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1、供应链管理面临的挑战中,最主要的是有四个 R,即Right Product 正确的产品、Right Place 正确的地点、Right Time 正确的时间、Right Price 正确的价格4RInr&Hiory供应链管理的目标-4RRigh t Ptuduci in the Pince at the Right for the RightPrKGForecastingSuppiy-Chs ijiAvria Dta一、运输在供应链中的作用A transport role in the supply chain1运输在全球供应链的不同阶段充当重要的纽带。例如:戴尔的供应商遍布全球全世界,并从德

2、克萨斯、爱尔兰、 巴西、中国和马来西亚向全世界各地的消费者提供产品。正是全 球化的运输使沃尔玛公司可以把在美国生产的产品销往世界各 地。1 serves as an important transportation link at differentstages of the global supply chain.For example: Dells worldwide suppliers around the world and provides products from Texas, Ireland, Brazil, China and Malaysia to consumers ar

3、ound the world. It enables the transport of globalization Wal-Mart in the United States we can put products sold around the world.2运输决策影响着供应链利润(1) 运输费用是供应链成本的重要组成部分。1966年美国的货 物运输费用达4550亿美元,约占其国内生产总值的6%.(2) 供应链的成功与运输方式的合理选择有莫大关联。在配送中心,沃尔玛公司采用一种高效的快速反应运输系统“对 接仓储配送体系”)来降低成本。即:在产品配送过程中,调剂不同卡车上的货品,使抵达一家零

4、 售店的卡车上载有来自不同供应商的产品。沃尔玛公司还利用这 一运输系统,使不同商店在商品缺货时或过剩时,互相调剂余缺。 快速反应的运输系统和对接配送体系,使公司降低了成本,增加 了利润。因此,合理运输方式的选择,是沃尔玛既提高了供给与 需求的匹配性、又保持低成本的关键。2 transport decisions affect the supply chain profits(1) transport costs are an important part of the supply chain costs. 1966 US cargo transport costs amounted to $

5、 455 billion,about 6% of its gross domestic product.(2) supply chain success and a reasonable choice of mode of transport has great relevance.In distribution centers, Wal-Mart uses a fast and efficient response t ranspor t sys tem ( docking warehouse dis trib ution system)(对接仓储配送体系)to reduce costs.N

6、amely: changes in product distribution process, swap different goods on the truck so that the truck arrived at a retail store carrying products from different vendors. Wal-Mart also take advantage of this transport system so that different stores when commodity shortage or surplus, the mutual swap p

7、laces remaining.Rapid response transport system and docking distribution system, the company reduce costs and increase profits. Therefore, choose a reasonable mode of transport, Wal-Mart is not only to improve the matching of supply and demand, while maintaining critical cost.3运输决策影响着供应链中的设施决策供应链使用快

8、速反应的运输系统,把较少的固定设施集中布局和 运营。例如:亚马逊公司使用包裹快递及邮政系统,由中心仓库向顾客递送货物。戴尔公司在美国的很多州都有生产基地,它采 用了物流公司提供快速反应的运输方式,在合理价位上提高高度 个性化的产品。3 transport decisions affect the supply chain decision-making facilitySupply chain using rapid response transport system, the less centralized distribution of fixed facilities and oper

9、ations. For example: Amazon parcel and postal delivery system, from the central warehouse to deliver goods to customers. Dell in many US states have production bases, logistics companies it uses to provide rapid response mode of transport, improve highly personalized products at a reasonable price.二

10、、在供应链中运输是,个由多方共同参与的过程,它具有很强的不确定性。the transportation in the supply chain is a process of participation by the multi-party, it has a strong uncertainty.运输过程中出现的问题不仅会影响运输活动自身的正常进行,而且降 低供应链绩效,甚至可能使供应链停止运作。如何避免运输不确定性带来的副作用是个值得关注的问题,只要有预见性和周密的规划,供 应链中出现的运输问题大多可以成功解决。以下策略可以参考。制定备选规划和具体和可选方案,使其成为偶然突发事件的基础,一

11、 旦运输出现问题,立即启动备选方案。注意收集、更新有关数据,如燃料价格、承运商的经营状况等,通过 对这些数据的分析,提高对运输问题的预见性。选择承运商时,应进行全面严格的考核分析,不能仅仅基于价格进行 选择。总之,在信息技术飞速发展的今天,供应链运作的基础依然是运输这 个往往不被人重视的环节。当它正常运作时没有多少人会考虑到它, 然而运输中一个极小的问题可能会让整个供应链崩溃,同时运输也是 供应链物流成本中比重最大的部分,所以,在供应链管理中应当高度 重视运输问题。During transport problems will not only affect their normal trans

12、port operations, and reduce supply chain performance, supply chain may even stop working. How to avoid side effects caused by the uncertainty of transport is a matter of concern, as long as there is predictability and careful planning, supplychain, transport problems arise mostly can be successfully

13、 resolved. The following strategies can refer to.IDevelop options and specific planning and options, making it the basis for occasional emergencies, transport problems once and immediately start options.2Attention to the collec tion, to upda te the releva nt data, such as fuel prices, operating cond

14、itions and other carriers, through the analysis of these data, improve the transportation problem of predictability.3When selecting carriers, should be comprehensive and rigorous assessment analysis, not just choose based on price.In shor t, the rapid developme nt of informa tion t echnology to day,

15、 the basis of supply chain operations is still often not transport the importance of being part of. When it is not functioning properly, how many people would consider it, but a small transportation problem may make the collapse of the entire supply chain, but also the transportation supply chain lo

16、gistics for the largest proportion of part of the cost, so should the supply chain management We attach great importance to the transportation problem.三、新型供应链管理模式一一协同运输管理The new supply chain management model 一 CollaborativeTransportation Management实施协同运输管理的效果:一般来讲,供应链各方协作程度越大,实 施协同运输管理的效果越好,其价值越明显。The effect of the implementation of Collaborative Transpor tatio n Manageme nt: In g



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