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1、教案2课题Unit1 People around us课型Reading备课时间1 period教材分析教学目标 1. students can know how to describe a person they like 2. Develop the reading ability and speaking skills教学重点Let students know how to use the correct words to describe a person they like教学难点learn to use the correct adjective words 教学关键Describ

2、e a persons character, 教法与学法指导Reading competition, cooperation, self-study.教学环节主要教学步骤或内容学生主体活动教师活动设计意图时间分配第一环节复习回顾平移的基本性质,引入课题Step one: Free talk :Describe a person 1.tell me what your best friend looks like and what she or he likes doing1. Show the questions : what does he or she look like? 2. what

3、 is his or her hobbies 1.To arouse the interest and lead them to get into the topic of this unit.5第二环节观察操作、探索归纳平移的作法 Step two: Fast reading Step three: while-reading.Reading comprehension. Step four: Discussion 2. Read the text quickly and answer the questions 3. Read the text in details and finish

4、the blank filling exercise in a sheet, then check the answers ,after that , try to design questions according to the text and ask your classmates to answer it .Then sum up the important adjective words to describe a person4. Talk in group : describe a person you like by using some useful adjectives

5、and phrases 2. Show the question:a. what color was grandmas hair?b. could grandma cook good food?c. what kind of person was grandma?d. How does Alice make the writer laugh?e. What is Alice good at ?f. What is Mr Li strict about?3. hand out the sheet and design the blank according to the important in

6、formation.Then check the answers with studentsSum up the adjective words and useful phrases to describe a person : short, tall, grey hair, cheerful, kind and patient, a girl with glasses , smart , be good at , tall and thin, be strict about sth , be successful4. show some adjectives and useful phras

7、es which can be used to describe a person 2.Let the students get the general idea of the text. 3.To make them get familiar with the details of the text and train their ability of reading4.train the students speaking ability and cooperation ability. 25第三环节课堂练习Step five: exercise5.Finish the exercise

8、in Part C and D5.Help them to find the details in the text.5. To train the students reading ability . 5第四环节课时小结step Six: Sum up 6 Sum up :when you talk about a person , what will you talk about?6. Show a PPT to sum up : when you talk about a person , you should talk about :a. what is special about h

9、e or she?b. what kind of person is he or she ?c. what does he or she look like?d. what do you like about he or she?6. Prepare for the writing 5第五环节课后作业 Homework 1. Read the text fluently 2 write a passage to introduce a person you want introduce to us. Hand out a sheet which contain the request of writing the passageStrengthen the comprehension of the text.课堂教学流程Free talk - Preparation -Reading competition - Discussionexercisesum up-Homework .效果评价与反思


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