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1、Electricity is such a part of our everyday lives and so much take n for gran ted no wadays 1we rarely thi nk twicewhen we switch on the light or turn on the TV set. At night, roads are brightly lit, enabling people and 2to move freely.Neon lighti ng used in advertis ing has become part of the 3of ev

2、ery moder n city .In the home, many 4devices arepowered by electricity. 5when we turn off the bedside lamp and are 6asleep, electricity is working for us, 7ourrefrigerators, heating our water, or keeping our rooms air-conditioned. Every day, trains, buses and subways take us to and9someth ing goes w

3、rong.from work. We rarely 8to con sider why or how they runIn the summer of 1959, something 10go wrong with the power-plant that provided New York with electricity. Fora great many hours, life came almost to a 11. Trai ns refused to move and the people in them sat in the dark, 12to doanything; lifts

4、 stopped work ing, so that 13you were lucky eno ugh not to be 14.betwee n two floors, you had theunpleasant task of finding your way down 15of stairs. Famous streets like Broadway and Fifth Avenue in a(n) 16became as gloomy and unin vit ing 17the most remote back streets. People were afraid to leave

5、 their houses,18.although the policehad bee n ordered to 19in case of emerge ncy, they were just as con fused and 20as an ybody else.I.A.that B. thusC. as D. so2. A.car B. truckC. traffic D. pedestria ns3.A. appeara neeB. characterC. disti ncti onD. surface4.A. mon ey-sav ingB. time-sav ingC. en erg

6、y-sav ing D. labour-sav ing5.A.On lyB. Rarely C. Eve nD. Freque ntly6Afast B. quite C. closelyD. quickly7. A.mov ing B. start ing C. repairi ng D.driv ing8.A.9.A.trouble B. bother C. hesitate D. rememberwhenB. if C. untilD. after10A did B. would C. could D. Should11. A. pause B. term inal C. breakdo

7、w n D. sta ndstill12. A. in compete nt B. powerless C. hesita nt D. helpless13. A.although B. when C. as D. even if14. A.trapped B. placed C. positionedD. locked15. A. steps B. levels C. flights D. floors16. A. time B. in sta nt C. poi nt D. mi nute17. A. like B. than C. for D. as18A for B. and C. b

8、ut D. or19. A. sta nd aside B. sta nd dow nC. sta nd by D. sta nd in20. A. aimless B. helpless C. un focused D. un decidedWhat do you look for in a pote ntial date? Sin cerity? Good looks? Character? Con versati onal ability? Asked to1beauty is onlsuch qualities, most people put physical attractiven

9、ess near the2of the list. Of course. Intelligent people are notgreatly concerned3such super?cial qualities as good4; they know that5. ” At leastthey know that s how they6feel.This in tuiti on7looks matt er little may be ano ther example of our8real in?uen ces upon us, for there aremany research stud

10、ies9that appeara nee greatly determ ines in itial attracti on.Some researchers have matched stude nts10bli nd dates to see what qualities led to liki ng. Immediately after thedati ng, and aga in three mon ths later, the stude nts11their dates and speculated about12they felt as theythe date did. Men

11、more tha n wome n13their date s physical attractive ness was importan14.tBut,sphysical attractive ness actually predicted the wome n s attracti on15their dates more tha n men.In ano ther study, Elai ne Hatfield16752 uni versity freshme n for a dance party.For each pers on, the researchers secured a

12、variety of17and aptitude (能力)test scores, but the n actually matchedthe couples18. The couples evaluated their dates after the party. How well did the pers on ality and aptitude testspredict attracti on? Not well at all.19the researchers could see, on ly one thi ng20: how physicallyattractive the pe

13、rs on was. The more attractive a woma n, the more he liked her and wan ted to date her aga in.1. A. listB. select C. rank D. arrange2.A. topB. middle C. bottomD. front3.A. toB. at C. inD. with4.A. lookB. looksC. looki ng D. looki ngs5.A. deep B. thickC. shallow D. thin6.A. have to B. ought to C. mus

14、t D. should7.A. as B. what C. whichD that8.A. accepti ng B. admitt ingC. refus ingD. denying9.A. i ndicateB. to in dicateC. in dicat ingD. in dicated10.A. to B. on C. at D. in11.A. evaluated B. predicted C. con tactedD. com muni cated12.13.A. believed B. suspected C. con? rmedD. argued14.A. to the c

15、on traryB. in additi on C. in spite of thatD. similarly15.A. at B. inC. with D. to16.A. recruitedB. en rolledC. matched D. dated17.A. pers on alityB. appeara neeC. achieveme nts D. i ndividuality18.A. i nteractively B. ran domlyC. precisely D. systematically19.A. As long as B. So much so thatC. To the exte nt that D. So far asA. what B. how C. why D. that20. A. predicted B. mattered C. valued D. determined该 Cloze 来自 1984 年考研英语真题英译汉的一篇短 文:Electricit



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