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1、Unit3 Weather Lets learn Lets chant 英语组:冯庆玲教学目标:a、知识与技能:(1)学生能听、说、认读warm、 cold 、hot、 cool、 weather.(2)学生能学会运用句子“Itsinb、过程与方法:采用直观教学法、主观演示法、个人小组练习法、全身反应法等教学方法。c、情感态度与价值观:(1)通过学生表演天气预报员,培养和提高学生运用英语进行思维的能力。(2)通过让学生感受各个地方不同的气温变化,培养他们热爱大自然、热爱祖国的感情。(3)让学生在表演中培养合作意识和竞争意识。教学重点: 1、词汇:cold、cool、hot、warm 、weat

2、her.2、句型Its warm/hot/cold/cool in教学难点:1、单词weather的发音。2、能在情景中运用句型This is the weather report. Its . in .作天气预报。教具准备:课件制作 单词卡片 录音机、磁带教学过程:课前三分钟展示Step 1. Greeting and warm-up.1. Greetings 2. Sing a song. “Thunder”3.Lets guess “Where is it?” (CAI)4. Follow me ,lets chant and do the action. (CAI)Go to Beij

3、ing, go ,go, go.Run to Harbin, run, run, run.Fly to Lhasa, fly, fly, fly.Walk to Jinghe, walk, walk, walk.(设计思路:chant 的内容有地方名及一些简单的动词,通过朗朗上口的lets chant,让学生在读与做中认识地方名同时又激发了学生的学习兴趣与激情。)师说,Yes, Jinghe is our hometown, whats the weather like in Jinghe? 引出课题weather. 利用单词卡和多媒体学习新单词weather.Step 2. Presenta

4、tion.1,学习单词warm。大屏幕出示气温20度的北京,T: whats the weather like in Beijing? 生回答。出示warmT: warm warm Its warm.点课件,让学生跟读。T:Follow it.出示单词卡,全班齐读,小组齐读,再抽学生读T:w -a-r-m , warm / warm师边拍手边做动作,男女生交替进行操练。T :warm warm: ,Its warm in Beijing. 学生跟读,练习。2.用同样的方法学习单词 cold、cool、hot。Step 3. Drill and practice. 1.游戏“天气转转转”,利用多

5、媒体出示转盘,猜天气。whats the weather like?以此来吸引孩子的注意力,激发学生学习的兴趣。2.Lets write.3.看视频,天气预报。引出新单词weather report.T: Lets watch the weather report. This is the weather report.Follow me:weather report跟读视频有关天气预报的句子T:Read and follow.Ss: Good morning. This is the weather report. Its cool in Lhasa.(学生跟读录音,可以自己纠正发音)让学生

6、在组内自己练习有关天气预报的句子T: Read this by yourself in your group.生上台展示扮演天气预报员,评出最佳预报员。Good morning. This is the weather report. Its cool in Lhasa. Its hot in Hong Kong. Its warm in Beijing. Its cold in Harbin.Who want be the weather reporter?4大屏幕出示温馨小提示。Step4. 拓展与延伸.1.展示课前四人一小组创编的Chant.2.表演课前准备的对话。3. lets chant .Step5. 作业布置1, 听录音,仿读。2, 抄写单词。3, 说天气预报给爸爸妈妈听。Step6. 总结,评价。 板书设计: Unit3 weath Its warm/hot/cold/cool in


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