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1、奢侈品牌管理(双语 Bilingual)米歇尔( MichelChevalier)博士,奢侈品产业专家,毕业于法国巴黎高等商学院(HEC),巴黎HEC商 学院奢侈品文凭课程教授。奢侈品品牌管理(luxury brand management )是一门新兴的管理科学。同大家望文生义所理解的 与奢侈两个字相联系的话题有着很大的区别。以下摘取舍瓦利耶所著奢侈品品牌管理一书精华内容。The biggest challenge facing aluxury brand today is devising a strategy that can cope with the extremes ofthe m

2、odern luxury marketplace, with a product range that may extend from $20socks to $20,000 couture pieces and which may be selling both to Shanghaisecretaries and Park Avenue Princesses.当今奢侈品牌的最大挑战是如何制定战略应对现代奢侈品市场的极端需求,即,既能卖 20 美元的袜 子又能卖 2 万美元的高级商品;即能卖到上海的小秘书,又能卖给曼哈顿高贵公主们。Fashion is now also directlyli

3、nked with film, music, literature, arts, sports and lifestyle as neverbefore.选择时尚已经直接与电影、音乐、文学、艺术、运动和生活方式跨界合作了。此前从来没有过。When people purchase a luxuryfashion item, they dont just buy the product but a complete parcel thatcomprises the product and a set of intangible benefits that appeal to theemotiona

4、l, social and psychological levels of their being.当人们购买奢侈时尚品,他们只是买一个商品,而是整个体验,包括商品本身,还有无形的情感、社 会和心理层面的收获。Brands are a complete packagethat provides a source of identity for products. It can help interpret the definitionof your personality and lifestyle.品牌是一个整体,提供商品的身份来源。它为顾客诠释了买主的个性和生活方式。The core ch

5、aracteristics ofluxury brands are: brand strength, differentiation, exclusivity, innovation,product craftsmanship and precision, premium pricing and high-quality.奢侈品牌的主要特征是:品牌力量、品牌差异性、品牌独特性、粗昂新、商品工艺和精准、顶级价格 和高质量。For luxury brands it is importantto attain the right balance between commercial feasibil

6、ity and brandover-exposure.卄ECHid mm w hnowtbt mort rau dan:对奢侈品品牌需要达到商业增长可能和品牌过度曝光的平衡The advertisement is like thecover of a book and the store is the actual book contents. 奢侈品的广告就像一本书的封面,而商店是书的内容。Atmosphere is connected with thefive human senses: visual, aural, tactile, olfactory, and taste; and a

7、nadditional sixth sense, emotion.气氛是和人的五个感觉有关的:视、听、触、嗅和味觉,以及第六感:“情感”。Retailment, a combination ofthe words Retail + Entertainment.Retailment是零售+ 娱乐的结合。Branding is not about getting your consumerto choose you over the competition. Its about getting them to see you as theonly solution.“品牌”不是让顾客只选你家的商品

8、不选别的,而是让他们知道你是唯一能满足他们的。A brand is the sum of all thefeelings, perceptions and experiences a person has as a result of contact witha company and its products and services.品牌是顾客通过和公司、产品、服务接触后产生的一系列感觉、认识和体验的综合体验。The key tools of luxury fashionbranding are differentiation and emotional appeal. 奢侈品时尚的品牌管

9、理的关键是差异化和情感诉求。Brand awareness comprises of twoelements: brand recognition and brand recall. 品牌知名度包括:品牌认知和品牌回头率Brand positioning is the pointwhere the relationship between a brand and consumers become apparent.品牌定位是连接品牌和顾客关系的点。If the brand is repeatedlyfavoured, its share in the mind of the consumer

10、will increase. This iscalledBrand Share 如果品牌经常被顾客优先选择,那么它在顾客印象中所占“份额”就提升,这就是“品牌份额”A Business Strategy Model in simple terms is agraphical representation of the elements, 卄ECHid mm 佃 hnowtbt mort hu dare processes, plans, tactics and all thefeatures that make up the direction that a company follows in executing itsactivities.简单来说,商业战略模型是用图形来表现各因素、流程、计划、战术和所有促使公司朝着一个目标执 行的要素。+ECHid imta 砂 hnow tht mart hu dare



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