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1、双层幕墙的22种英文译法,1种德文译法!01、Double-Skin Facade02、Active Facade (usually when the air cavity ventilation is mechanical) 03、Passive Facade (usually when the air cavity ventilation is natural) 04、Double Facade 05、Double Envelope (Facade) 06、Dual-Layered Glass Facade07、Dynamic Facade08、Wall-Filter Facade09、E

2、nvironmental Second Skin System 10、Energy Saving Facade11、Ventilated Facade12、Double-Leaf Facade13、Energy Saving Facade14、Environmental Facade15、Multiple-Skin Facades16、Intelligent Glass Facade17、Second Skin Facade/System 18、Airflow Window 19、Supply Air Window 20、Exhaust Window/Facade21、Double Skin

3、Curtain Wall 22、Twin Skin Facade德文译法:01.Doppelfassade幕墙常用英语一些规则、规范的英文译法以下是一些规则、规范的英文译法1房屋建筑制图统一标准Unified standard for building drawings2冷弯薄壁型钢结构技术规范Technical code of cold-formed thin-wall steel structures3岩土工程勘察规范Code for investigation of geotechnical engineering4工程测量规范Code for engineering surveying

4、5锅炉房设计规范Code for design of boiler houses6工业建筑防腐蚀设计规范Code for anticorrosion design of industrial construction7小型火力发电厂设计规范Code for design of small-size power plant8建筑结构可靠度设计统一标准Unified standard for reliability design of building structures9建筑结构设计术语和符号标准Standard for terminology and symbols used in desi

5、gn of building structures10建筑制图标准Standard for architectural drawings11建筑结构制图标准Standard for structural drawings12地下工程防水技术规范Technical code for waterproofing of underground works13建筑地基基础工程施工质量验收规范Code for acceptance of construction quality of building foundation14砌体工程施工质量验收规范Code for acceptance of cons

6、truction quality of masonry engineering15屋面工程质量验收规范Code for acceptance of construction quality of roof16GB 50208-2002地下防水工程质量验收规范Code for acceptance of construction quality of underground waterproof17建筑地面工程施工及验收规范Code for construction and acceptance of building ground engineering18建筑装饰装修工程质量验收规范Code

7、 for construction quality acceptance of building decoration19水喷雾灭火系统设计规范Code of design for Water spray extinguishing systems20建筑给排水及采暖工程施工质量验收规范Code for acceptance of construction quality of Water supply drainage and heating works21气体灭火系统施工及验收规范Code for installation and acceptance of gas fire -extin

8、guishing system22压缩机、风机、泵安装工程施工及验收规范Code for construction and acceptance of compressor,fan and pump installation23起重设备安装工程施工及验收规范Code for construction and acceptance of crane installation engineering24泡沫灭火系统施工及验收规范Code for installation and acceptance of foam extinguish shying system25工业循环水冷却设计规范Code

9、 for cooling design of industrial circulating waterCECS 类规范26埋地硬聚氯乙烯给水管道工程技术规程Technical specification for buried unplasticized polyvinyl chloride (PVC-U) pipeline of water supply engineeringSH 类规范27SH 3004-1999石油化工采暖通风与空气调节设计规范Design code for heating,ventilation and air conditioning in petrochemical

10、 industry 28石油化工管道布置设计通则General rule of piping layout design for petrochemical industry29石油化工企业储运系统泵房设计规范Design specification for pump room of storage and handling system in petrochemical engineering30石油化工企业给水排水系统设计规范Design code for water supply and discharge system of petrochemical enterprise31石油化工

11、企业循环水场设计规范Design code for circulating water site of petrochemical enterprises32 石油化工仪表及管道隔离和吹洗设计规范Code for the design of seal and purge of instrument and piping for petrochemical industry33石油化工企业厂内道路设计规范Code for design of plant roads in petrochemical enterprise34石油化工塔型设备基础设计规范Design code for tower-t

12、ype equipment foundation for petrochemical35石油化工立式圆筒形钢制焊接储罐设计规范Petro-chemical design specification for vertical cylindrical steel welded storage tanks36石油化工钢制设备抗震设计规范Seismic design specification for petrochemical steel facilities37石油化工企业管式炉基础设计规范Petrochemical enterprise design specification for pipe

13、 still foundation38 石油化工管式炉钢结构设计规范Design specification for steel structure of heater for petro-chemical plant39石油化工企业管道支吊架设计规范Design specification for piping support and hanger in petrochemical industry40石油化工企业钢结构冷换框架设计规范Petro-chemical Enterprises Design Specification for Steel Structure Coolers and

14、 Exchangers Frame41石油化工塔盘设计规范Specification for design of tray for petrochemical industry42石油化工压缩机基础设计规范Petro-chemical Design Specification for compressor foundation 43石油化工污水处理设计规范Design code for wastewater treatment in petrochemical industry44石油化工塔器设计规范45炼油厂全厂性工艺及热力管道设计规范Specifications for design of

15、 plant-wide process and thermal piping of refineries46炼油厂设计热力工质消耗量计算方法Calculation Method of Thermal Medium Consumption for Refinery Engineering Design47炼油装置工艺管道流程设计规范Design specification for process pipe line diagram in refinin units48石油化工仪表及管道伴热和隔热设计规范Code for the design of tracing and insulation of instrument and piping for petrochemical industry49钢筋焊接及验收规程 幕墙常用英语第一部分玻璃幕墙-glass curtain wallGranite 花岗石 Aluminium alloy 铝合金 Mild steel 钢 Butt welding 焊缝 Alum.panel 铝板 Stainless steel bolt 不锈钢螺栓 Transom 横



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