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1、网申思路图What is onHne application?Prmiliw 亡CammonUrKOver the Cover LettersPersonal Info: Format and StrategiesAdvancedtFdtey 1; Get familiar with the temi oftn uid in job2: Orefully choose verb to rtrrnonstratc y-”u experienceI: iDescrsbf yourself 、豪ff宰購ivLy zncJ prci俺5ocijIH ilrategy G Know the OoV an

2、d 、Don怜What 记 a 匸ovqf letter? now .旧 wnte a tower letter*f Online Applicationand Open QuestionsOpen Your Mind to OpenQuestionsIhe 4-R prtnctpk when snswcrina open Questtoiis网申分类问题Packaging Yourself OnlineHow would others describe ynuf .Know tx?th your&elf and your ijiget.gnpdnF 耐妙 昶hawmr que汕“站一占TaR

3、trtriy: 1. Corr expand ycur experiences to the r朋uwed rrederHmM Straty: 1. Custamii 曲 experience wlwn applying for di恨wl mduHri翻Strategy: 3. Find your unique oxpericnrr End apply the same、婕怛 p!qnnin&Perwnal一一who are y&u really 、art?SISC (西门子国际学生圈)1. Whats your motivation for applyi ng for SISC?2. Ho

4、w do you think a friend or professor who knows you well would describe you?(1500 letters)3. How would you describe the ideal job for you following graduation? (1500 letters)4. What are your long range and short range career goals and objectives? When and why did you establish them and how are you pr

5、eparing yourself to achieve them?5. Tell me a challe nge you had in your work/study life. How did you overcome those difficulties and achieve the goal. (1500 letters)6. In teracti ng with others can be challe nge at times. Have you ever had any difficulty getti ng along with some one at school? Tell

6、 me about a specific situati on in which this hap pe ned. How did you han dle it? (1500 letters)7. Tell me about a situation in which you had to adjust quickly to a change in organizational, departmental, or team priorities. How did the change affect you? (1500 letters)8. Describe a situation in whi

7、ch you saw a problem and took action to correct it rather than wait for someone else to do? (1500 letters)Nestle (雀巢):1. What are the four key elements that the right people possess to meet Nestles requirements?Accuracy/PrecisionProfessionalismTeam spiritsGreat people skillsAccuracy: Nestle is one o

8、f the biggest food companies in the world and proudly provides the worlds with great products ranging from XX to XXX. Our products affect lives significantly, and precision is an important element to ensure the quality of our products, thus promoting our clients well beings with no mistakes. This is

9、 why Nestle requires the “highest standards are met throughout the organization.”Harmony with the society :likehttp:/ fixed answers 知己知彼 知彼:research Nestle, Nestle 的读音,, then “about Nestle”, ,Research 一个公司的流程:公司官方网站宀公司官方英文网站(比如外企)宀公司企业文 化t公司在华业务发展t主要产品t国际地位(比如,500强,最大的食品行业企业,隶属于快速消费品行业,等等职位相关的信息和要求(

10、Job descriptio n)2. What are your key criteria in selecting a job?Long term growth orientationGreat potential career trackOpportunity to grow with the company3. What do you think are the essential qualities in being successful in your career development? Patience Hardworking Quick learning Harmony w

11、ith the society Think long-term参考雀巢的企业文化和 principles ,人家关键看你是不是 match4. From a career perspective, where do your see yourself 3-5 years from now and why?KPMG (毕马威):1. Please give a brief summary of your current recreational and leisure activities, including sports and hobbies.My current recreational

12、 and leisure activities are as follows: Reading: I am a fan of detective and romantic stories.Soprts: I often go jogging in the morning to help me keep fit.Drawing: I am good at painting and I used to be a member of2. What clubs and societies are you a member of and in what capacity?I was a member o

13、f one of our college s largest3. What factors have influenced your career choice?Personality: cautious patient responsible ;widely reading ; look at challenges as opportunities ;a quick learnerAbility: good interpersonal skills; strong team spirit ;ability to work well under pressure ,ability to wor

14、k efficiently and paty attention to detailSkills: language skill: understand most articles in english, engaged in an extend conversation withEnglish -speaking foreigners,write a report or essay that communicates the desired messages.Computer skill: collect and analyze data with excel ,confident with

15、 other Microsoft office appliances email and the webProfessional skill; attain the knowledge of accounting and financial management ,analyze the financial report basically.4. Outline your career ambitions and objectives.5. Describe your greatest success or a situation where you exceeded your own expectations.Deutsche Bank (德意志银行):1. Why do you want to work for Deutsche Bank?2. Please describe why you have selected this division and in particular, the qualities you possess th


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