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1、人称第一人称第二人称第三人称动词第三人称单数变化规律:当主语为第三人称单数时,动词要用“vs.”型(即动词第三人称单数形式)。 所谓动词“vs.”型的构成,可按名词变复数的规则来记,即: 1)在动词尾直接加-s。如: like-likes喜欢 take-takes拿走 eat-eats吃 bring-brings拿来play-plays玩;打(球) know-knows知道2)以字母s、x、ch或o结尾的动词加-es。如: watch-watches观看 do-does做 go-goes去3) 以辅音字母y结尾的动词,变y为i,再加-es。如: studystudies学习4) 注意:动词ha

2、ve“有”的第三人称单数是不规则变化,是has例句:他打网球。_ _ _他不打网球。_ _ _ _他打网球吗?_ _ _ _是的,他打。_ _.不,他不打。数单数复数单数复数单数复数主语I我we我们you你you你们he他she 她it 它Jim,Mary, your father你的爸爸 they他们, Jim and Mary,your parents你的父母 肯定句I+v.+宾语.We+v.+宾语.You+v.+宾语.You+v.+宾语.He+vs.+宾语.They+v.+宾语.否定句I+dont+v.+宾语.We+dont+v.+宾语.You+dont +v.+宾语.You+dont

3、+v.+宾语.He+doesnt +v.+宾语.They+dont +v.+宾语.疑问句Do +I+v.+宾语?Do +we+v.+宾语?Do +you+v.+宾语?Do +you+v.+宾语?Does +he+v.+宾语?Do +they+v.+宾语?答语Yes, you do.No, you dont.Yes, you do.No, you dont.Yes, I do.No, I dont.Yes, we do.No, we dont.Yes, he / she / it does.No, he / she / it doent.Yes, they do.No, they dont.说明

4、: v. 表示动词原形 vs. 表示动词第三人称单数do, does是助动词,在肯定句中不用,在否定句、疑问句和答语中用。翻译: 我喜欢英语。_他喜欢数学。_她不吃桔子。_你妈妈看电视吗?_不,她不看。_我的朋友们没有字典。_Do does 小练习 一 选词填空。1. Do/Does_ he watch TV at night? Yes he does. 2. Do/Does_ you go to school everyday? No, I dont. 3. Do/Does_ Jack and Peter like apples? 4. Do/Does_ Tina go swimming o

5、n Sunday? 5. Do/Does_they play football? Yes, they _do/does. 6. Do/Does_your dog walk in the zoo? 7. Do/Does_ I have a big nose? No,you _do not/does not. 8. Do/Does_ their mothers go shopping? No, they _do not/does not. 二 单选题1.She_toseedocumentaries(记录片). A、dowant B、 dontwant C、doesntwant D、notwant2

6、.Lookatthatpictureonthewall._youlikeit? A、Do B、Can C、Could D、Are3.He_likepears. A、 do B、is C、doesnt D、not4.Doyouoftengotothecinema_Sunday? No,we_. A、on,dont B、on,arent C、in,do D、in,dont5.Canyouseealightonthetable? Yes,_. A、Iam B、Imnot C、Ican D、Heisnt6.Doestheboywanttobeanactor? _. A、 Yes,heis B、No,h

7、edoes C、Yes,hedoes D、No,heisnt7._hehaveanyapples? A、Do B、Does C、Is D、Are8.She_wanttobeapolicewoman,becauseshethinksitskindofdangerous. A、 isnt B、arent C、dont D、doesnt9.Whyhehavebrownhair? A、 do B、does C、is D、has10.Whattime_hegethomeeveryday? A、is B、does C、do D、am11.What_youseeinthepicture? A、is B、ar

8、e C、can D、have12.Jack_like flying kites_ throwingafrisby. 飞盘(塑料玩具) A、dont,or B、doesnt,and C、 dont,and D、doesnt,or13.Simonlikes_football,buthedoesnt_itwell. A、 play,plays B、toplay,plays C、plays,playing D、playing,play14._Colin_Chinesehistory?Yes,hedoes. A、Do;like B、Does;likes C、Do;likes D、Does;like15.

9、LiLei_lunchathome. A、hasnt B、havent C、donthave D、doesnthave16.Where_lionscomefrom?IthinktheycomefromAfrica. A、are B、is C、does D、do17._youusuallycometoschoolbybike? A、Dont B、Doesnt C、Arent D、Isnt18._ they have a basketball?-No, they dont have_.A. Are, one B. Are, a C. Do, one D. Do, a19.- Do you have

10、 any story books? -Yes. I have_.A. books B. any C. some D.a三 考考你的眼力,看看谁才是真正的小侦探! 1. Do he jump rope everyday? 2. Does Tina and Linda like bananas? 3. Does she watches TV at night? 4. Does you go to school on Monday? 5. Do they speak Chinese? No, they does not. 6. Does Lily plays football? Yes, she d

11、oes. 7. Does they work in the fire station? 8. Do you works in the department store? 9. Does she swim in the pool? Yes, she does not 一、用there be 或 have 的适当形式填空。1. _ two cakes on the table.2. Mr. Green _ a big family.3. Lucy and Lily _ a bedroom.4. _ a girl and six boys in the classroom.5. How many students _ in your school?6. _ a photo on the wall, and I _ a photo in my hand.



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