高中英语人教版 选修9教师用书:Unit 4 SectionⅣ GrammarWriting Word版含答案

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1、 精品资料Section_Using_Language.高频单词点击1rot vt. & vi.腐烂;腐败2evolve vt. & vi.发展;进展;进化evolution n. 演变;进化evolutionism n. 进化论;进化说3attach vt.缚上;系上;附加4typical adj.典型的,有代表性的typicality n典型性;特征typically adv. 代表性地5delicate adj.精巧的;脆弱的;微妙的delicately adv.巧妙地;细致地6fragrant adj.芬芳的;香的fragrance n. 香味;芬芳7dull adj.不鲜明的;阴暗的

2、dully adv.萧条地;不景气地8fruity adj.果味的;(酒)有葡萄味的.重点短语必记1pass on 进入另一个(活动)阶段;前进;传给后代2depend on 依靠;取决于3give out 发出(气味、 热等);分发.常用句型必备1For example,yellow flowers attract bees, while red flower attract butterflies.2. .usually the nectar is at the end of a small, narrow tube_whose length is the same as the tong

3、ue of a particular species.功能意念项目表达情感:惊奇、厌恶(Expressing emotions:wonder,disgust)Thats amazing!What fantastic plants!Wow!How interesting! I think its fantastic!Oh,yuck! Thats disgusting!1evolve v逐步发展;逐渐演变;进化;进化形成evolve from sth.由某物/从某物进化而来evolve into sth. 逐渐形成某物The three species evolved from a single

4、ancestor.这三种生物从同一祖先进化而来。After billions of years, some species evolved into their present forms.几十亿年之后,一些物种才演变成了它们现在的形式。evolution n进化;演变evolutionary adj. 进化的,演变的The teacher is explaining the theory of evolution to the students. 老师正在给学生们解释进化论。(1)他经过多年的研究,总结出了新的理论。He evolved_a_new_theory after many yea

5、rs of research. (2)他们要从大量庞杂的证据中推断出有用的信息。They should evolve_the_useful_information_from a mass of confused evidence. 2attach vt.缚上;系上;附加attach .to .把固定(附在)上attach importance/significance/value to sth. 认为有重要性 (或意义、价值等)attach to 与有联系/关联Please attach a recent photo to your application form.请在申请表上贴一张近期照片

6、。I attach great importance to this research.我认为这项研究十分重要。attached adj.依恋的;附加的be attached to 附着于;依恋What happened would depend on how strongly the things were attached to the Earth.物体附着在地球上的强度决定了事情的发生倾向。(1)我们大家都非常重视英语学习。All of us attach_great_importance_to the English learning.(2)我依恋故乡的一草一木。I am_attach

7、ed_to every tree and bush in my hometown.(3)此次意外事故与他无关。No blame attaches_to him for the accident.3typical adj.典型的;有代表性的;一向如此的be typical of .是典型的;是的特点It is typical of sb. to do sth. 做是某人的特点;某人一向如此typically adv. 典型地,有代表性地It was typical of him to be so rude.他一向都是这样粗鲁无礼。Researchers have found that the f

8、irst two children in a family are typically more different from each other than the second and third.研究人员发现一个家庭的前两个孩子之间与第二个和第三个孩子之间有更加明显的差异。(1)起初发烧是这病的特征;但是它总是要几个星期才显现出来。At first, fever is_typical_of the disease, but it typically takes several weeks to appear.(2)Typically, he is ready to help others

9、. It_is_typical_of_him_to_be_ready_to_help_others.1pass on进入另一个(活动)阶段;前进;传给Read the newspaper, and then pass it on.读完报纸后,往下传。pass sth. on to sb.将某物传给某人pass away 去世pass by 走过,经过pass sth. down 从一代传给下一代pass out 昏倒,失去知觉pass through 经过,经历She said shed pass the message on to the other students.她说她会把口信传给其他

10、学生。The old man has passed through lots of sufferings.这位老人饱尝了辛酸。(1)Some customs have died out but some will pass on for some time.(2)I nearly passed out when I saw all the blood.(3)The tradition has been passed down from father to son for generations.(4)They all waved as they passed by.2depend on依靠;依

11、赖Not having a car or knowing the city, I was depending on a couple of buses to get me from A to B.由于没有车,而且对这个城市也不熟悉,所以我依靠公交车来往于A、B两地。depend on/upon sb.to do sth.依靠某人做某事depend on/upon sb. for sth. 靠某人供给某物depend on/upon it that . 相信That/It (all) depends. 视情况而定。(常用于交际英语)You may depend on it that it won

12、t happen again.你要相信那样的事不会再发生了。介、代词填空或用所给词的适当形式填空(1)You may depend on it that I can come on time.(2)He depends on his parents to_take (take) care of his children.(3)Children depend on their parents for food and clothing.3give out(1)分发Give the money out to the children.把钱分给孩子们。(2)用完,用尽Our food supply

13、at last gave out.我们的食物终于用完了。His strength gave out.他已精疲力竭。(3)公布,宣布;发表;发出It was given out that he was dead.他的死讯已经公布。The radio is giving out a signal.这收音机发出了一种信号。give back归还give away 赠送,颁发;放弃(机会)give in 屈服,投降,退让(to)give off (散)发出(蒸气),发散(光线)give up 放弃,停止Never give in to any difficulty.绝不向困难低头。(1)Eventua

14、lly I gave in and accepted the job on their terms.(2)My money was beginning to give out and there were no jobs to be found.(3)You can look at it as long as you give it back.1For example,yellow followers attract bees, while red flowers attract butterflies.例如:黄花吸引蜜蜂,而红花吸引蝴蝶。句中while为并列连词,连接两个分句,意为“而,然而

15、”,表示对比或转折。while位于两个分句之间。Some people waste food while others havent enough.有些人浪费粮食,然而有些人却吃不饱。while也可作从属连词,引导以下从句:(1)引导时间状语从句,意为“当的时候”,此时从句谓语通常是延续性动词。Mary watched TV while she had supper.玛丽边吃饭边看电视。He caught a cold while (he was) on vacation.他度假时患了感冒。(2)引导让步状语从句,通常位于句首,意为“尽管;虽然”。While I agree with your reasons, I ca


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