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1、v1.0可编辑可修改牛津译林版9A语法知识点汇总Unit 1词组:12.give up放弃h-speedrailway告诉公路总工程1.anin terest ingarticle-篇13.givein 屈服有趣的文章14.giveup her job as an acco un2.agree withsb /agreeonsttant放弃作为一名会计h同意某人/事15.fallbehi nd落后3.eat up 吃完16.falldow n 跌倒4.show off 炫耀17.payatte nti onto every e up with提出注意细节6.make a goodacco un

2、tant成为名18.workto high sta ndards咼要求的好会计工作7.praise with赞美(praiseV.19.becarefulat work工作很细心赞扬,赞美)20.hiswork shouts他的作品具有说服8.win high praise fromtheart力commu nity 从美术协会赢得了很咼21.workfor the sales departme nt的赞美ina big company在一家大公司9.be conn ectedwith 把-.和的销售部门工作连接22.take the lead领先10.be happy with对某人/事感到

3、满意23.Be ready to do sth准备好去做某事=be pleased /satisfiedwiths24.takeon new challenges接受挑b/sth战11.search for /look for 搜索,搜寻25.thechief engin eer of the hig师加26.connectingAtoB连接A到38.have fun /havea good time dBoing sth27.cant affordtomakeany mi39.perform/doan operati onon sbstakes给某人做手术承担不起犯任何错误40.devote

4、on eselfto (do ing)sth=28.pay atte nti ontoeverydetaildevoteon eslifeto (do ing)sth献身于,致力于注重每一个细节41.a work of arl:一件艺术品29.pay atte nti ontosth/doi ngst42.wait withoutgett ingangryh不会生气的等待30.work to high sta ndards高水准的43.find it difficultto work wit工作h him find it+adj.+todo st31.head of SunshineHospi

5、talandh发现做某事.P12-16a pion eerheartsurge on44.worry to much担心太多阳光医院的院长,心脏外科的先锋45.sbspers on alityis suitable32.you cant betoo careful.for再怎么仔细也不为过。某人的性格适合.33.not only butalso -不46.have known sthabout .了解仅而且某事34.be patie ntwithsb/sth对某47.know about sthwell对某事很了解人、事有耐心48.depe nd on 依靠,依赖35.be willi ngt

6、o doi sth愿意做某49.do the dishes 洗碗事50.in the Chin ese lunarcale nda36.producesometh ingnewr创造一些新的东西在中国的农历里37.enjoytak ingpartin喜欢参51.12 ani malsig ns12生肖52.appear ina fixedorder65.beformed by nature天生形成的以固定的顺序出现66.beformed by bothn atureand53.the cyclerepeats every 12 ythe environment 天生和后天环境形ears成的这种

7、循环每隔12年重复一次67.bepassed onto you by your par54.make someno tes记录一些笔记ents有你的父母遗传给你55.people bornun der the same68.likefather,likeson有其父必有其子56.57.出生在相同的人们have similar似的性格in western69.make aspeech演讲pers on alities 有相pleteh harda difficulttask througwork通过努力的工作完成一项countries在 西方国难得任务。71.win several scie n

8、eecompetitio n58.be dividedinto被分成.59.tell someth ing about your per赢了几次科学竞赛son ality讲出你的性格60. It is said that 据说.61. in some ways 在某些方面62. believe in相信,信仰,信得过63. get the generalnews获悉一天的主要新闻64. in more detail 在更多的细节上72. get himself more organized让自己更有效率73. recommend sb as ourmonitor推荐某人作为我们的班长74. h

9、as many strong qualities for this positi on许多突出的品质适合这个职位语法:并列连词and、but、or和so我们可以用并列连词 and、but、or和so来连接单词、短语或者句子。如:Our En glish teacher is kindand helpful.我们的英语老师既和蔼又乐于助人。The boy is not very tallbut he runs very fast.这个男孩虽然个子不高,但跑得很快。Do you ofte n go home on foot or by bicycle你经常步行回家还是骑自行车回家She was i

10、ll, so she did n ot go to school.她生病了,所以没去上学。注意:并列连词可以用来表示并列关系、转折关系、选择关系或因果关系等。并列连词and意思是和,又”,表达并列关系。如:Mike likes playi ng footballand si ngi ng son gs.迈克喜欢踢足球和唱歌。并列连词but意思是“但是”,表达转折关系,所连接的成分意思往往相反或相对。如:My uncle bought me a watch, but I did n ot like it.叔叔给我买了一块表,可是我不喜欢。并列连词or意思是“或者”,表示选择关系。如:Which

11、do you like better, juiceor coffee果汁和咖啡,你更喜欢哪一个注意:在否定句中并列成分通常用or连接,而不用and。如:I cannot speak Japa neseor Fren ch.我不会说日语和法语。并列连词so意思是“因此,所以”,表达因果关系,常用来连接两个简单句。如:It bega n to rain,so we went home.开始下雨了,所以我们就回家了。注意:并列连词so和从属连词because (因为)不能一起使用。如:The dog was hun gry, so we gave it someth ing to eat. ( ri

12、ght )Because the dog was hun gry, so we gave it someth ing to eat. ( wrong )并列连词 both and、not only but ( also )、either or 禾口 neither nor both and、not only but ( also ) 、either or 禾口 neither nor 都是常见 的并列连词,它们可以连接两个并列的主语、谓语、宾语、表语、状语等。纽约和伦敦都存在交通问题。谓语动词总是用复数形式。如:bothand意思是和 两者都;既 又”。如:Both New York and

13、London have traffic problems.He can both swim and skate.他既会游泳又会滑冰。注意:当bothand连接的两个成分在句中作主语时,Both she and I are good at English.她和我都擅长英语。not onlybut (also )意思是不但而且; 不仅而且”,其中also可以省略。如:Not only Mr. Lin but (also) his son joined the charity walk.不但林先生而且他的儿子也参加了慈善行走活动。They speak En glish not only in class but (also) at home.他们不仅在课堂上说英语,在家里也



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