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1、单词填空专项练习(必修五Unit 1-Unit 5)Unit 11. Itthat he didn t tell ustruththe. I came to thethat he is lying. (conelude)2. The government is providing an$25 million to expand the project, whichwillto our total. (additi on)3. Don tyourself to the sun too long. Prolonged ( 长 时 间 的)to the sun will be harmful to

2、your skin. (expose)4. This work hashim for several years. He seemed totallyin his book(. absorb )5. The writer pers on ally $5000 to the earthquake fund. All thewill be gratefully received. (con tribute)6. “You don t sound veryabout the idea. don& t ” mind, “I” she said,without much(en thusiasm)7. T

3、hetook a veryapproach to. (scientific)8. “ Dont ” . She staysstill. She observes the gentleof the snake. (move)网9. He was so(全神贯注)in the book that he did nt hear the bell.10. I m sure he ll(打败)all the competitors.11. Drunk driving should be(severe) punished.12. The children are helpless(victim) of t

4、he fighting.13. The old professor is very strict bothhimself andhiswork.14. Be(_小心的 _) when youcross the street.15. He fin ished his work in a(-积极的-)way.16. We had to( 不接受 )your plan simply because it was far below ourexpectati ons.17. She showed the visitors around the museum, the(建设一 )of which had

5、take n more tha n three years.18. Sorry, I can t go to the party with you, for I anhaveimportant meeting to( 参力口 ).19. I was impressed by her way of(handle) the affair.20. You could get into a situationyou have to decide immediately.21. It is not the husband and wife but their parents that areblame

6、for thefailure of the marriage.22. The Golden Bridge(construct) in 1933-1937.23. The little boy was veryat thestory. (excite)Unit 21. The greatest(history) treasure of all is London with its museums, artcollectio ns, theatres, and buildi ngs.2. (attract) by the beauty of nature, the girl from London

7、 decided to spendano ther two days on the farm.3. I think this was perhaps the most(enjoy) occasion we have ever had atthe White House.4. I am(delight) to have been invited to your school to deliver a speech.5. Cars have become a popular means of transport, bringing great(convenient) to our life.6.

8、If what you say is not(consist) with what you do, it will have a bad effecton your childre n.7. It is strange that the fridge we just bought(break) down.8. The UK, which consists of four countries, is beautiful beyond(describe).9. With their wedding approaching, they are busy making good(arrange) fo

9、r it.10. (divide) into four groups, the whole class bega n to discuss the topic.11. What attracts me most in Beiji ng is that there are many, like the GreatWall, the Summer Palace. They are soas to attract eyes from every cornerof the world. (attract)12. He had bee n searchi ng for aflat. (furnish)1

10、3. This job doesn t pay well, but it ll(rough) cover your daily expense14. However, the souther n part of Irela nd was(willi ng) and broke away to formits own gover nment.15.1 am happy(clarify) any poi nts that are still un clear.16. My sister a nd I used to (争吵)all the time.17. A n( 昔误)may not be y

11、our fault, but itresponsibility your.18. A no ther(possible) is that we will go to Mexico in stead.19. surprised me was that he did very well in the exam.20.1 don t knowhe said.21. I don t understandhappened.22. seems stra nge that the lady who has bee n cautious all the time should have bee ncheate

12、d as well.Unit 31. The people in Iraq lived a hard life, because it was 不(断地 )hit by war.2. The( 周围的)scenery is very beautiful.3. The project failed for( 缺乏)of money.4. Have you had 先(前的)job experienee?5.1 can t容忍()your bad manners any more.6. They want to make an(adjust) to the teleph one bill.7. W

13、ild animals should live in their natural(surround).8. After being ill for ten days, Mary is fin ally backher feet.9. A(greed) man is never content. He wants to have more of something suchas food or money tha n is n ecessary.10. Although Liu Hua is disabled, he is 乐(观的)about life.11. We all voted for

14、 him as our 代(表).12. His speech was quite moving, and make a strong(impress) on theaudie nee.13. Nicholas left Grylls a very deep (impress) because he didthe right things in the dangerous situation.14. She was very (impress) in the in terview.15. She made a good impressionhis new teacher.16. I think

15、 it s important for us to impress visitors a nice looking office.17. If we can live in a beautiful , we must have a happy feeling everyday, because thethi ngs always have an effect on our mood. (surro unding)18. When the car stopped in the town, it by soldiers. (surround)19. Most of them are tolerant things American youth would never accept.20. What you said is beyond . (tolerate)21. Nobody can tolerate others(tell) lies.22. I don t think Jim is a good employee becauseishe in patience.(


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