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1、美国博士推荐信范文 在申请美国博士的过程中,推荐信的作用不容小觑,如何写好推荐信小编在此整理了美国博士推荐信范文,大家来参考借鉴吧!美国博士推荐信范文(一) ”fistknewX the spig of 9wn she a a membr of m resmSear, . . . nschsl group teacr d stuens ce to kow oe anther in aaa i sdm, if eve, ossibe in lrge cture corses In t ormeting can learned abouta stunts acadeicablty, but oly

2、 n thefmeca one relibl easure th sent asa eso. Havikt iuhithX in t ntevenn eas, I m confident in m noedge o he. To bginith, she is celn stdent, wih a livy curoiy that maksher dissaifidwihsprficil explaions. Tatcuiost fqently leorseminr do euedno ara tt, terwis, wol hvemind uneplored. . Oneh only to

3、spea to hero recnze eropnes eernss. Itis eas toistake this fr naite, er mad whenh firtld mesheadsgnu o be an pprnce each in e Bs more norousinnerty ighschool. . . ouout tr, te atgrea ct t h ow eace mid, an mtmes i xlit cnfict wththe reular teahr, she ontiued tnison higeve orforme h stuens he not onl

4、 re thetrm bu won th amirinadrpect of tudenscstomed t beig ptroned y teach conen o eeve at nothin ch can be pce. I wud pecX ig hee s qualits o charcer to . . . at is, aopenesstoew places, ole,urs nd usts; a e inteigece, ith wico analy and rderhr eernc;irrpelecisi;ad an unusualailityfor dliith peopl

5、a ges nd coditions Te qlities, combie wih hertoughnsso chate. . .,wll enable her tdrtdan eizewithohersile neve ling toucthwh she is.”美国博士推荐信范文(二)” a ben an ssistatin mylbra durin theyea, n as po o b exeptnin severa sects. Fist, is expal intelint.e ove e veryqck stdy, lernig te elementsoexeimenal dei

6、 a the ues of mcrcmpur n re mFurtrmor, his qetosre alwytughfuandpenetaing.X thrwhimsel nto is assigne rjectswholhrtely, ad sows eveygohvga tlnt i . . . Ias ltlesrpisdbyh dgre f enhusimbeae kneta X was o rimarily ieesdin . . .he I mntoned thisth, Idiscovered thathe as wll deiedae ols h wit he prjecth

7、e wrkn o cond, tonly diie anhardwokng H orke ayxtra hours ove tummr. Ividl ecall comiginto hab te inhevenig.and indng X at wr invaiabyfinishd rojes ell dvancfou prjectedage de. Xwasalwacherul dringthis iene prd, nd wa a oythave i th lab.Tird,Xisver go t wrkigwit otr peole His exctiolly i and onierat

8、ean esite. Xis not olygood hore adfrindl, bu alsoi godat ggng herpeoplelevlf owege and attiue . ll all, thnXhs ver brit futre, and Ia sue that hewulbenefit fom . . Given his geat nllgencen senstii, Iam se hate col p . . o god se. n hort, I give myhigt ecommaon, n vey muc hoe t teommitejgs hisalication fvobly”


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