怎样实施急救吗?Do you know how toifsomeone is bitten by a snake?2昨天他突然生病了,被立刻送往医院。He suddenlyyesterdayand was sent to thehospital at once.3世界因我而不同。in this world.4他一遍又一遍地朗读那首诗,直到他会背

4、为止。He read the poemtill hecould recite it.5我们正开会这时有人怒气冲冲地闯了进来。Wesomeonebroke in angrily.答案: 1.carry out first aid 2.fell ill 3.I can make a difference4 over and over again 5.were having a meeting whenm .单项选择1 The arrangements forconcert next Saturday are allinplace.A the; theB a; aC /; /D the; /答案:

5、D 句意: 下周六音乐会的安排已经全部到位。 由定语 nextSaturday,第一空表特指;第二空in place 在合适的位置;适当的, 相称的”。_ for you will be removed from2 Your job here is onlyit when we have a proper post for you.A permanentB compulsoryC temporaryD fundamental答案: C 考查形容词。句意:你在这的工作只是临时的,当有合适的工作时,我们会对你另行安排。temporary “临时的”;permanent “永久白勺” ; compu

6、lsory “强迫白勺” ; fundamental ”基础的,根本的”。3 After the accident I tried whatever I can to help him , but it didnt make any.A useB differenceC resultD case答案: B 句意:事故后,我竭尽全力帮他,但是和没帮一样。make no difference “毫无差别”。4 Some companies have introduced flexible working time withless emphasis on pressure.A than more

7、on efficiency B and more efficiencyC and more on efficiency D than efficiency答案: C 考查句式。 less emphasis on pressure 与 more on efficiency 对应。5 With the help of high technology, in the past few years,electronic businessto bank industry, travel industry.A appliedB has appliedC had been appliedD has been

8、 applied答案: D 考查时态和语态。句意:在过去的几年,由于高科技的帮助,电子商务已经被应用到银行业和商务旅游业。“ in the past 一段时间”是现在完成时的时间状语标志。6 You has topped Matt, so Ill treat you toA vatar on Sunday. .A Thats very kind of you8 With pleasureC My pleasureD Thank you for your movie答案: A 考查交际用语。 对别人的礼貌邀请要表示感谢, Thats very kind of you “你真是太好了” 。9 If

9、 yousomeone a drink, you put some of the drinkinto a cup or glass so that they can drink it.A pourB giveC putD deliver答案:A 考查动词。pour “倾倒,灌,注;give “给”; deliver “投递,运送”。由句意“给某人倒饮料或茶水”可知,选 pour。10 Is there any room in the ship? Yes. We can probablya few more people into it.A pressB squeezeC holdD push答

10、案:B squeeze “塞进”。答句句意:我们还可以塞几个人进 去。press 压h hold “握” ;push “推”。9 Scientific research results can now be quicklytofactory production.A usedB appliedC triedD practiced答案:B apply sth. to ”把运用于”。句意:如今科研结果 很快被用于工厂生产。10 Because of the bad weather, my motherand lay inbed, shefor a week.A has been ill; was

11、illB fell ill; has fallen illC fell ill; has been illD fell ill; is ill答案: C 第一空应选一般过去时态与 and lay in bed 对应,先 排除A。另外fall ill不延续,不能与for a week表时间段的状语连用, 可排除B。 根据句意: 我母亲生病卧床已有一周, 应用现在完成时态。11 In that situation, a wage freeze, whether voluntary or imposed by the government, deals with aof inflation rath

12、erthan with inflation itself.B signA symbolC signalD symptom答案:D symptom 症状”。句意:那种情况下,工资冻结,无论是自动还是国家强制进行的, 是对付通货膨胀的症状, 而不是通货膨胀本身。symbol “象征”;sign ”符号,记号;signal “信号”。12 Please dont call me at the officeits reallynecessary.A ifB unlessC unless ifD except答案: B 句意:请不要给我办公室打电话除非真正有必要。unless “除非”,符合语境。13

13、Lets go Dutch for this supper, OK? No, this time, as a reward for all your help.A its up to youB its my treatC lets talk about itD it doesnt matter答案: B its my treat “我请客”。根据后一句as a reward forall your help 可推断选 B。14 I have an English-Chinese dictionary, which is an importantlearning English.A aid in

14、B aid toC help toD help at答案:A aid常与in连用,而help常与with连用。15 I cant find Mr Smith. Where did you meet him thismorning? It was in the hotel he stayed.A. thatB. whereC. whichD. the one答案:B where引导定语从句修饰the hotel。该句为强调句式 的省略句,完整句子为 “It was in the hotel where he stayed that I met Mr Smith.:IV .完形填空Janes mo

15、ther worked on the farm from dawn till dark , which just could make ends meet.To make Jane live a 1 life, Mother was very careful about spending money._2_, Jane didnt understand her.Every day Mother was busy with her 3 while Jane was studying at school, so they had little time to enjoy themselves.One day, Mother realized Jane was unhappy and even _4_ to her, so she



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