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1、全品高考网 福建省高考英语新题型 “短文填词”解读与专练Last week, we talked about different kinds of short stories. Many of you said you liked the _(美国的) writer Earnest 76. of Hemingway, who is w known for short stories. I hope you 77. well all f my advice and finished reading his story. Were going 78. followed to study it to

2、gether in todays lesson. Now since you 79. are supposed to have read this story, lets have some (讨论). 80. discussion Please look at the three q_ on the blackboard. First, when 81. question and where does the story _ place? Second, what kind of 82. take person does he show _ (自己) to be? Third, what i

3、s the 83. himself writers main purpose of _ (写) the story? Id like you to 84. writing work _ pairs and present your answers in ten minutes. I hope 85. in_ you can perform well enough. 全品高考网 全品高考网下文理解中运用所学的知识去解决实际的语言问题,是一种典型的读写相结合的考试题型。短文填词题八大考点全全品高考网品高考网1、名词:可数、不可数,可数名词的单复数形式;特别容易忽略名词的单复数,知道了名词的单复数,

4、有时特别容易拼错,尤其是一些可数名词单复数的特殊变化,以及动名词之间的转换;如:leafleave; mediummedia; adviseadvice, practisepractice; succeedsuccess;2、动词:时态、语态、非谓语及动词形式的不规则变化;broadcast (broadcast, broadcast) 广播equip (equipped, equipping) 装备全品高考网注意:quarrel, signal, travel中的l可双写(英国英语)也可不双写(美国英语)3、形容词、副词:形容词与副词的区别(也可能考比较级及最高级);Simplesimply

5、, fishfisherman, 全品高考网possiblepossibly 可能的, practicalpractically 实际的4、数词:主要考序数词。容易拼错的序数词,如:1.twentytwentieth, 2.ninth第九3. forty四十4. twelfth第十二 5. 常见短语的掌握Call on号召,拜访(后接sb)/call in召集/ call at拜访某地; in good health; focus on关注/ concentrate on 集中注意力6. 常见从句的掌握,定语从句与宾语从句的区别 7. 同义词的辨析Cloth布料/clothes衣服/cloth

6、ing衣服总称, celebrate庆祝/ congratulate祝贺, hungry饿/starve饥饿, disturb打搅/bother打扰全品高考网8. 形近易混词的区分Qulity质量/ quantity数量, similar相似的/familiar熟悉的, adapt适应/ adopt收养,改编全品高考网1There once were a goat and a donkey that lived on a farm. The donkey worked the hardest so the farmer 76 (喂) it the most food. sometimes th

7、e donkey was given more food 77 it could eat. This made the goat so jealous 78 it began plotting (谋划) against the donkey. “Hey,” the goat said one day, “I think you do too much work on this farm .You carry such 79h _ things from morning to night. Why dont you 80 (假装)to get sick so you can take a day

8、 81 ?” The donkey thought it a great idea. The next morning, the donkey lay in the stable(畜栏)on its side with its eyes 82 c . Then the farmer sent for the doctor, who said it needed a 83 (特殊)medicine made from the 84h of a goat. So the farmer 85 the goat and gave the donkey medicine made from its he

9、art.2In the past my hometown used to be a beautiful place. Thick trees and green grass could be seen 1_(到处). In 2 _to build houses and grow more crops, people cut down more and more trees. 3_ time going on, the whole forest was almost 4_(毁灭). Graduallythe green hills have 5c_ into wastel and. As a r

10、esult, sandstorms strike us now and then, from 6_ we suffer a lot. So, I do hope all the people would 7r_ the terrible result of not caring about our 8_(环境). Whats more, we should take good 9_ of the forests and plant trees instead of cutting them down to 10i_our living conditions.3One day , a grann

11、y with grey hair got on the bus at a bus top . She was in her seventies with a walking 1s_ in her right hand . The bus was full of passengers and there 2_ no empty seat . Suddenly in the 3f_ of the bus , a voice came from a little boy. He said “Granny , take my 4s_”. Following the voice , people saw

12、 a 5_(可爱的) boy of about 4 years old. He came and 6_ (带领)the old woman to his seat and asked her to 7_ down .Beside the boy was his mother . She smiled at her child and all the 8_ (乘客)were happy andpraised the boy for his good 9m_.10_a good boy he is!4When natural disasters strike, the governments at

13、 different levels always give a quick responseThey send 76r_ teams, deliver relief supplies, 77_ meanwhile call on citizens to take immediate actionPeople, near and far, respond quickly and effectivelyThey 78_find ways to provide easy 79a_ to food and clean water or donate moneyIn addition, other co

14、untries and non-profit 80_(组织)express sympathy and provide support to the people 81a_ in the disasters and the families of the 82_ (死者)For example, they fly food and supplies and send specialists to assist in 83s_ for survivorsWe are fully 84c_ that, with all the international effort being made, we will win the battle 85_ natural disasters5Habits, whether good or bad, are gradually formed. When a person does a certain thing again, he is 76 (驱使) by an unseen force to do the same thing 77 (重 复); then a h


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