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1、谢孟媛英文初级文法 第41集 笔记 2不使用by 的被动语态为(人).所知 be known to 例如1. Mr Jackson is known to people in this town。 这个街上的人都知道Mr. Jackson. 以闻名be known for-特色 例如2. Taipei is known for its good foods。台北以它的美食而闻名。以闻名Be Known as 身份例如3.She is known as a successful singer。 她身为一名歌手而成名。Known可以换成 famus 例如4. Those mountains are

2、 covered with snow . 那些山覆盖着白雪。Be Covered with 被什么覆盖 例如5. They were caught in a shower during the barbecue .他们烤肉时被一阵雨淋了。 Be caught in a shower. 被一阵雨淋了。 例如6。 Shoes are made of leather. 皮鞋是皮子做的。 成品 原料 -物理变化 用 Made of 由制成 例如7. Bread is made from flour 。面包是面粉做的 成品 原料 -有化学的变化 用 Made from由制成表示情绪和感情的被动语态也不能

3、用by Interested 兴趣 in (be interested in ) Surprised 惊奇 at ( 有方向性的要用at) Satisfied 满意 with Impressed 印象 with 事物例如 人bev Pleased 愉快 with Excited 兴奋 about 记忆口诀 兴奋给一个拥抱。 Worried 担心 about3 授予动词的被动语态。 授予动词的主动 授予V O(人)O(物) O(物)介词O(人) 注意该被动语态时 受词一次只能拿一个做变化。例如1. The embessy gave me a new passport . 大使馆给了我一份新的护照

4、。 1 2 3 改成被动 I was given a new passport by the embassy .我被大使馆给予了一份新的护照例如2. The embessy gave a new passpor to me 1 2 3改成被动 A new passport was given to me by the embassy . 一份新的护照被大使馆给了我。例如3. Mr .white told us the history story. White 先生告诉我们这个历史故事。 1 2 3被动 We were told the history story by Mr. White. 我

5、们被告诉了这个历史故事是从white那里还可 the history story was told to us by Mr. White .这个历史故事是被white先生告诉我们的。注意有些授予动词如 cook 等不能用人做为被动的主语。例如Mom cooked us vegetable soup. 妈妈给我们做了蔬菜汤。被动 Vegetable soup was cooked for us by Mom .蔬菜汤是被我妈妈做给我们的。不能 we were cooked vegetable soup by Mom 注意这句话是不能这样说的 所以cook 不能用人作为被动语态的主语。谢孟媛英文初

6、级文法 第42集 笔记4 S主词V动词O受词C补语 的被动语态。例如 1 . They painted the board blue. 他们把木板漆成了蓝色。被动 The board was painted blue by them . 板子被他们漆成了蓝色。例如2. We elected Jake chairperson. 我们选Jake当主席被动 Jake was elected chairperson by us . Jake 被我们选为主席。5 祈使句的被动语态原形动词受词=Let 受词be P.P例如 open the door。 把门打开。 有希望请求的意思 you 省略了The

7、door is opened 不对的如果改成这样的被动语态.这只是一般叙述句的被动语态,它不是上句的被动语态。应该是 Let the door be opened 让门就打开吧, 这才是祈使句的被动语态 . Let 后面永远用原形LetO(人) 原形动词O (物) 例如 Let me tell the truth 就让我说实话吧。该被动 let the truth be told by me. 实话就让我说出来吧。6使役动词的被动语态 Made V 主动 A O Have PP 被动Made 叫 .强调。 Haven 叫. 一般 V主动B Let O V Be PP被动 To V 主动c ge

8、t O PP 被动例如1. My brother made me run errands for him. 我的哥哥叫我帮他跑腿。有点强迫的。 My brother had me run errands for him 一般的口气。 My brother let me run errands for him My brother get me to tun errands for him . get to run errands 跑腿例如2. I had my hair cut(PP)yeasterday . 我昨天剪了我的头发。 被动语态例如3. let it be done (do ) a

9、t once 立刻去做这件是吧 被动语态at once 立刻例如4 Mr.Lin made me do (do ) the work 。 Lin先生叫我去做这个工作。(前主后主)例如5. Mr.Lin made the work done (do ) by me 。Lin先生叫我做了这个工作。(前主后被)例如6. I was made to do(do ) the work by Mr. Lin. 我被Lin先生叫去做这个工作。(前被后主)to do 要用不定词。7 感官动词的被动语态。Feel V (主动)see watch Ving(主动)look at O notice P.P (被动)

10、hearlisten to 例如1. I saw him beat /beating (beat) the little boy. 我看见他打一个小男孩。例如2. I saw the little boy beaten by him. 我看见一个小男孩被打。 (被动)例如3. He was seen to beat/ beating the little boy by me .他打小男孩被我看见。谢孟媛英文初级文法 第43集 笔记Unit 4 关系代名词关系代名词的功用例如1. I have a friend the friend lives in paris 我有位朋友,这个朋友住在巴黎。

11、I have a friend and he lives in paris .用 and 连接 I have a friend who lives in paris。 Who 不是谁的意思,是关系代名词。住在巴黎的朋友 英文是 a friend who lives in paris. 这是形容词子句。语顺为先行词关系代名词 但也提有下下例句子。例如 1. There was an old man in the apartment who was very rich. 那个公寓里过去住着一位非常富有的老人。也可以这样说 There was an old rich man in the apartment .例如2. I met two girls , one of whom. is my cousin。 我遇见两个女孩,其中一个是我的表妹也可以 I met two girls and one of them is my cousin. 关系代名词的种类格先行词 主格 V 所有格N 受格S V介 人 Who Whose Whom 事物动物 Which Whose Which人. 事物 That That 人称代名词=I love him (V O) I play with him。 我给他玩。 介词受词格 例句主格动词 the man who talked to me


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