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1、情书一则August 3, 2005Dearest Michael,Its only been four days since you went to Tokyo, but it seems like its been four years. I miss you so much already. I know you had to go, but I wish you could stay here in Taiwan all of the time. Why cant you ask your company to assign you here permanently? Then we

2、could be together all the time.I still manage to get up and go to work every day, but everything seems so meaningless without you here. Even when I go to my favorite restaurant for lunch, the food seems tasteless. I want you here with me. Hurry back. I cant survive for long without you.Hugs and kiss

3、es,Jenny最亲爱的麦可:你到东京才四天,但好象已经过了四年。我已经非常想念你。我知道你不得不去,可是我希望你能一直待在台湾这里。你为什么不能要求你的公司将你永久派驻在这里呢?那样的话,我们就可以永远在一起了。我每天仍会想办法起床、上班,但你不在这里,一切似乎都毫无意义。甚至连到我最喜欢的餐厅吃午餐,我都觉得食不下咽。我希望你和我在这里。快点回来吧。没有你我会活不下去。想抱你吻你的珍妮敬上2005年8月3 日字词解说:1. terribly 非常地例:That test was terribly difficult.(那次考试非常难。)2. settled 安居/顿的settle 安居/定

4、/身例:It took our cat a few weeks to settle into his new home.(我们的猫花了几个星期的时间才在它的新居安定下来。)3. take. . . off.二把自y.移开例:When you are driving, you should never take your eyes off the road.(开车时不可以把视线从马路上移开。)4. loneliness 孤单,寂寞5. think about sb想着某人例:Mike is always thinking about his ex-girlfriend.(麦克老是想着他的前任女友。)6. unlikely 不可能的It is unlikely+that从句不可能例:It is unlikely that he will change his mind.(他不可能改变主意。)7. be in one s arms在某人的怀抱里注意:此处的arms一定是复数,arms表“怀抱,若说in ones arm,则表示“在某人的手臂中”。例:The baby sleeps best when he is in his mothers arms.(小宝宝在妈妈的怀抱里睡得最安详。)友情提示:部分文档来自网络整理,供您参考!文档可复制、编辑,期待您的好评与关注! /


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