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1、一、找出与所给单词画线部分读音相同的词。( ) 1. earA. bear B. there C. hear D. pear( ) 2. pleaseA. ready B. nineteen C. heavy D. sweater( ) 3. cornerA. word B. doctor C. worker D. forty( ) 4. mouthA. their B. thanks C. brother D. this( ) 5. wrongA. telescope B. clock C. come D. oldKey: CBDBB二、选出不同类的词。( ) 1. A.better B.m

2、ore C.farther D. fast( ) 2. A.bedroom B.bathroom C. home D. kitchen( ) 3. A.my B. yours C.her D. their( ) 4. A.room B.chair C.desk D. sofa( ) 5. A.flower B.book C.water D. tableKey: DCBAC三、单项选择。1.Tom never _ to turn off thelights when he leaves the classroom.A.forget B. forgets C.forgot D. forgettin

3、g2. Does it make a big _ to your grades?A.difference B.different C. differences D. more different3. -How often do youdrink milk?-I drink it _.A. four time a day B. four times aday C. four times of a day D. four time every day4. Eating fruits and vegetables _ good for our _.A. are,health B. are,healt

4、hy C. is,healthy D. is, health5. The result of _ math test is good.A. the students B. the students C. the students D. students6. We must _ our best to study English well.A. to try todo B. try to do C. tryto D. trying to do7. Tom studies very _,but his brother Tony _ studies.A. hardly, hardly B.hard,

5、 hardly C. hard, had D. hardly, hard8. He worked many hours a day _ he became seriously ill.A.since B. evenif C.when D. until9. Ill go with you assoon as I _ my work.A. willfinish B. shallfinish C.finish D. finished10. Do you know _?A. how he is old B. howis he old C. how old ishe D. how old he is11

6、. The engineer managed _ the washing machine _ again.A. to get, to run B. to get,run C. to get, running D. getting, to run12. The train from Tianjinan _ hour ago.A.arrived B. hasarrived C. wasarriving D.arrived at13. Jane was sure that she _ her wallet in the classroom.A.left B. haslost C.lost D. ha

7、d left14. -Whichdo you prefer, coffee or milk?-_ of them. Id likesome cola.A. Either B. Both C. Neither D. None15. Youd better go and ask Mr. Wang.He _ know how to use thismachine.A.can B. may C.would D. could16. The paper for books and newspapers _ made from wood.A.are B. is C.has D. have17. He dro

8、pped the _ and broke it.A. cup of tea B. teas cup C. cup for tea D. tea cup18. You can _ stay at home _ go out to play.A. either,or B. so,that C. neither,and D. both,and19. We must keep the children _ playingwith fire.A.by B. away C.off D. from20. Smith is _ teacherthat all of us like them.A. such g

9、ood a B. a so good C. so good a D. a such goodKey: BABDB BBBCD CADCB BDADC四、读短文,选择正确的单词填空。ten, friend, happy, name,holiday, from, was, watched TVMy_ 1_ is Jim Green. Im _2_ .Im _3_ America. I _4_ in Beijing, China during my _5_ .I went to visit the Great Wall. I enjoyed the Spring Festival with my C

10、hinese _6_ . I_ 7_ on the eve of the SpringFestival. The TV programmes were so interesting and exciting! I ate jiaozi thatnight. They were very delicious. How _8_ Iwas! What a nice holiday I had in Beijing, China!Key:1. name 2. ten 3. from 4. was 5. holiday 6.friend 7. watched TV 8. happy五、用括号中词的适当形

11、式填空。1.You or he (have) takenmy pen.2.We are (excite) at the (excite)news.3.They lived in London until quite (recent).4.He knows much English, but he knows a little (France).5.On Sundays, we often go (shop)with our parents.6.-Jim(finish) his composition yet?-No. He has some difficulty in doing it.7.T

12、he rest of the wine (turn)bad.8.We (plant) trees in springevery year. Now we (plant)trees along the river.Key:1. has 2. excited, exciting 3. recently 4. French 5.shopping 6. Has, finished 7.turns/turned 8. plant, are planting六、词形转换。根据括号内的要求改变单词。1.thin (反义词)_ 2. big (反义词) _3.long (反义词) _ 4. glass (复数

13、) _5.sheep (复数)_ 6. baby (复数) _7.cow (复数) 8. they (单数) _9.one (序数词)_ 10. good(同义词)_Key:1. fat (or thick) 2. small 3. short 4.glasses 5. sheep 6. babies 7. cows 8. he (she orit) 9. first 10. well一、找出与所给单词画线部分读音相同的词。( ) 1. earA. bear B. there C. hear D. pear( ) 2. pleaseA. ready B. nineteen C. heavy D

14、. sweater( ) 3. cornerA. word B. doctor C. worker D. forty( ) 4. mouthA. their B. thanks C. brother D. this( ) 5. wrongA. telescope B. clock C. come D. oldKey: CBDBB二、选出不同类的词。( ) 1. A.better B.more C.farther D. fast( ) 2. A.bedroom B.bathroom C. home D. kitchen( ) 3. A.my B. yours C.her D. their( ) 4. A.room B.chair C.desk D. sofa( ) 5. A.flower B.book C.water D. tableKey: DCBAC三、单项选择。1.Tom never _ to turn off thelights when


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