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1、1. faithn.u信任,相信,信心;诚意,善意;宗教信仰;c(某一)宗教。【Word transformationadj. faithful 忠实的,忠诚的;可信赖的(syn: loyal)adv. faithfully 忠实地,忠诚地;准确地,如实地n. faithfulness 忠实,忠诚【Brief summaryhave faith in sb./sth .:对有信心lose faith in sb./sth.: 对失去信心restore faith in sb./sth.: 对恢复信心keep faith to sb./sth.: 对守信用break faith to sb./s

2、th.: 对不守信用in good 21山:诚心诚意; 真诚in bad faith :存心不良;背信弃义be faithful to:对忠诚/忠实Faithfully yours, * / Yours faithfully, * = Sincerely yours, * / Yours sincerely, *(正式信函署名前的套语)您忠实/忠诚的*Instant practiceThough I have failed scores of times, I still have great faith in myself.虽然我失败了很多次,但我仍然对自己充满信心。I have immea

3、surable faith in you; I believe you will do well!我对你充满信心,我相信你会干得好!We have lost faith in the manager s promises.我们不再相信经理的承诺。Her friends kindness has restored her faith in human nature.朋友们的善意使她恢复了对人性的信心。You cannot expect your friends to trust you if you dont keep faith with them.假如你对朋友不守信义,你就不要指望他们会信任

4、你。ABC lent some money to DEF in good/bad faith.ABC出于善意/存心不良地借给些钱了 DEF。They handed over the weapons as a gesture of good faith.他们交出了武器以示诚意。We must learn to understand people of different (religious) faiths。我们需要学会理解不同宗教信仰的人。People from all (religious) faiths are welcome.欢迎来自各种宗教信仰的人们。Keep your faith a

5、nd never give up!坚持信念绝不放弃!Faith moves mountains.精诚所至,金石为开。The Duke said, I never offer to the gods less sacrificial beasts, jade or silk than are due to them; I keep good faith.公曰:牺牲玉帛,弗敢加也,必以信。(曹刿论战)2. consequently adv. 所以; 因而 【Word transformationadj. consequentn.consequenceUsage tipsconsequently在句

6、中单独使用,相当于therefore, as a result, as a consequence,表示由前面所述内容造成的结果。用consequently连接具有因果关系的句子时,其格式一般是:Consequently, ;consequently, ,and consequently Brief summaryconsequent on/upon :跟随发生的;由引起的in consequence of / as a consequence of = as a result of : 作为的结果; 因为face/ take/ suffer/ bear the consequence of

7、:承担的后果of no/little consequence (to sb.) = of no/little importance (to sb):无关紧要; 不重要Instant practiceI missed the train and consequently was late for work.我没有赶上火车,结果上班迟到了。My car broke down and consequently I was late.我的汽车坏了,结果我迟到了。It was raining heavily; consequently, I was late.天下着大雨,所以我迟到了。The bank

8、refused to help the company; consequently, it went bankrupt.银行拒绝资助这家公司,因此该公司破产了。The company went bankrupt. Consequently, he lost his job.公司破产,因此他失业了。She was a bright and eager student and consequently did very well in school.她是个聪明好学的学生,因此她学习成绩很好。3. aim n.c目的,目标;u瞄准;v.目的是,旨在;瞄准,对准;针对,对象是;力求达到,力争做到【Wo

9、rd transformationadj. aimless 无目的的,无目标的 adv. aimlessly n. aimlessness【Brief summarywith the aim。仁目的是;为了without aim = aimless :漫无 目的take aim at sb./sth.:把目标对准;把批评的矛头指向;针对;瞄准achieve one s aim :达到 目标aim at (doing) sth.:目的是;旨在;致力于;瞄准/对准be aimed at: 目的是;旨在aim sth. at sb.: 针对; 对象是aim for sth.:致力于;瞄准/对准aim

10、 to do sth.:旨在做某事;立志做某事Instant practiceABC went to London with the aim of finding a job.ABC去伦敦是为了找工作。DEF has a high aim in life.他目标很高。One of ABC s aims in life is to be a great scholar.ABC的人生目标之一是成为一个伟大的学者。ABC s one aim in life is to earn a great deal of money.ABC唯一的人生目标就是挣很多的钱。After years of hard w

11、orking, he finally achieved his aim (in life).经过多年的努力工作,他终于实现了自己的(人生)目标。The main aim of this course is to improve your reading skills.This course is mainly aimed at improving your reading skills.I designed the course with the aim of improving your reading skills.本课程的目的是提高大家的阅读技巧。The program is aimed

12、 at teenage/middle age/senior/young/child/female audience.这个节目的对象是十几岁的观众。He aimed his gun at a deer/policeman.他把枪对准了一头鹿/一名警察。The government is aiming at a 50% reduction in unemployment.The government is aiming to reduce unemployment by 50%.政府正在力图减少50%的事业人数。4. conventional adj.(often disapproving)传统的

13、,习惯的;依照惯例/遵循习俗的,墨 守成规的,普通平凡的;(武器)常规的,非核的。(opp. unconventional)【Word transformationn. convention c/u习俗,惯例,常规;(文学、艺术的)传统手法,传统风格c(国家或首脑见的)公约,协议,协定;(某职业、政党的)大会,集会(syn: conference)adv. conventionallyn. conventionalityInstant practiceShe is very conventional in her views.她的观点很保守/守旧。ABC is always conventio

14、nally dressed.ABC的衣着总是很传统/保守.In the conventional sense, this is not art.从传统意义上来说,这不是艺术。5. typical adj. 典型的,有代表性的(syn: representative; opp: atypical); 一贯的,平 常的(syn: normal; untypical);特有的,不出所料的。Word transformationadv. typically 通常,一般v. typify作为的典型,是的典范,成为的特征type n.类型,种类;典型,属于类型的,具有特征的v.分类,测定的类型;打字,打印

15、【Brief summarytypical of sb./sth.:典型的,特有的【Instant practiceThis is a typical example of Impressionist painting.这是一幅典型的印象主义绘画。The picture is typical of its kind.这幅画在同类绘画中有代表性。This wine is typical of the region.这种酒是本地区的特产。It is typical of ABC to take hard jobs.ABC总是抢着干重活(抢着干重活是ABC的特点)。It is typical of ABC to forget bringing her bag to school.ABC上学总是忘记背书包。The weather at the moment is not typical for November.现在的天气不是一月份常有



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