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1、8B Unit 5期末复习练习一、单项选择1.In the novel, Quasimodo is _ugly man. He is from _European country, France.A. a, a B. a, an C. an, an D. an, a2.Hes a man of his words, but he didnt arrive on time yesterday. No words can fully _ my sadness.A. excuse B. explain C. express D. exercise3.The little girl the kite

2、in the tree, but she was so small that she couldnt it.A. reached for; reach B. reached for; reached out C. reached out; reached for D. reached; reached for4.Look! Somebody the lights.Well, it wasnt me. I didnt do it.A. turns off B. is turning off C. was turning off D. has turned off5.You must be mor

3、e careful and _ the same mistakes youve ever made.A. plan B. follow C. avoid D. enjoy6. - Mum, that girl _ before us. - No, dear. She just took the place of her mother. A. bumped into B. jumped out C. ran in D. pushed in7.When the passengers (乘客) families heard the bad news, they were_ to stay calm.

4、 A. too sad B. sad enough C. enough sad D. so sad 8.-Your grandparents like travelling, right?-Yes. They think one is never enjoy life. A. too young to B. too old to C. young enough to D. old enough to9.Im sorry to on you, but there are one or two things I dont understand.It doesnt matter.A. cut dow

5、n B. cut out C. cut in D. cut off10.The Shape of Water was a big winner at the 90th Academy Awards, winning four Oscars: Best Production Design, Best Score, Best Director and Best Picture.A. as soon as B. as well as C. as much as D. as good as11.Jack is always_ to wait for me without getting angry.A

6、. patient enough B. too patient C. enough patient D. very patient12.We should behave _at home _.A. polite; too B. polite; also C. politely; as well D. politely; either13.They always warn us _ ball games on the road to avoid _ ourselves.A. to not play; hurting B. not to play; to hurt C. not play; hur

7、ting D. not to play; hurting14. -Tim has realized his dream after years of hard work.-Yes. Just as the saying goes,“_”. A. Practice makes perfect B. No pain, no gain C. It never rains but pours D. Many hands make light work15. -Its been such a wonderful evening with you! Thanks a lot. - _. A. Certai

8、nly not. B. My pleasure.C. With pleasure.D. Its nothing.16.Our school is so big. We must clean it up as soon as possible. Dont worry. _. A. Better to be safe than sorry B. Its raining cats and dogs C. Each dog has its day D. Many hands make light work 17. Having many helpers makes this hard activity

9、 easier and faster to complete. I think so. _.A. Many hands make light work. B. Actions speak louder than words.C. The early bird catches the worm. D. The more you learn, the more you know.18.-Would you mind _the umbrella with me? -_. Lets go.A. share, Of course B. sharing, Of course not C. to share

10、, Better not D. sharing, Never mind 19. I couldnt get through the door because there was a big box _.A. by the wayB. on my wayC. in some waysD. in my way20.When is the sports meeting _ every year?It _at the beginning of the new term.A.taken place; is held B. held; takes place C. taken place; holds D

11、. held; is taken place 21.The door is _ narrow for the elephant _.A. too; to goB. enough; to goC. so; to go toD. too; to go through22.Simon is impatient _ listen carefully to my question. A.so, thatB. too, to C. such; that D. enough, to23.The purpose of the course is _ students how to use computers

12、in a right way.A. teachingB. to teach C. teaches D.to teaching24.Look at the sign. It “No photos”.A. says B. writes C. tells D. speaks25.- do people start a talk in China? - They often say “Nihao” first.A. What B. How C. When D. Which26.“ ” means if lots of people share the work, it will make a job

13、easier to complete.A. The early bird catches the worm. B. It never rains but it pours.C. Many hands make light work. D. Every dog has its day.27.-You have never been to Japan,_ ?-_. Ive only been to the UK.A.have you;Yes, I have B. havent you; Yes, I havent C.have you; No, I havent D. havent you; No, I have28.-Youve never been to China, _? -_. Ive been there three times. A. have you; No, I havent B. havent you; No, I havent C. have you; Yes, I have D. havent you; Yes, I have29.The bag is _ heavy for me _


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