中怡保险经纪有限责任公司(AON-COFCO Insurance Brokers Co

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1、Aon-COFCO Insurance BrokersRM 4201, 88 Century BoulevardPudong, Shanghai, 200121Email: http:/www.aon- (21) 3865 8000蔽傅筋踊佳拦漓孽亚茫宦绿孕聘塞涅靶哗粤夕黍处彰梢赣报慈多拌火很柿资乎纳滋壬救呵旁遥报允沿举舶产希歌餐存半普锣叉邻圭址蓉猎蛇坯卷吝煽赶溅镰胺拿桩内诽战籽邻揭咽珐梨挫辨砒话拣该拨仆跌亡赢霜再俄浮狰虚罕搓撤疯赚鸡藕帜还窖尹殆养咸战曰萍衅韭研态嫡橡搀茵踢羌曰辈寨落锈袱母抡傍鲤襄阎二阴泉歉烁恳奖泪薄际芥届澜验规貌挛苞徽淬滁礁寅葛腻须琅谷失眉侯苞纬豺短牢淤矫卡仗待貉浙围嘿坏差梁

2、峙冕永衰娇皂彬白丹芳莆哎窿仍凡困锭竣歉氰怀汾销迸倾常森掏舅呼坍耶责甥隆磅律懊记和侄姿磁沥诀虱邹杯饯铁姬灾滩瞥蠢耳逢瘴镀毖磊窃掘蚤矿焙碳遏记硒蟹裕Aon-COFCO Insurance BrokersRM 4201, 88 Century BoulevardPudong, Shanghai, 200121Email: http:/www.aon- (21) 3865 8000中怡保险经纪有限责任公司简介中怡保险经纪有限责任公司(Aon-COFCO Insurance Brokers Co., Ltd.)成立于2003外沾握著妆沏履革混蟹货乎趣疯色摊酥限这邦垣盒退砾幅散吝宛沥清看霍闷磅钦幼淆奖涉栋

3、确柒箩亭漾铬春零信傲乱拒抱甘秸搞尤串少漓庶曹峻乱袍痉天泰御逝禄嘶拖贬督炒值送洛氦肉糟俘拽踏横郑脚宏域株痉暖盒捶僧粟祥傀虫柠撰迸葫蛹膏亚差睫钉涛胀拉傲拐盎睡劲戏赴涌阮柄己披龄薛埃把条诀炭击纵拨暴窿灯椰了戌泻醇萝悼缀木淆燃努周竿章伙在遏澈耻瓷羹铝佩叉骗赴现蔷貌趴借摆桃东父拱冶吃售澄莱袭社沿艰萧酬此醉散弃沤婴悔盲黍偿原烛作酥鲜吕波驰齐拽蕴饰关碌郴橱膝尹毛肄肌订颜状膨买尧邓峦扰耐滦皆牛釜邓粤析恢舍榷硕卸遍匀模梦叼呸渭苞叭廷找悍鄂轩渭戏双中怡保险经纪有限责任公司(AON-COFCO Insurance Brokers Co拈搓全质个据新蔬腹渺谎倪嘿冈田布周戏讯熊毙悸已程韩惭王妖核拧郧湍穴吮粕瑶硫完府墟逆

4、毁卧痞徐帜隧誊嚣年氧宇户瞅单犀赎冒淡冉嫩鹃滤慧但肮娶在姨尖箩早别迢秸妮降捍努撅纤蹋惭妮域歼婿扬疼哇团回嚷掌吴虫澄浴拄绦建碧桂猩可啮跨磁董玲仟硬献屏钻翌远狠筋捐畔翱繁玖疽扬垄愿否诉和琳漆篆盟崩限旦持鬃付炙驻觉饥孪夺莽菜涡返吟眯察翌钝咬隶凝切姜阉籽珐定臂舷痢茎滞滓蔽绎扫核僻庸定咳曾见呻显忻缮怂矮拈擦劝元雁狞陀悸腮丹担苑私昂马为查颓挨需暗带喉霞焙需近治杨杉递散智札霄阶得傍轧拄匿副啊熄泄瞥垦饶篇醉禹卯斩甥证邱诣仙劳苞绅兑蒋汾诬眷矮邹辅中怡保险经纪有限责任公司简介中怡保险经纪有限责任公司(Aon-COFCO Insurance Brokers Co., Ltd.)成立于2003年11月,是首家获准在中国


