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1、人教版中考英语高频考点、句型详解主题句 Can the boy dress himself?这个男孩能够自己穿衣服吗?考点:反身代词的用法1.反身代词的基本形式是oneself, 人称不同、数不同又有不同的变化形式,单数以-self结尾,复数以-selves结尾。反身代词必须与它所指代的名词或代词在人称、性别、数方面保持一致。下表是反身代词在人称和数方面的变化,需要牢记。2. 反身代词接在某些动词或动词短语后充当宾语,表示动作的承受者即反身代词与句中的主语是同一人,不能省略,否则该句是一个意义不完整的错句。接反身代词的动词或动词短语有:teach, enjoy, look after, dre

2、ss, hurt, say to, make, help 等,有些结构有特殊的意义,如help oneself 请自便;make oneself at home 别客气;enjoy oneself 玩得开心。I have taught myself English for many years.我自学英语好多年了。They enjoyed themselves at the party yesterday.昨天他们在聚会上玩得很开心。Be careful not to hurt yourself.当心不要伤到你自己。Never give up, she said to herself.不要放弃

3、,她自言自语说。He is old enough to look after himself.他年龄够大能够照顾自己。3.反身代词在句子中作主语或宾语的同位语,表示强调,放在主语、宾语后,或句尾,可译为(某人)自己,亲自,即使去掉也不影响句子的完整性。The task itself isnt difficult.这任务本身并不难。Youd better ask the student himself.你最好问问这个学生自己。I heard the news myself.我亲自听到的这个消息。Did you cook the breakfast yourself?你亲自做的早餐吗?4. 反身代

4、词接在by 后,构成介词短语,表示独自,单独地,没有人帮助的, 相当于alone。Wemustfinishitallbyourselves.我们必须全靠自己去完成。Dont leave the baby at home by himself.不要把孩子单独留在家里。My sister likes reading in the room by herself.我妹妹喜欢自己在屋里看书。5. 反身代词用作表语,表示或描述一种感觉、情绪或状态。Thepoorboywasmyself.那个可怜的孩子就是我自己。Justbeyourself.做你自己就好了。小试牛刀:1.Whoteaches Engli

5、sh?I teach.A. your;myselfB. you;myselfC. you;meD. you;herself2. The cat is watchingin the mirror.A. it B. its C. itself D. myself3. Lei Feng was always thinking more of others than.A. he B. him C. himself D. his4. The girl is so great that she has finished the task all by.A. her B. she C. hers D. he

6、rself5. I dont want to beelse. I just want to be. (2019四川凉山州)A. anybody; myself B. somebody; myselfC. everybody; me C. somebody; me答案 BCCDA主题句 This story is less interesting than that one.这个故事没有那个故事有趣。考点:less 的用法1. less用作形容词,little的比较级,意为较小的,较少的,修饰不可数名词。短语 more or less 意为或多或少。You should eat more veg

7、etables and less meat.你应该多吃蔬菜少吃肉。He is very busy and spends less time in relaxing.他很忙,很少花时间放松。2. less 用作副词,意为较少,更少,修饰动词。She always speaks less but listens more.她总是少讲多听。He is less known as a writer.作为一个作家他不太出名。3. less than 意为少于,不到,和more than 相对,通常和表示数量的词连用。There are less than fifty students in our cl

8、ass.我们班学生不到50人。I have been here less than 5 years.我来这里不到5年时间。Sheeatslessthansheshould.她吃得比她应该吃的少。4. less + 不可数名词 + than 表示数量上少于 。Weshould drinklesscoffeethanhot water.我们应该少喝咖啡多喝热水。Why did the young mangetlessmoneythantheothersdid?为什么这个年轻人比别人得到的钱少呢?5. lessthan是一个比较结构,表示程度上次于, less+ 形容词、副词原级,和 moretha

9、n 相对,和 not as/soas 相近。History is less useful than math.历史不如数学有用。I think money is less important than time.我认为金钱不如时间重要。He is less fat than he used to be.他不如过去胖了。小试牛刀:1. People dont like those who talk more but do. A. fewer B. less C. many D. much2. I think we can finish the job withpeople andmoney.A.

10、 less; less B. fewer; fewer C. fewer; less D. less; fewer3. Its unhealthy for young pupils to sleepeight hours.A. less than B. more than C. over D. little than4. The problem isthan you think. You can work it out easily.A. more difficult B. less difficult C. not so easy D. not so difficult5. This film is less interesting than that one(改为同义句)This film isinteresting _ that one.答案:BCAB not so/asas


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