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1、1、他们下了公共汽车后,朝旅馆走去。After they got off the bus, they made their way to the hotel.2、在我们的城市,成千上万的人通过上夜校来学习英语。Thousands of people study English by evenings school in our city.3、杭州是一个美丽的地方,值得一游。Hangzhou is a beautiful place, which is worth visiting.4、当这小孩找不到他母亲时,突然大哭起来。The child burst into tears, when he

2、could not find his mother.5、不要这样对他讲,你会使他受惊吓的。Dont tell him that, you would give him a fright.6、这位教授写了好几部英语语法书。此外,他还翻译过一些短篇小说。Besides translating a few short story, the professor has wroten quite a few English grammar books.7、天开始下起雨来,但他们继续在球场上踢足球。When it began to rain, they were going on playing foot

3、ball.8、指挥员神色坚定地说:“我们一定要尽快扑灭森林中的大火。”The commander said with a determined face, we must as soon as possible put out the fire.9、这些英语小说他一本也看不懂。Not a single English Novels can he understand.10、他刚到学校,玲就响了。No sooner had he got to the school, than the bell rang.Hardly had he arrived at the school, when the

4、bell rang.11、我们从来没有想到他会成为一个作家。Never did we think that he would be a writer.12、汤姆失去了工作,彼得也失去了工作。Tom lost his job, neither did Peter.13、只有在外文书店你才能买到这本词典。Only in the foreign book shop, you can buy this dictionary.14、卢埃林刚杀死自己的猎犬,便发现那是一场可悲的误会。No sooner had Luailin killed his dog, than he found it was a m

5、istake.15、门开了,进来一位中年妇女。In came a middle woman, when the door opened.16、祝你幸福。May you happy.17、孩子们正在认真地听老师讲课。The children are listening to the teacher with great attention.18、从前他们很贫穷以至于常常整整一天没一点东西吃。Before they were so hard up that they often had nothing to eat whole day.19、他们在树林里搜寻失踪的女孩。They are searc

6、hing the woods for the lost girl.20、她找合适的套房已经找了好几个月了。She has been in search of a suit flat for several months.21、新轿车太贵了,他买不起。他只买了一辆旧车。He can not afford a new car, as it is too expensive. He only buy a old one.22、在进行一番长谈后她才知道那个老人其实是她的父亲。She had knew the old man was in fact her father only after a lon

7、g talk.23、当他发现文件被盗,他认识到他处于危险的境地。He realized he was in a dangerous situation, when the official found the document was stolen.24、杰克从地上爬起来,戴上帽子,把手插进口袋里,然后好像什么事也没有发生似的走出了房间。Jack got up from the floor, put on the cap, put his hand in the pocket, and went out the room as if nothing happened.25、下星期一上午我没有空

8、,我将和我的朋友商谈一件重要的事情。I will not be free next Monday, I will be talking over an important thing with my friend.26、他今晚七点在电影院门口等我。从七点到九点我们将一起看一部新电影。He will be waiting for me at 7 oclock at the entrance of the cinema.From 7 to 9 oclock we will be seeing a new film together.27、今天下午你有课吗?没有,但从两点到五点我将在实验室里作一项试

9、验。Do you have class this afternoon? No, but I will be doing an experiment in the lab from 2 to 5 oclock.28、明天下午这个时候我将在办公室等你。I will be waiting for you in the office at this time tomorrow afternoon.29、明年这个时候那座新建的机场将投入使用。The newly-building airport will have been used by this time next year.30、我希望在我们去野餐

10、前,雨已经停了。I hope the rain will have stopped before we go to picnic.31、到下个月底,他就已经大学毕业了。He will have graduated from the university by the end of next month.32、当他收到我的信时,也许我已经离开这里了。Maybe I will have left here, when he received my letter.33、我认为世界人口必须得到控制。I think the population of the world must be controll

11、ed.34、消防队员花了五个小时才把大火控制住。It took the firemen 5 hours to control the big fire.35、要是不作努力你是不会取得任何进步的。You could not get any without working hard.36、如果你住在农村就不必为空气污染而担忧。If you lived in ,you would not be worry about the air pollution.37、你简直无法想象五十年后的世界将会是个什么样子。You could not imagine simply what the world woul

12、d be after fifty years.38、自然科学包括生物学、地质学、物理学和化学等。39、我们当然认识那位科学家。我们甚至还去过他的实验室。We knew that scientist of course, even we had been to his lab.40、由于人手和资金短缺,那家公司最终不得不关闭。As the shorting of people and money, that company had to close down.41、步行上下班是他的习惯。It is his habit to walk to and from work.42、可以肯定他首先创立了这

13、个理论。Its certain that he created this theory first.43、我们认为帮助别人是我们的责任。We think its our duty to help others.44、他们到达动物园时天开始下起雨来。It began to rain, when they had arrived the zoo.45、是一场大火毁灭了那个城市。It was a large fire that destroy the city.46、中华人民共和国是在1949年10月1日成立的。It was on Oct.1 1949 that The PLC was founde

14、d.47、从这儿乘火车到北京要多少时间。How long does it take to go to Beijing from here by train.48、我上星期刚去过杭州。It was last week that went to Hangzhou.49、我想他一个人无法经营这家古董店。I think he can run an antique store alone.50、开始时他看上去有一点紧张,但是当他继续下去,他变得越来越自信。At first he seemed slightly nervous, but as he went on, became more and mor

15、e confidents.51、为了节约时间,我们决定走那条路。In order to save time, we take that way.52、由于汽车出了故障,游客们就一路步行回到他们住的旅馆。As the bus out of order, the visitors made their way back to their hotel by walk.53、当牛顿走出书房,他发现早已过了吃午饭的时间。When Newton went out study, he found well after the lunch time.54、当他看到这些照片,他不禁想起他在国外的那些日子。When he saw these photos, he couldnt help remembering those days abroad.55、这个城市的交通很繁忙,特别是在高峰时间。The traffic of this city is very busy, especially during rush hour.56、我认不出这张纸上写些什么。I cant make out what is written o



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