高考应用文写作之演讲稿学案 高三英语二轮专题 .docx

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1、题目展示:假定你是李华,你将参加一个以“Live a Green Life”为主题的英语演讲活动,现需写一篇英语演讲稿。内容包括:1.“绿色生活”的意义和方式2.发出号召。注意:1.写作词数应为80左右;2.请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答.审题“三步走”一审文体:演讲稿二数要点:三个:“绿色生活”的意义“绿色生活”的方式发出号召。三.思时态与人称:时态一般现在时 人称 第一人称绿色生活相关表达:1.global warming全球变暖2.solar energy太阳能3.deal with rubbish properly正确处理垃圾4.do great harm to our daily

2、 life对我们的日常生活非常有害20.Accordingly/Consequently,.it is not difficult to draw the conclusion that people are more andmore aware of the importance of theprotectionof the environment.因此,不难得出结论:人们越来越意识到环境保护的重要性了。21.How important and necessary for us to keep the balance of nature and protecttheenvironment!对

3、于我们来说,保持生态平衡、保护环境是多么重要和必要啊!学生作品展示:Ladies and Gentle men,My name is LiHua. Privileged to stand here.I am going to deliver my speech featuring on the topic “Live a Green Life.Green is the color of nature which suggests that our life should be environmentally friendly and sustainable so we could better

4、 protect the nature and grant ourselves a cleaner world.To realize this lifestyle we may change our way in every aspects ranging from transportation to daily foods. For instance,taking public transportation is great for cutting down carbon emission and using more recyclable bags help stop the plasti

5、c pollution.-One persons effort matters little but it added up we could make a difference to this world.I appeal you all to join this activity.第一段:简单介绍+发言主题1.My name is Li Hua.Privileged to stand here,I am going to deliver my speechfeaturing on the topic“Live a Green Life”.Li Hua的后面可以增加同位语,亮明演讲者的身份,

6、也可起到丰富语法结构的作用;featuring一般用于描述某个人、物或事件的特色,而不是用于描述演讲的主题;topic后需加上介词of.修改提升:My name is Li Hua, a student from Grade 3.Privileged to stand before you today,Iam going todelivermy speechon the topic ofLiving a Green Life.其它写法1:Good afternoon! Ifeel greatly honoredto be here,sharingmy ideas abou“Living a G

7、reen Life.其它写法2:My name is Li Hua.It is a great privilegefor me to stand hereanddeliver a speechon the subject ofLiving a Green Life.其它写法3:Im glad to be here today toshare my thoughts onliving a green life.第二段正文:意义+方式2.Green is the colour of nature,which suggests that our life routine should be envi

8、ronmentally friendly and sustainable,so we could better protect the nature and grant ourselves a cleaner world.属于“绿色生活”的意义部分;be environmentally friendly and sustainable这个系表结构改为动词短语adopt an environmentally friendly and sustainable lifestyle(动宾结构)效果更好;grant有点奇怪,建议改成 provide或 create;so改为so that“以便;为了”,

9、前后逻辑关系更恰当。3.To realize lifestyle,we may change our way in every aspects,ranging from transportation to daily foods.属于“绿色生活”的方式部分;every aspect不需要加 s;ranging 可以不加,因为 every aspect 已经表达了“在各个方面”之意,如果前面是in various aspects,那么ranging就需要了。基本修改:Torealize/achievea healthierlifestyle, we mayneed tomake changesi

10、nvariousaspects,rangingfromtransportationtodaily foods.修改提升:4.For instance,taking public transportation is great for cutting down carbonemission,and using more recycleable bags helps to deal with plastic pollution.符合先笼统后具体的写作逻辑;在cutting down后面加上 on,以使句子更准确;recycleable改为recyclable;tackle代替 deal with,

11、因为tackle更加强调采取措施应对这种问题。修改提升:For instance, taking public transportation is great forcutting down oncarbon emissions, and using morereusable/recylablebags helpstackleplasticpollution.其它写法:Public transportation isa great optionforloweringcarbon emissions,andemploying more recyclable bags isan effective

12、 approach toaddressingplasticpollution.第三段:简单致谢+重申主题5.One persons effort matters little but if added up we could make a difference to this world.前面的主语是effort而if后面的主语应该是our efforts,前后的逻辑主语不一致,就不能使用省略句;added up改为added together/combined;matters little改为 makes little difference这个固定短语更加流畅自然。修改提升:One pers

13、ons effortmakes little difference, but if our effortsarecombined/added together, we couldmake a difference tothis world其它写法:Although thecontributionof oneindividualmay beminimal,bypooling(集中) our efforts together, we have thepotentialtobring aboutsignificant change in this world.其它写法2:Whiletheimpact

14、of asinglepersons actions may be small, if wecollaborate and combineour efforts, we canmake a valuable difference tothisworld.6.I appeal you all to join this activity.向某人呼吁去做某事应该是appeal to sb. to do sth.初步修改:Iappeal toyou all to join this activity.其它写法1:Iurge/encourage/inviteyou all toparticipate in

15、this event/getinvolved inthis project其它写法2:Small actions canmake a big difference. Lets work together toprotect our planet andensure a sustainable future forourselves and forgenerations to come.Thank you.其它写法3:Together, every bit of our efforts canmake a big difference tothegreen planet, and a green tomorrow! Thank you!修改精简后的文章完美呈现Good afternoon! Ifeel greatly honoredto be here,sharing my ideas about“Living a Green Life.Together,every bit of our effortscanmake a big


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