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1、七上 Unit5 Lets celebrate! 教案总 课 题七上Unit 5 Lets celebrate!总课时7第1课时课 题Comic strip and welcome to the unit课型New教学目标知识目标掌握和节日相关的一些词汇: celebrate, Halloween, ghost, interesting, dress up, as, Monkey King, Christmas, festival, Dragon Boat Festival, Mid-Autumn Festival, Thanksgiving Day, mooncake能力目标学会中外著名节日

2、的英文表达法并了解庆祝这些节日的方式。情感目标了解不同节日的习俗,进行跨文化交际。教学重、难点学会中外著名节日的英文表达法并了解庆祝这些节日的方式教学准备了解不同节日的习俗,进行跨文化交际。课前预习Preview the words教学过程复 备Step1:预习检测与导入 Step2:展示目标 Step3:合作探究 任务一:自由交谈(1) What day is it today?(2) Whats the date today?(3) Whats your favourite day? Why?任务二:讨论让学生两人一组合作讨论,完成课本P39 A部分练习。任务三:讨论让学生两人一组就各图内

3、容开展讨论,了解更多关于节日方面的信息,如日期、食物、活动以及孩子们常做的事情等。让学生试着填写下列表格。Special daysDateSpecial foodWhat people doChinese New YearDumplingsGet togetherDragon Boat FestivalJune & JulyMid-Autumn FestivalSeptember & OctoberWatch the moonHalloweenChocolates & candiesChristmasChristmas pudding任务四:小组练习Asking about festivals

4、A: Which is your favourite festival ?B: _.A: When is it?B: _.A: What do you usually do on that day?B: _.A: Why do you like it ?B: _.任务五:表演表演Part B对话任务六:听录音并回答下面的问题(1) What is Hobo dressing up ?(2) What will he dress up then ?任务七:根据对话内容,填入单词Today is _. Hobo and Eddie are going to _it. Hobo is _up as

5、a _, but Eddie doesnt think that is very _. Then Hobo wants to dress up as _Step4:总结提升比较中西方节日的不同 _ Step5:当堂反馈 Step6:课后拓展 Step7:布置作业1.Copy new words and phrases.2.Recite the dialogue 教学后记总 课 题七上Unit 5 Lets celebrate!总课时7第2课时课 题Reading 1课型New教学目标知识目标1)掌握下列词汇: October, special, call , knock, shout,cand

6、y, treat, if,play a trick, costume, mask, paint, face, wonderful, pumpkin lantern,cut, sharp, tooth, hot, knock on, give sb. sth. as a treat, play a trick on sb,dress up(2)学习有关万圣节的知识和活动。 能力目标初步了解英语信件的写作格式。情感目标了解西方国家万圣节的习俗,进行跨文化交际教学重、难点了解西方国家万圣节的习俗,进行跨文化交际教学准备初步了解英语信件的写作格式。 录影机,多媒体,实物课前预习Preview the

7、words教学过程复 备Step1:预习检测与导入 Step2:展示目标 Step3:合作探究任务一:自由交谈(1) What festivals do you know?(2) Which is your favourite festival ?(3) Why do you like it ?任务二:阅读课文1.Scan the text and answer. When is Halloween?2. Listen to the tape and answer. What do people do for Halloween?3.Read the article carefully and

8、 do “True” or “False” statements.(1) People in the USA usually have a party on October 30th to celebrate Halloween. ( )(2) Wendy often plays trick or treat at Halloween. ( )(3) Wendy and her friends always paint their faces at Halloween. ( )(4) People in the USA make lanterns out of oranges. ( )(5)

9、People eat special Halloween chocolates and candies on that day. ( ) 4. Read Para.1 carefully and choose the right answers.(1) People dont celebrate _ in the USA.A. Halloween B. Christmas C. Middle Autumn Festival (2) _ is Millies favourite festival. A. Spring Festival B. Halloween C. Christmas(3) H

10、alloween is on_ .A. October 30th B. October 31st C. December 25th5. Read Para.23 and fill in the blanks.They play a game called _ Usually, they _.People give them _,or they can _.They wear _Sometimes they _ and people do not know who they are. This year Wendy will wear _.6. Read Para.45 and answer t

11、he questions. (1) How do people make pumpkin lanterns?(2) When do families have a party?(3) What do they eat on that day?任务三:阅读提升Work in groups of four. According to the text , fill in the blanks.Wendys favorite _is _.She often _ it with her family members on the evening of _.And the children play a

12、 game called _.They _ peoples doors and _“trick or treat” .Usually people give them _ as a treat. If people dont give them a _,they often play a trick on them.The children often wear_ with_. People dont know who they are because they _ their faces.Step4:总结提升本节课的话题?庆祝此节日都有哪些活动?每个活动又是怎样进行的?_Step5:当堂反馈

13、见导学案【课后拓展】见导学案Step6:布置作业1.Read the passage, pay attention to your pronunciation.2. Try to retell the passage.3. Recite the new words. 教学后记总 课 题七上Unit 5 Lets celebrate!总课时7第3课时课 题Reading 2课型New教学目标知识目标能熟练掌握和理解上一课所学的语言知识并进行交际运用。能力目标能正确理解与上一课内容相当的课外短文并准确搜集信息。情感目标能进一步熟悉和了解西方节日及主要庆祝方式,逐步增强自己的世界文化意识。教学重、难点


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