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1、There are only nineteen crayons教学设计青川县茅坝乡中心小学校 吴永梅教材来源:新标准小学英语三起五年级上册 Module5 Unit1课 题:Unit1 There are only nineteen crayons.授课班级:五年级(预设学生人数:29人)课 型:新授课(第一课时 40分钟)教材分析:本模块主要呈现十几、几十的数字学习内容(三年级上册Module5呈现112的数字,而四年级上册Module7 Unit2的教学中又着重复习了eleven,twelve两个特殊表达)。在回顾以往学习内容的基础上,第一单元呈现十几、二十、二十几的数字表达,并引出新句型

2、:“There are only nineteen crayons. But there are twenty children in the class.”,重点在于,引导学生在真实情景交流中学会表达“thirteen,fourteen fifteen,sixteen,seventeen,eighteen,nineteen,twenty,twenty-one”等数字,体会“There are onlyBut”这类句型表达的数量意义。学情分析:由于有已学内容为基础,这一部分的数字内容孩子们学起来应该比较轻松。“十几”的数字发音规律相同,优等生能较快掌握,学困生在再次回顾“1-12”的数字基础上

3、,也能在师生们的带动下逐步融入课堂,难点在于“There are onlyBut”这类句型的正确理解和熟练运用。预设学生数,为课前教具准备,课堂真实情景交流奠定基础。教学目标: 1.知识目标:(1)学生能准确读出“thirteen,fourteen fifteen,sixteen,seventeen,eighteen,nineteen,twenty,twenty-one”这些数字。(2)学生能理解crayon, class begins, give out, on the floor等词汇;能读,会运用crayon, class begins, give out等词,。(3)学生能在“Ther

4、e are only nineteen crayons. But there are twenty children in the class.”句型学习中体会其含义。2.能力目标:学生能将新学数字运用在“There are only nineteen crayons. But there are twenty children in the class.”这类句型中谈论数量。3.学习策略:学生通过“承上启下”的学习方式,在多种聆听中感知“十几、二十、二十几”的不同发音规律,并在小组合作学习中加强“There are onlyBut”这类句型的实际运用。对所学内容能主动复习和归纳。4.情感目标

5、及文化意识:在真实语境创设中引导孩子们体会数数的乐趣。教学重难点:学生能将新学数字运用在“There are only nineteen crayons. But there are twenty children in the class.”这类句型中进行流利的数量谈论教学方法:PPT辅助教学、歌曲导入、情景创设、原音跟读、小组练习。教学活动设计意图:这是一节承上启下的课堂教学。本课时重在引导学生感知 “There are only nineteen crayons. But there are twenty children in the class.”这类句型的过程中,会读、熟练运用十几

6、、二十几的数量单词。并有40、50、60、70等其他几十数字的初步认知。真实情景创设是本课学习的主线,模拟教材内容中分发蜡笔场景,又结合本班实际学情,组织句型操练,以及课堂回顾,使得孩子们的学习过程生动而自然。规范的数字语音模仿促进孩子们对不同数字语音规律的掌握,歌谣的渗透,为课堂更增几分别样的生机。教学过程: 1. Warm-up: (1min)Play the song“Ten little fingers”.Pupils sing and do actions followed the teacher.2. Learn numbers:13 to 29. (10min)(1)The te

7、acher says:How many children in our class? lets count together, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve(Pupils cant read out the next numbers.)(2)Show out PPT, pupils read out the numbers from 13 to 20 followed the tape. (出示1029数字板书)Then teach: thirteen,fourteen,

8、fifteen,sixteen,seventeen,eighteen,nineteen,twenty.twenty-one, twenty-two, twenty-three, twenty-four, twenty-five, twenty-six, twenty-seven, twenty-eight, twenty-nine.A: How many children in our class? B: There are twenty-nine children in our class.3. New pattern presentation. (9min)(1) Establish a

9、scenario.Teacher: We will colour these new numbers today. First I will give out the crayons to you.Teach new words: crayon give outTeacher: How many crayons are there? Lets count them.(2)Count the crayons together: one, two, three twenty-seven, twenty-eight.T: Oh, there are only twenty-eight crayons

10、. But there are twenty-nine children in the class. Show out the new pattern on the blackboard:A: There are only twenty-eight crayons.B: But there are twenty-nine children in the class. 4. Watch the video about activity2 on page26 (2min)5. Practice: (10min)(1)Pupils practice the new pattern in differ

11、ent ways. (6min) e.g: Give out some pictures to pupils. Pupils practice the pattern just like this:There are two T-shirts. But there are three boys.There are three crayons. But there are four children.There are four caps. But there are five children. There are five chairs. But there are six children

12、.(2). Perform. (4min)Ask some groups of pupils to act the dialogue in class. (The teacher corrects the mistake.)6. DO some exercises: (5min)a. Listen and colour. Colour eight . Colour fourteen .Colour nineteen .Colour twenty.b. Listen and fill in the blacks.There are only fourteen pens. But there ar

13、e fifteen children.There are four shirts. But there are five boys.7. Lets relax. Sing the numbers song from 1 to 100. (3min)8. Evaluation of learning (为最佳学习小组颁发英文表扬信。)板书设计:ten twentyeleven twenty-onetwelve twenty-twothirteen twenty-threefourteen twenty-fourfifteen twenty-fivesixteen twenty-sixseventeen twenty-seveneighteen twenty-eightnineteen twenty-nine There are only nineteen crayonsG1 G2 G3 G4 A: There are only twenty-eight crayons.B: But there are twenty-nine children in the class.



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