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1、船海英语基础单词Part One Shipbuilding Contract1. witness见证 证明2. assume承担3. domestic 家庭的 国内的4. ship-owner船东5. involve卷入 涉及6. procedure手续 程序7. memo(memorandum)备忘录8. violate违反 违背9. terms and conditions条款10. occasion引发 招致11. stipulate制定12. extract节选 摘录13. standard contract标准合同14. China Shipbuilding Trading Comp

2、any15. practice惯例 习惯做法16. corporation 公司17. registered office注册地址18. collectively共同地 集体地19. covenant契约 协议20. launch下水21. equip装备 配备22. deliver交船23. trail试验24. hereof在本文件中25. purchase购买26. aforesaid上述的27. specification(spec)规格书28. general arrangement总体布置29. midship section船舯剖面30. makers list厂商表31. at

3、tach附在上32. machinery机械 机械装置33. rules and regulations规范34. authority权威35. circular通告 文件36. classification society船级社37. assign派遣 分配38. representative代表39. supervision监督40. fees and charges费用41. requirement(s)要求42. issue发布发行43. royalty专利费44. classification入级45. plan图纸46. workmanship工艺47. inspection检查4

4、8. final决定性的 不可改变的49. binding对有法律约束的50. principal particulars主要数据51. dimension尺寸52. length overall全长53. length between perpendiculars两柱间长54. breadth moulded型宽55. depth moulded型深56. design draft moulded设计吃水57. propelling machinery推进装置58. main engine主机59. trial speed试验速度60. correction校正61. nautical mi

5、les海里62. on the loaded condition在负载条件下63. wind speed风速64. shallow water浅水65. fuel oil consumption油耗 66. exceed 超过67. output输出功率68. shop trail车间试验69. calorific value热量值70. deadweight载重量71. metric tons公吨72. specific gravity比重 密度73. dispute争议74. subcontract转包 分包75. portion部分76. subcontractor分包商77. expe

6、rienced经验丰富的78. expense费用79. acceptance接受80. warranty保证书 保证 担保81. furnish提供82. exclude不包括 除外83. defect缺陷84. defective 有缺陷的85. notify通知86. promptly立即 及时87. deviation偏离偏差88. claim索赔89. written notice书面通知90. extent程度91. thereby由此因此92. expiry期满 到期93. forthcoming即将到来或发生94. sufficient足够的 充分的95. remedy弥补 补

7、救96. article条款97. replacement替换 更换98. impractical不切实际的99. forward加速 增进100. accomplish成就 完成101. impair影响 损伤102. delay延迟103. notice in writing 书面通知104. verify证实105. rejection拒绝106. minor细小的 次要的107. guarantee engineer保驾工程师108. liability责任109. expiration到期 期满110. specify特别指出或说明111. guarantee period保修期11

8、2. wear and tear磨损113. mismangement管理不善114. negligence疏忽 粗心大意115. willful故意的 有意的116. neglect 忽略117. agent代理人118. crew船员119. officer高级船员120. likewise同样地121. thereupon于是 随即122. whatsoever无论什么123. howsoever无论怎样124. arise发生125. save除之外126. expressly明确地 专门地127. omission遗漏 疏忽128. default 违约129. consequent

9、ial随即发生的130. earnings收入131. demurrage拖延132. commitment义务 允诺133. exclusive唯一的134. waive放弃135. fitness健康136. merchantability营销137. extend延长138. alter更改139. vary变动140. instrument正式的文件141. duly正式的142. authorize授权Part Two Principle Dimensions1. principle dimensions主尺度2. technical specification技术规格书3. cod

10、e法典4. Main Group 1第一大部分5. index索引6. ship general总体7. general description概述8. material材料9. stability稳性10. classification船级11. drawing图纸12. supervision监造13. teats and trails试验与试航14. delivery交船 交货15. seakeeping performance航海性能16. geometrical characteristics几何特征17. hull船体 18. element要素19. cross section截

11、面20. vertical垂直的21. longitudinal纵向的22. plane平面23. centreline中心线24. symmetrical对称的25. port左舷26. starboard右舷27. midship舯部28. transversal航向的29. horizontal水平的30. waterline水线31. the middle longitudinal cross section 中纵剖面32. the midship transversal cross section 舯横剖面33. the design water plane 设计水线面34. the

12、 length overall全长35. max.(maximum)最大36. bow船艏37. stern船艉38. the length B P39. perpendicular垂线40. stem船柱41. the length W L 水线长42. full-load满载线43. keel龙骨44. upper deck 上甲板45. draft(draught)吃水46. freeboard干舷47. coefficients of ship form船型系数48. the design water plane coefficient设计水线面系数49. the midship tr

13、ansversal cross section coefficient舯横截面系数50. the displacement coefficient排水量系数51. the block coefficient方型系数52. the longitudinal prismatic coefficient纵向菱形系数53. performance性能54. light-ship displacement轻载排水量t55. full-load displacement满载排水量56. crew 船员57. spare parts备件58. spare gears备品59. provision食品60.

14、cargo船货61. fuel燃料62. consumables消耗品63. complement定员64. normal displacement正常排水量65. standard displacement 标准排水量66. weight calculation重量计算67. owner船东68. personnel全体船员69. sum二数之和70. the total tonnage总吨位71. the net registered tonnage净登记吨位72. compartment分隔舱73. space舱室74. enclose封闭Part Three Other Sea Kee

15、ping Performances1. floatability漂浮性2. roll横摇3. pitch纵摇4. fast speed快速性5. floodability不沉性6. maneuverability操纵性7. floating positively正浮8. technical term技术术语9. reserve buoyancy储备浮力10. load line mark载重线标志11. rough sea波涛汹涌12. flood进水13. watertight水密的14. navigating zone航区15. China Classification Society中国船级社16. rules规范17



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