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1、el procs de construcci, fer un procs de convergncia, normes estrictes per garantir ordenada del caos de la producci de construcci. 6, els requisits de vehicle de transport en bones condicions, no agafar la carretera. Sovint per educar els conductors, no conduir errtic. 7, aparells delevaci i laixeca

2、ment dun factor de seguretat suficients, un objecte salci abans inspeccions dels equips delevaci i elevaci, aixecar objectes designats dordre personal. I dins de la gamma de lalerta de seguretat de grua. 8, equips delevaci delevaci ha estrictament verificar abans de cada part de la fiabilitat i segu

3、retat de. Operacions delevaci ha de tenir un programa detallat i clcul i laprovaci dels corresponents departaments entren en efecte en la signatura. Equips per als seients delevaci ha de tenir un certificat de fabricant i instruccions, excs de pes desprs de la installaci s completa passar departamen

4、ts locals supervisi tcnica i certificat dacceptaci es pot utilitzar. Comandants delevaci i de camp ha de ser entrenat, mantenir un certificat. Certificats, certificat, clculs, una descripci ha de ser completa. LHam ha de tenir un dispositiu de seguretat, ser no ser trencat filferro corda desgast, ex

5、cessiva aixecament punt la seva ubicaci ha de ser precs, elevaci equip abans dusar a una prova de crrega. Tecnologia de construcci de construcci per donar el baix fins al personal corresponent. Per designar un comandament unificat, elevaci dinstallaci. Comandants de camp i laixecament cal portar rob

6、a de colors vius i allotjar-alerta, a punt per fer front a situacions demergncia. Per assegurar que la seguretat delevaci, amb evidents senyals dadvertncia prohibint persones inhbils dins. (2) pont a travs del pont dassumpte de seguretat s pont jssera erecci mquina quan el mxim carregar condici. s f

7、onamental per a la seguretat del pont de llums, s una de la biga instal lat el punt de control de seguretat. Primera creu-pista posta: posta a travs de les pistes sobre la biga de caixa, creu pista botiga sota de travesses, travesses en la placa dacer, cal redrear Junta de coix. Adaptaci a equips fr

8、enada s fiable, oportuna reparaci, no ha de tenir la feina. Disposici de manual de mquina de lapse pont de penjar punts, elevaci de la seva ubicaci ha de ser precisa, fora s clar. Pont de creuar per designar un comandament unificat. Creu-preparatius, bigues de pes caixa penjar, estable durant 5 minu

9、ts, llavors comprovar cada part, cap problema, que ja sigui com un ordre lliure pont creu. Mentrestant, va observar el pont al front en lloc, immediatament desprs de la notificaci dirigir persones avall. Avall-estable desprs de 3-5 minuts, la cama davantera per pista, pista de cama davantera estable

10、rt el pont, pont a travs de la completa. Pont abasten ajustaments, avall al voltant de la mquina derecci de biga de pont a desprs dun perode destabilitat desprs del reajustament.overnight, only in socialist society is fully developed and highly developed the basis to realize and need to experience a

11、 long process of historical development. This requires a communist whether when what circumstances, regardless of the difficulties encountered and risk, heart to have ideal beacon, firm communist victory of faith, not because the remote ideal felt nothing ethereal and lose confidence., to the highes

12、t ideals of co-occurrence stage goal together, vowed to building a well-off society and realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and the Chinese dream, adhering to and developing the Chinese characteristic socialism and solid work of the party in the primary stage of socialism basic line

13、 is what? Master constitution stipulates: the basic line of the Communist Party of China in the primary stage of socialism is: leadership and unite the people of all ethnic groups, taking economic construction as the center, adhere to the four cardinal principles, adhere to the policy of reform and

14、opening to the outside world, self-reliance and pioneering effort to turn our country build a strong, prosperous, democratic, civilized and harmonious modern socialist country struggle. the base The contradiction between still to develop this route can be simply summarized as a center, two basic poi

15、nts. It is our party according to our countrys basic national conditions, reflects the party and the people of all ethnic groups of fundamental interests. Adhere to the basic line for a hundred years does not shake, is the Chinese characteristic socialism victory along the most reliable guarantee. A

16、dhere to the economic construction as the center, is the country, is our country socialist primary stage of the main contradictions and basic tasks. At the present stage, our country societys principal contradiction is the peoples growing material and cultural needs and the backward social production. In order to solve the main contradiction, the completion of the basic tasks. It must persi


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