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1、 太原理工大学阳泉学院毕业设计说明书毕业生姓名:赵 志 文专业:采矿工程学号:0504121028指导教师:孟 瑞 泉所属系(部):资 源 系二九年五月II太原理工大学阳泉学院毕业设计评阅书题目: 麦地掌煤矿150万吨矿井初步设计 资 源 系 采矿工程 专业 姓名 赵志文 设计时间:2009 年03月15日-2009年06月10日 评阅意见:成绩: 指导教师:(签字) 职务: 200 年月日太原理工大学阳泉学院毕业设计答辩记录卡 资源 系 采矿工程 专业 姓名赵志文答 辩 内 容问 题 摘 要评 议 情 况 记录员: (签名)成 绩 评 定指导教师评定成绩答辩组评定成绩综合成绩注:评定成绩为1

2、00分制,指导教师为30%,答辩组为70%。 专业答辩组组长:(签名)200 年月日摘 要本次设计是开采麦地掌煤矿02、6、8#煤层,煤层厚度分别为4.0m、1.86m、2.14m,煤层间距分别为60m、40m。据井田外围资料调查该井田为高瓦斯矿井,上组煤瓦斯涌出量平均为14.24m3/t,下组煤为35.22 m3/t。煤层均有爆炸危险性。煤的自然倾向等级为不易自燃。根据矿井涌水量预测,该矿井正常涌水量为1255m3/d,涌水量最大时为1600 m3/d。本井田位于清徐县城北约10km处,其间有清徐古交公路相通。清徐县城距太原市约40km,其间有307国道相通。井田内地形虽较复杂,但村与村之间

3、均有简易公路相联,可通行卡车。所以工业广场的位置位于陈家坪附近,采用立井开拓,主、副立井及风井的断面分别为33.2m2、19.625 m2、19.625 m2。开拓方案一:从陈家坪附近向北开掘东运输、轨道、回风大巷至北部井田边界,然后再从陈家坪向西开拓南运输、轨道大巷,再向北掘进西运输、轨道、回风大巷。开拓方案二:在陈家坪的南侧掘进运输、轨道和回风大巷,然后在井田西侧掘进西运输、轨道、回风大巷至北部边界。方案一、二的工业广场都位于陈家坪附近。根据比较开拓工程量可视为相同,但在技术方面方案二技术比较差,且工作面推进方向太长,设备要求高,所以选择开拓方案一。开拓方案一划分为四个盘区,整个井田划分为

4、38个条带,首采区定为中央一盘区,盘区储量为20.4Mt 。矿井达产时的首采工作面位于一号盘区,该盘区划分为11个条带,工作面长度为180m,推进长度为1950m,回采工艺采用后退式、综采一次性采全高机械化采煤法,采用“三八制”作业制度。采空区采用全部跨落法管理顶板。矿井通风采用抽出式通风,矿井总风量为125m3/s。困难时期和容易时期的风阻分别为1751 、2960 。通风机的型号为,其风量范围为54-184m3/s,风压范围为1200-3690。关键词:矿井开拓、采煤方法、综合机械化采煤Abstract The design is the exploitation of MaiDiZhan

5、g 02,6,8 # coal mine, coal seam thickness was 4.0 m, 1.86m, 2.14m, seam pitch was 60 m, 40m. According to data mine the external investigation of the mine field for the high-gas coal mine, the coal gas emission in an average of 14.24m3/ t, the next group of coal to 35.22m3 / t. Seam of both the risk

6、 of explosion. Grade coal to natural tendency not spontaneous combustion. According to mine discharge forecast, the normal discharge of mine for 1255m3/ d, Chungs largest water at 1600 m3/ dThe Coal Mine in Qingxu county, 10 km NATO, which has Gujiao Qingxu to the same highway. Qingxu county from th

7、e Taiyuan city about 40 km, which has the same 307 National Road. Although the mine in more complex terrain, but between the village and village roads are linked to simple, can use trucks. Therefore, the location of Industry Square in the vicinity of Chen Jia Ping, a shaft development, Lord, vice sh

8、aft ventilation shaft and the section were 33.2 m2, 19.625 m2, 19.625 m2. Develop a programme for the Chen-ping from the vicinity of the north east is necessary to develop the transport, rail, air return roadway to the north mine the border and then west from Chen Jia Ping pioneering South transport

9、, rail tunnel, and then north tunneling West transport, track , To the wind tunnel. Option 2 is in the south of Chen Jia Ping tunneling transport, rail and air return roadway, and then in mine excavation west of the West transport, rail, air return roadway to the northern border. Option 1, two are l

10、ocated in the industrial plaza near Chen Jia Ping. According to comparison can be regarded as pioneering works of the same, but the technical programme in the reverse transport, and face the direction of advancing too long, equipment requirements, so I chose to develop a programme. Develop a program

11、me was divided into four zones, the entire mine field is divided into 38 bands, the first mining area as a central one, panel reserves of 20.4 Mt. Mine production of the coal face in the first set on the 1st District, which was divided into 11 bands, face a length of 180 m, promote the length of 195

12、0 m, using back-mining process, Fully-high one-time full-mechanized coal mining Law, the March 8 operating system. Gob-of-use of all management roof. Out of a ventilation shaft ventilation, the total air volume of mine for 125 m3/ s easy and difficult period during the Drag were 1751 Pa, 2960 Pa. Fa

13、ns of the model FBCDZ-10-NO30D, its air volume range of 54-184 m3/ s, wind pressure range of 1200-3690 Pa. Key words: mine development, mining methods, fully mechanized coal minin iii目 录第一章 井田概述及井田地质特征1第一节 矿区概述1一、井田位置及交通位置1二、工农业生产建设概况2三、电源条件2四、水源条件2五、矿区的地形与气象2六、主要建筑材料供应条件3第二节 井田地质特征3一、井田地质层位3二、地质构造5

14、三、煤层7四、煤质8五、瓦斯、煤尘和煤的自燃发火性9六、地温10第二章 井田境界及储量10第一节 井田境界10第二节 地质储量的计算10第三节 可采储量的计算11第三章 矿井工作制度及生产能力12第一节 矿井生产制度12第二节 矿井生产能力及服务年限12一、矿井生产能力12二、矿井服务年限的计算13第四章 井田开拓14第一节 井田开拓方式的确定14一、确定开拓方式的主要原则14二、开拓方案的确定14三、开拓方案的比选16四、采区划分及开采顺序17第二节 达到设计生产能力时工作面的配备17第五章 矿井基本巷道及建井计划20第一节 井筒、煤门、大巷、井底煤仓20第二节 井底车场22一、井底车场形式



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