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1、-初三新题型 - 语法填空专题练习1. A _( Span) company is building the first ever space hotel. It plans_(open)to the public in 2015. During their stay, guests _( be ) able to see _sun rise15 times a day. _ can travel around the world every 80 minutes.They will have to wear special suits _they can crawl (匍匐爬行 )。 The

2、 suits will allowthem to stick to _(wall)like Spiderman.The hotel will travel _30,000km per hour, 450km above the Earth. It has spaceto hold 4 guests and two astronaut-pilots. _to the hotel, guests willhave to take_rocket and travel for a day and a half.2. One day, a young man asked Albert Einstein,

3、 a great_(science), what the secret of success was. _scientist told him that the secret of success is hard work. A few days_(late), the young man asked him the same question again. Einstein was not very_(happiness). He did not say anything, _wrote a few words _a pieceof paper and handed _to the youn

4、g man. The young man looked at the paper. On it was_(write): A=X+Y+Z. “What does this mean?” askedthe young man. “A means success,”said the scientist. “and Xmeans hard work, Ymeans good_ ”(method), and Z means_(little)_talking and more work.3. Robot looks like a bucket on wheels. It moves _(quick )a

5、round the store, _(choose) items and putting them into a shopping basket. Robot always chooses the _(big)things first. _ you buy a new toaster,( 烤面包机 )Robot, will not put it on top of your fresh_( vegetable). Then Robot _(come)back with your order. This isour special shopkeeper, Robot. Many people l

6、ike to shop_ Robot shop.“funIt andsinteresting _(shop ) here. ” Says Michele, a regular customer. The prices are_(low)because_ stores don t have to pay for salaries.”4. First of all, we should pay attention to the word_(pronounce). The more we read it, the_(good) we can remember it. So I suggest_(re

7、ad)the new words aloud! Second, _we read, we had better _how to use it, such as to make_ phrase or a sentence.In this way we can remember it for a long time. _(three)we should turnthe short-term memory _the long-term memory when we remember_.Besides, we should do it in a good way, _we ll waste much

8、time. Last,we should understand them and use them in the sentences or articles correctly.5. Are you worried about finding a good job or even any job? Nervous about _(pay)forcollege? Are afraid_ a parent may be out of work?If so, you are not alone. A TeensHealth Survey found that most teens worry _ t

9、he economy. The good news is, teensalso seem _(confidence)about the future and arent overly stressed out(过度紧张 )about the current financial situation. And most are willing to face_(brave) to the tougheconomic times by finding a positive side to use less and save_(many.) Some are even ableto find a po

10、sitive side to_ is going on, like Sasha, 18, who said ,“I think that it will helpprepare us _(be)more responsible with money in the future. ”6. How are you feeling about_ sudden call when you are having a sound_(asleep)? Maybe someone _(feel)too bad or someone not. What will you do with it_ it happe

11、ns to you at midnight? Dont lose your temper_don tworry!Here is a piece of good news _lazy people: this talking pillow connects to_mobile phone by Bluetooth( 蓝 牙 ). _ someone calls you,_pillow will ring. Press a button on one side of the pillow, then it starts_(talk).7. My _(good) friends are John a

12、nd Ann. We do many things together. John lives_my house and we are_ the same class. He s fifteen years oldhe stall and thin. He s got blond(hair) and blue eyes. Hepolites and very c lever. He svery good at Maths and he _(help)me with my homework sometimes. He usually likes_(wear)jeans and a T-shirt

13、_ in the photo he wearings black trousers and ayellow T-shirt. We also play basketball at _nearby park together and sometimes we playvideo games at _house.8. Last Saturday evening, I attended_(Simon) birthday party. We had a taste of the birthday cake and _(sing)the birthday song for Simon. Besides, we danced, so we really enjoyed_. But I happened _(knock)a vase down and it broke_pieces. I was very


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