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1、Eating hot food off plastic plates can increase the risk of kidney stones用塑料盘子吃热的食物会增加肾结石风险ch suggests that eating hot meals on melamine crockery could actually be harmful to health.全球野餐爱好者甚至父母们都最喜欢用这种餐具。但新的研究表明,使用这种餐具吃滚烫的热食实际上会有害健康。Taiwanese researchers have found that hot temperatures increase the

2、 amount of melamine we are exposed to - and this can increase the risk of kidney stones.台湾研究人员发现因滚烫食物的高温增加三聚氰胺餐具释放更高量的三聚氰胺,这样会增加肾结石风险。They studied two groups of people who ate piping hot noodle soup. One group ate from melamine bowls, the other from ceramic bowls.他们研究了吃热汤面条的两组人:一组用三聚氰胺碗,另一组用陶瓷碗。Urin

3、e samples were collected before the meal, and every two hours for 12 hours following the meal.分别在用餐前采尿样,用餐后12小时中每两小时采尿样。Three weeks later, the volunteers consumed the same kind of soup but the type of bowl they used was reversed. Urine samples were collected again.三个星期后,让志愿者们使用陶瓷碗吃热汤面条,再次采尿样。Total m

4、elamine levels in urine for 12 hours after eating the soup was 8.35 micrograms when the participants ate out of the melamine bowls versus about 1.3 micrograms when they ate out of ceramic bowls.餐后12小时,用三聚氰胺碗的这组三聚氰胺尿样中总含量是8.35微克,而用陶瓷碗吃的这组尿样中三聚氰胺含量约1.3微克。Lead researcher by Chia-Fang Wu, of Kaohsiung M

5、edical University in Taiwan, said: Melamine tableware may release large amounts of melamine when used to serve high-temperature foods.台湾高雄医学大学首席研究员Chia-Fang Wu说:“用三聚氰胺餐具盛高温食物会释放大量的三聚氰胺。”He noted that both higher temperatures (from hot soups, for example) or more acidic foods can encourage melamine t

6、o contaminate food, especially in older or low-quality kitchenware.他指出较高温度食物(例如滚烫的汤)或酸性食物会与三聚氰胺餐具发生化学反应释放三聚氰胺餐从而污染食物,尤其是久用餐具的或劣质餐具释放量更高。But he added that the amount of melamine released into food and beverages from melamine tableware varies by brand, so the results of this study of one brand may not

7、 be generalised to other brands.但他补充说,不同品牌的三聚氰胺餐具释放到食物和饮料中的三聚氰胺量也不同,所以这个品牌的这项研究结果还不能笼统地代表其他品牌。However the results suggest it is advisable to serve hot food on ceramic crockery, to be on the safe side.不过研究结果建议为了安全起见宜使用陶瓷陶器盛热食。They added that its not yet clear what effect all of this might have on hum

8、an health. However, prior studies have linked chronic, low-dose melamine exposures to an increased risk for kidney stones in both children and adults, the researchers said.研究人员补充说,目前还不清楚对人类健康所产生的具体影响作用。但之前有关低剂量三聚氰胺的慢性反应研究表明对儿童和成人都增加了肾结石风险。The findings back up previous research that found a link betw

9、een melamine and kidney stones in both children and adults.这项研究证明了先前的研究发现三聚氰胺对儿童和成人的肾结石都有联系。Studies of melamine toxicity in animals indicate that ingestion can cause kidney stones, kidney damage and may induce cancer.对摄入毒性三聚氰胺的动物研究表明会导致肾结石、肾衰竭还会诱发癌症。And in 2008, melamine-tainted baby formula (causing an especially high dose) was linked to six deaths and 50, 000 hospitalizations related to kidney stones and kidney disease in China.2008年,中国婴儿配方奶粉中含三聚氰胺(因含量严重超标)导致六名婴儿死亡,5万名婴儿因患肾结石和肾脏疾病而住院治疗。The study was published in the journal JAMA Internal Medicine.该项研究结果发表在美国医学会杂志的内科医学杂志上。



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