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1、如何做雅思阅读生词预判雅思阅读词汇量太大,而且没有界限,只有1小时的雅思阅读考试时间非常紧张,遇到生词怎么办下面小编就和大家分享如何做雅思阅读生词预判,来观赏一下吧。如何做雅思阅读生词预判为了更好地叙述文章的主旨,揭示所要诠释的思想,作者往往常常在文章中对一些比拟重要的词汇、概念和难懂的术语等做出一些解释,这种解释称作针对性解释,它可以提供明确的信息,可以利用这些针对性解释来猜想词义。1、生词预判之定义句在雅思阅读中,如果生词是句子或段落所解释的定义,理解句子或段落本身就是推断词义。示例: anthropology is the scientific study of man。由定义可知,an

2、thropology就是“研究人类的科学。In slang the term jam constitutes a state of being in which a personfindshimself or herself in a difficult situation。同样,从雅思阅读高低文的定义可知jam一词在俚语中的意思是“困境。定义句的谓语动词多为:be, mean, deal with,beconsidered, to be, refer to, be called, be known as, define, represent,signify,constitute等。2、生词预

3、判之猜想词义虽然复述不如定义那样严谨、详细,但是提供的信息足以使阅读者猜出生词词义。复述局部可以适当词、短语或是从句。同位语 Semantics, the study of the meaning of words, is necessary if you aretospeak and read intelligently。此例逗号中短语意为“对词意义进行研究的学科。该短语与前面生词semanties式同位关系,因此我们不难猜出semanties指“语义学。在复述中构成同位关系的两局部之间多用逗号连接,有时也使用破折号,冒号,分号,引号,和括号等。Capacitance, or the abi

4、lity to store electric charge, is one of themostcommon characteristics of electronic circuits。由同位语我们很快猜出生词capacitance词义-电容量。需要注意的是:同位语前还常有or, similarly, that is to say, in other words, namely,orother, say i. e. 等副词或短语出现。定语从句 Krabacber suffers from SAD, which is short for seasonalaffectivedisorder, a

5、 syndrome characterized by severe seasonal mood swings。根据生词SAD后面定语从句which is short for seasonal affective disorder和同位语asyndromecharacterized by severe seasonal mood swings, 我们可以推断出SAD含义,即“季节性情绪紊乱症。3、生词预判之前后句线索恰当的举例能够提供猜想生词的重要线索,示例:The consequences of epochal events such as wars and greatscientificdi

6、scoveries are not confined to a small geographical area as they werein thepast。句中“战争和“重大科学发现是生词的实例,通过它们我们可以猜出epochal的大致词义“重要的,这与其确切含义“划时代的十分接近。雅思阅读中所出的文章范围广,领域波及多面,因此,要考生完全读懂文章是不可能的。这就需要考生们要具有根据高低文或者关键词来猜想词义与长难句的能力。综上,雅思阅读中波及到多个学科领域的文章生词,但雅思考试终归不是考察考生的词汇量的掌握,而是阅读理解能力,所以,生词预判能力的掌握能更好地帮忙考生在有限时间内完成雅思阅读

7、考试。这个能力需要考生在不断的练习中去总结经验,理论知识已经给到给位了,剩下的还是要靠考生自己。雅思阅读材料:广州拟禁止为未成年人整容和纹身According to a new proposal, Guangzhou minors will no longer be able to geteither plastic surgery or tattoos.广州拟出台规定:禁止给未成年人做整容和纹身。The proposed law is currently under formulation and will take effect in2022, according to Peng Qu,

8、director of the Community and Rights Department inthe Guangzhou Committee of the Chinese Communist Youth League.广州团市委社区与权益工作部部长彭岖透露,该规定目前正在制订当中,已被列为2022年方案工程。Minors are going through a stage of growth and development and cosmeticsurgery simply has a bad effect on teenage health. That is the biggest

9、problemwhen they decide to get plastic surgery or tattoos, he said.Moreover, theirideas, views and values can be easily distorted, which will then remain anobstacle throughout their lives.“未成年人正处于发育阶段,手术容易对青少年的身体造成不利影响,这也是未成年人进行整形和纹身手术的弊端;另一方面,这容易导致未成年人自身的人生观和价值观异态扭曲,这对他们今后一生的道路都有妨碍。At the legislati

10、ve level,and with the exception of Taiwan,no Chineseprovinces or regions have issued such a regulation.在立法层面,除了我国台湾地区,国家和省的立法都没有对此现象进行标准。In 2022,Taiwan implemented a law that any people or agencies caught helpingteens get tattoos or body piercings, would be in violation of civil law. Parentscould ev

11、en require compensation from those so-called helping hands and hold themaccountable for the laser-removal fees.台湾2022年曾规定,帮未满18岁青少年纹身或穿洞将触民法,家长可要求业者赔偿并负责激光祛除纹身的费用。If any agencies were to violate the law again, they could be liable for upto three years in prison.如果触犯刑法,刑罚也可处三年下列有期徒刑。雅思阅读材料:美国男嫌犯称抢劫时正

12、在梦游A man from Connecticut, U.S. accused of attempting to rob a woman atknifepoint in an elevator at the Mohegan Sun casino says he was sleepwalking atthe time, AP reported。Winston Riley was arrested on March 18 after the woman told police he hadflashed a large knife and tried to grab her purse while

13、 the two were alone in aparking garage elevator。Riley said he was awakened by the woman when she ran away in confusion andfright, attorney Nicholas DAmato said。DAmato said that he plans to use a medical defense for Riley based on thatclaim. He said hes confirmed with Rileys family that the 27-year-old has had aproblem with sleepwalking since he was a child。据美联社报道,美国康涅狄格州的一名男子被指控在金神大赌场里持刀抢劫一名女子未遂,不过该男子辩称,当时的他正在梦游。温斯顿赖利于3月18日被捕。女子向警察报案称,他们两人独自乘坐停车场电梯时,他亮出了刀子,试图夺走她的钱包。律师尼古拉斯达莫托说,据赖利回顾,当这名女子惊慌逃走时,他才被女子惊醒。达莫托表示,他方案以这个说法为根底对赖利进行医疗辩护。他说,他已跟赖利的家人证实,这名27岁的男子从小就有梦游的毛病。


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