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1、高一英语复习练习精编M2 Unit 5& M3 Unit 1一重点词汇1. 按要求填空1)写出下列词汇的过去式与过去分词: broadcast _, _ weep _, _ forgive _, _2) 写出下列词汇的复数形式: passer-by_ belief_3) 构词法:music _ (n.)意思_ act _ (n.)意思_ confident _ (n.)意思_ independent _ (n.)意思_perform _ (n.)意思_ sad _ (n.)意思_ agricultural _ (n.)意思_ arrive _ (n.)意思_devote _ (n.)意思_ i

2、nvite _ (n.)意思_permit _ (n.)意思_ celebrate _ (n.)意思_religion_ (adj.)意思_ humor _ (adj.)意思_energy_ (adj.)意思_ pain_ (adj.)意思_attract_ (adj.)意思_ brief_ (adv.)意思_4) 填入恰当的介词The song is quite familiar _ me; in other words, I am familiar _ the song. In my opinion, you should apologize _ your mother _ your ru

3、deness. He is confident _ passing the examination. Are you sensitive _ strong smells? To be honest, many people love to get together to have fun_ each other. Its said that they will set off _ Paris next week.2. form vt. (使)组成;形成;构成: form the habit of doing sth. 养成做某事的习惯我们要养成大声读英语的习惯。_.3. pretend vt.

4、 假装;假扮当老师走进教室的时候,所有的学生都假装自己正在看书。When the teacher came in, all the students pretended _.当妈妈走进我的房间的时候,我假装已经睡着了。When my mother came into my room, I pretended _.4. attach v. 系上,附加,连接 常与介词to构成词组attachto意为“认为有(重要性、意义),附上”1)Dont forget to _ the label _your luggage.别忘了给你的行李贴上标签。2)To be honest, a lot of peop

5、le attach great importance to _(become) rich and famous. 很多人认为养成良好的习惯很重要。_.5. remind vt. 提醒,使想起 remind sb. to do sth.提醒某人做某事 remind sb. of sth. 使某人想起某事Tom _ attend the meeting this afternoon. Tom提醒我别忘了参加下午的会议。The song reminds me_my childhood. I mean it reminds me_I once lived together with my grandp

6、arents. 这首歌让我想起了我的童年,我是说,让我想起了我曾和我的祖父母一起生活过。6. perform v. 表演,履行,执行The students will perform an opera next Friday. 这些学生下星期五将演出歌剧。 They always perform their duties faithfully. 他们总是忠实地履行自己的职责。 The young doctor performed the heart operation on the boy. 这位年轻医生为那个男孩做了心脏手术。 6. 辨析award与rewardNote:award vt.

7、授予,给予 n. C奖,奖品;奖状 reward vt. 报答,酬谢; n. 报偿;酬金; (+for) The warm-hearted lady felt disappointed for she got nothing in _ for her kindness. A. prize B. reward C. award D. pay He was_ the first prize for Outstanding Industrial DesignIs that how you _ me for my help?7. 辨析 permit 与permissionNote:permit作为名词

8、意思是“许可证”,是可数名词。permission 不可数名词,“允许,许可”He has to apply for a work _; otherwise he cant find any job here.You cant leave the classroom without your teachers _.二重点词组:1. break词组: break词组是高考高频词组,break up侧重考查的意思为“分手,解体,会议等结束”;break down高考中基本上考察的就是“机器等坏了,计划等失败了,身体等垮了,将某物分成若干部分”等含义。break out(战争、火灾等)爆发;brea

9、k in(to) 打断, 闯入; break off突然中止; break through突围,突破;break away from脱离(政党等),打破(旧习等)。下面是几道高考真题:1)News reports say peace talks between the two countries _ with no agreement reached.A. have broken down B. have broken out C. have broken in D. have broken up2)The computer system _ suddenly while he was sea

10、rching for information on the Internet.A. broke down B. broke out C. broke up D. broke in3)-You had better _ with the boy, Lucy. -I dont hang out with him any more. You should have told me that at the beginning. A. break up B. break out C. break down D. break in4)To understand the grammar of the sen

11、tence, you must break it _ into parts.A. down B. up C. off D. out2. turn up出现,到场 1) For all these years I have been working for others. Im hoping I will _ my own business someday.A. turn up B. break up C. set up D. make up 2) Hes still hoping something (a job or a piece of good luck) will_.A. turn up B. break up C. set up D. make up3. look forward to期望,盼望(注意:to是介词)Im looking forward _ them next week. A. to seeing B. to see C. seeing D. seeThe letter we had been looking forward to _ last week.A. coming B


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