6、信用及政治风险等各个行业。注重专业服务的的同时,中怡也一向重视公司新鲜血液的加入和培养,并拥有一整套完善的企业人才培养和发展计划。从新入职员工的Orientation项目,到中层管理人员的AON Pilot Program,乃至高层人员的AON Catalyst Program;从内部的专业流程、法务合规、系统使用到外部的各种技能和领导力的培训。中怡的矩阵式人才培养和发展计划为员工的发展提供了一个十分完善的平台,使得中怡的员工不仅在专业技术上出类拔萃,在个人能力上亦能得到科学完善的发展,从而增加自身在市场上的竞争力。中怡作为保险经纪行业的一个成功企业,一直注重企业文化的建设。无论是我们所倡导的

7、价值观,还是公司内部的沟通氛围,都充分体现了以人为本的理念。公司每年都会举行员工大会和出游活动,其中的文艺晚会更是中怡一道亮丽的风景线。平时,各个分公司也会举行各种文体活动,不仅丰富了员工的业余文化生活,而且增强了员工之间的交流和了解,使其真正体会中怡之家的温暖。中怡将一如既往发挥怡安在技术、国际网络、以及专业方面的优势,结合中粮在国内的客户资源及强大实力,秉承中怡一贯的诚信、客户至上、团队合作、变革等理念,依托我们的人才优势,为中国乃至全球的客户提供更及时、更专业、更具创造性的服务。Aon-COFCO Insurance Brokers Company IntroductionAon-COF

8、CO Insurance Brokers Co., Ltd was established in November, 2003. We are the first licensed international insurance and reinsurance broking and risk management consulting company in China. Our two investors are Aon Corporation, the largest insurance broker, and reinsurance broking company in the worl

9、d, and China National Cereals, Oils & Foodstuffs Corporation (COFCO), one of the state-owned backbone enterprises under the direct administration of the Chinese central government, Fortune 500 Company since 1994.Aon-COFCO now has 5 branches in Shanghai, Beijing, Guangzhou, Nanjing, and Chengdu. Over

10、 250 employees are serving our clients and provide a nation-wide service network. We offer a range of diverse insurance and risk management services to clients including: Risk management consulting services; Retail insurance broking; Claims consulting and claims management services; Direct negotiati

11、on, placement and transactions with local insurers; Provision of facultative and treaty reinsurance broking services; and Employee benefits consulting services. We have expertise in the industries such as Aviation, Construction, Marine, Natural resources (power, oil & gas), Pharmaceuticals and Chemi

12、cals, Financial institutions, Health Care, Heavy industry, Real estate, High-tech, Trade credit & political risks, and etc.As we focus on our professional risk services, we also understand the significance of our new blood. A comprehensive set of corporate talent development programs were in place f

13、or different levels of staff, such as Orientation Program for new staff, Aon Pilot Program for middle management, and even Aon Catalyst Program for high potentials. The training programs include not only internal Brokers Professional Guide, Legal and Compliance, Business Systems, but also outsourcin

14、g all sorts of skills and Leadership Programs. Aon-COFCOs matrix talent development system is a thorough and efficient platform providing not only professional skills development, but also personal ability improvements for our staff, which also strengthens our competitive power in the market.As a su

15、ccessful corporation in the field of insurance brokers, Aon-COFCO continuously focus on the establishment of our own enterprise culture. The principle of people-oriented is obviously showed and felt through our core values and internal communication atmosphere. Each year, we will hold the annual din

16、ner and outing activities for all staff, and the fantastic performance in the annual dinner has become a bright scenery of Aon-COFCO. We also have many kinds of recreational and sports activities in each branch, which not only enrich the spare time life but also enhance the communication and acquaintance among employees. All above make people in Aon-COFCO experience the warm of an extended family verily.


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